Anyone need a good kick in the butt?! I sure do!!

BrendaS03 Posts: 92 Member
I have been a member of MFP for a couple years now but didn't seriously change my habits until last August.

I had ignored my health and avoided the scale for a very long time. Finally, on August 3rd, 2013 I decided it was time to take responsibility and I stepped on the scale... 162.... yikes!! I knew I had gained weight (previously 125-130) but I couldn't believe how far I let it go.

Everything didn't change at once, but eventually I got into a good grove of working out 4-5 times a week, making better food choices, and eating less. I wasn't perfect, and there were times I may have indulged.... :drinker: BUT I felt good about how I looked/felt. I dropped 25 pounds and started training for a half marathon! I like to say I am only half crazy! :happy:

June 1, 2014 I ran 21.1 km (13.1 m) and I have never been so amazed by what my body could do!! I truly felt my first real runner's high! Unfortunately... the next day soreness set in and I was forced to take a break from my routine. It is now July 9th and I have ran twice since the half marathon... :cry:

Sometimes I catch myself blaming the heat or the humidity when people ask how my running is going. What a cop out! I know they are factors that a runner needs to take into account, but definitely not a reason to stop running all together!

So... the point of my post.... after a wonderful run today I decided to find other people who have gone through a similar experience and are ready to get back on the wagon! People who will kick my butt (figuratively!) when I'm slacking..... is that you?? I can kick ya back if you like!! :tongue:

Interested? Add me :smile: Looking forward to some awesome workout buddies!


  • KatieMcCakes
    KatieMcCakes Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats on your success so far!! Don't waste time beating yourself up about slacking a little... I for one could use a good kick in the rear. Will friend you!
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    Wow, we sound alike. I joined in August 2011 and had great success (lost 27lbs), and like you ran my first 1/2 marathon in April 2012. Since then, I have been up and down - with the weight at least - and I notice it in my running my times are not getting any better, although I just ran my first full marathon May 2014 (not exactly the time I would have liked but after training in the freezing winter then a scorcher of a day in May it took it's toll). I have a half coming up in September and a 25k trail a week later so I need all the help I can get to push me through and not slack off!! I'd be happy to kick you if your willing to kick back - LOL!!! We can swap running stories!!