54 yr old - First Day - First Post



  • PianoRun
    PianoRun Posts: 15 Member
    I'm going to be 60 in September, and, like you, my first doctor-diet was at ten years old. I am 40-50 lbs overweight now. At one time I lost 40 lbs quite easily with WW, but I was only 45 years old and much more active. I'd rejoined and was just getting off the ground again with some success and they changed the program. Now it is so complicated to track foods, we might as well do calories (and other nutr-info) I like this one because you can easily scan foods from the barcode. I think it's a good system here because it is very adaptable. When I joined I asked for a one-pound-a-week loss, but I was uncomfortably hungry with the 1300 calories originally allotted me . Voila! I added on 200, which seems doable, and hopefully, sufficiently sustainable.

    Good luck with achieving your goals -- that is one thing I learned at WW: in a weight-loss group, everyone truly is wishing for your success, because it means they can be successful too!
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I just started back last week. It is a great tracking tool and lots of support here. Please feel free to add me as a friend. We can do it!
  • usbart
    usbart Posts: 1 Member
    When I started logging my food, I learned how many of my calories were coming from sugar! I was shocked! So I'm working on eating less sugar too. I'm going to stick with the idea that no food is off limits, but I'm going to try to be more purposeful about the sugar I do eat: planned treats instead of mindless, constant consumption. Good luck to you!
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    Congrats on taking this step towards healthy - and welcome to MFP!

    A couple of cautions:
    If you plan to eat your exercise calories, I have found that the estimates on MFP are very generous so you may only want to eat a portion (like 1/2). If you measure calorie burn with an HRM - that's a different story as they seem to be much more accurate.

    Sometimes a 1200 calorie plan is too low and you start out great but it's not sustainable. Don't be afraid to experiment with different calorie levels to find your "sweet spot".

    Most of all - good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Thank you Care..

    I agree with you. I'm going to try and change my relationship with food.
    I'm a sugar and junk food junky. Through my diet ears I have come to like some healthy foods, so I am optimistic.

    I need to lose at least 100 pounds. I don't know what weight would be best for me. I've never lost more than 40 pounds and kept it off, so I can't imagine losing 100!

    I appreciate all your responses. I think the support here will be a huge bonus!

    Hi, Kate!

    MFP will automatically give you more calories to eat when you exercise. I have my daily goal set to 1200 calories, too, and I'll usually eat back the extra calories I burn. You have to be careful, though, how you're calculating those exercise calories. MFP can give you way too much if you use its numbers. It doesn't know your exertion level. If you don't own a heart rate monitor with a chest strap, you might want to think about acquiring one; it's much more accurate.

    I'm 48, 5'3" and, like you, I'm a sugar and junk food-aholic. I am also a boredom eater. I've found that the easiest way for me to lose weight is to simply cut out the sugar and simple carbs while staying within my calorie goal. It's much easier for me to pass up a sugary treat when I'm simply not eating any at all. Sugar and carbs are a slippery slope for me; it's easier for me to just avoid it altogether. I find I don't crave them as much once I'm not eating them.

    Good luck!
  • idajo2
    idajo2 Posts: 15 Member
    Greetings from the beautiful Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I so agree with those who've mentioned *journaling* . . my weight loss journey has been somewhat different than that of many here . . it was "surgically-induced" in January 2013. Weight loss surgery is certainly not for everyone - but, for me, it was (what I felt to be) my last chance. I'll be sixty-five in a few weeks and the day of my surgery (01/15/2013) I weighed 288 pounds on a 5'1" frame . . I was a stroke waiting to happen. The majority of my weight loss has happened . . now the hard part has begun. I'm seeing - for the first time since surgery - a *fluctuation*. Losing and gaining . . gaining and losing. SCARY! The point of this rambling post, is that I'm in total agreement with those who've mentioned JOURNALING and (for me) avoiding daily dates with the bathroom scale.

    The journaling is (again, for me) absolutely necessary - when I fall off the "journaling wagon", I invariably see a weight gain! For me, at my age, I've also found it necessary to WEIGH my FOOD/PORTIONS . sounds like a "pain in the neck" (or wherever!) right!?!? Well, in my experience it IS a pain in the rear . . but it makes a HUGE positive difference when I do it . . just do it. My eyes have always been bigger than my stomach(hence the 288 pound starting weight) and estimating portions based on what LOOKS right/reasonable, doesn't work for me! Weighing my food portions keeps me honest.

    i don't know that any of my "sage advice" will be of value . . but I've found that - at times - all it takes is a "thumbs up" from those who are sharing our journey, to keep us moving forward!! Here's wishing you the very best as your walk your walk . . knowing that there are folks in our "cheering sections" makes such a positive difference!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Hi there! Congratulations on joining MFP. You can see by my ticker that I have lost 57 lbs and I'm now more or less at maintenance. I would like to "fine tune" by losing a couple more lbs.
    It took me 18 months to lose the weight and it went much more slowly at the end. But I have maintained now for over 6 months, which is amazing to me. I still log my food and exercise every day which is the secret. I weigh my food and eat well, but healthily.
    My advice would be to not register as wanting to lose 2 lbs a week. 1 or 1.5 is easier to keep going with and I always eat my exercise calories. I love food and I know that this is for the rest of my life, not a quick fix and then go back to before. You have to enjoy what you are eating and not feel deprived.
    I wish you well. I do not do Friends, but you could take part in the WOMEN 50+ thread on here. I have found it so helpful to have a place to go daily where I can talk to other similar aged women about our struggles and triumphs. I could not have done it without them.
    Be prepared for slip ups and backward steps, that is all part of the journey, but you are only a failure when you stop trying.:flowerforyou:
  • kksmom8
    kksmom8 Posts: 19 Member
    I too, am fairly new, about a month here, started my diet plan on April 24th. I am 57, female, post-menopausal. Started at 190, now down to 167.3. Yes, now I count the ounces. ;) Oh yes, I am 5' 4". I have never been rail thin but only really got heavy in the last 20 years. I hate it, gonna get it off!!

    Please add me as a friend, I probably won't post a picture because I am mindful of privacy. Maybe later. I am doing a low carb diet and am doing pretty well! I don't really count calories, and sometimes stall for a week or so at a time, scary and frustrating. I try to exercise 45 minutes, 4x per week, but just sold my house to my daughter and need to be out of here in 3 weeks. Thankfully, I can store a lot of things here, but I am packing up! Soo, exercise might take a back burner for a bit, but am strong on my eating plan.

    Would love friends and support, feel free to add me! Thanks!!
  • sflorer
    sflorer Posts: 3
    Hello! I'm a newbie as well...have about 50 pounds to melt off and I'm 5'2. I've been doing this now for 8 days and love it so far! I'm doing 1200 per day and the iPhone app is a real lifesaver! I just had a small surgery but my wake up call was the weigh in when I went to the hospital. Holy Moly! As they were putting me out, I vowed to get my self on some sort of lifestyle plan since I don't want to live the rest of my life with health issues related to my inability to control what I put into my mouth. I never thought I would be counting calories and logging in exercise, but I really believe that is the only way to be mindful, awake and present with your intentions to change. Congrats to you...feel free to add me to your ra-ra team!
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    What a great support group! Have a great day, and be healthy!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Just to reiterate what some others have already said.... if you set your calorie goal too low, and find you can't sustain it, just eat a bit more. I calculated that you need just over 2,000 calories per day to maintain your current weight. So, at 1500 calories a day, you should lose 1 lb per week. Some people are fine down at 1200 calories a day, some aren't. And as for exercise, it's not necessary to lose weight. But, it makes you feel good, and means you can eat more.

    Definitely check out the sexypants link that was posted previously. It's like the go to noob guide.

    And this link:


    If you're interested, is a thread where experienced MFP's mentor noobies. You can go through the thread and look for MFP's offering their services, and message them, if you think they might be a good fit. The last couple of pages in the thread have alot of recent additions.... people who quite likely might still be available. I'd suggest you don't just post in the thread, but actively check out the mentors offering to help, and see who sounds like your type of person, and message them. This is an awesome program, and you can get really valuable one-on-one help. If it sounds like something you might be interested in.
  • lgodwin413
    lgodwin413 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome!! I'm a newbie also. 56 years old and need to lose 50 lbs for many reasons especially health. I've been dieting...Under or overeating..for many years. Trying to take this slow but steady and a lifestyle change that is sustainable. I'm doing c25k and yoga. On daily. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to MFP Katie, great to have you join us!:flowerforyou:

    I must say, glancing briefly over the replies... I've seen some wonderful ideas shared and some lovely members that are new to me.:drinker: Welcome to each of you, MFP will change your lives!:heart:

    Looking forward to coming back to this thread to catch up and get to know more of you!:wink:

  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    I started dieting when I was 12 years old. Yes, I've been dieting for 42 years now; totally depressing!

    I read about this site in a book. When I created my account I discovered that I should be eating 1200 calories a day. No wonder I weigh twice what I should! I'm eating twice the calories and many times I've eaten multiple times that!

    Today, my first day here, I actually feel optimistic about simply counting calories for a change. Sticking to my daily 1200 calorie allotment will be my only goal for now. I'll take this one step at a time and see where it takes me. I look forward to being in the trenches with the rest of you.

    Let's do this!

    Remember it's a marathon not a sprint. I found 1200 calories hard so I backed off to losing half a pound a week, which puts me over 1400. And don't forget to exercise to buy more calories for yourself. (I have some medical conditions which make it really hard to exercise so that's why 1200 was so hard for me.) Keep working it and it will happen.

    I am 58 years old. Feel free to add me.
  • glittermini
    Hi! I just started today, too. I had a major wakeup call after seeing an nutritionist for the first time in my life today...she gave me insight and this app to follow and it's nice to log in and see that there is a whole community here. We can do it, Ludka13!
  • OregonBekah
    OregonBekah Posts: 8 Member
    Very wise words, especially for newbies on here. I have been here off and on for about 18 months and I am okay with losing slowly. When I was trying to lose a certain amount per week I ended up giving up because I wasn't losing that amount. This time around I am concentrating on getting healthy and the weight loss will be an added bonus.
    I am 67 1/2 and have had 2 mini strokes with a history of heart disease and diabetes in my family, so you can see why I need to get healthy.
    I would love some new friends and am looking forward to our adventure together.:smile:
  • floridachickinoz
    floridachickinoz Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome! I am 51 and I am also a diabetic. I have found that I was using the medication I was on as an excuse as to why I was not losing the weight. I actually stepped back and took a look at how my eating and lack of exercise was the real reason. I also love carbs. I am not a lettuce/salad girl but I do love fresh veggies and fruit. The key for me with weight loss is working out. I do a morning workout DVD and then a hour long power walk in the evening (burning typically between 700-900 per day). The two workouts per day give me a chance to keep burning more calories per day plus it keeps the body from getting flabby. My goal is to burn 3500 calories in exercise per week. Now, I did start very low with only 30 minutes per day and built up to where I am now. I also stick to eating about 1500 calories per day although MFP gives me a lot more. I also do not eat processed foods. What works for others may not work for you. You will find your own system of food/exercise balance and weight will just fall off. I would stick to 1lb per week.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    55 yr old...almost one year active user of MFP.
    Food scale, Very important !
    Eat at least 3 times a day.
    Cut processed/sodium/sugar to ? a lower level.
    Protein important. But not so much at this age and don't exercise. Or minimal. Golf/Swim.
    For me 45-50 grams of protein a day is good.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Thank you Care..

    I agree with you. I'm going to try and change my relationship with food.
    I'm a sugar and junk food junky. Through my diet ears I have come to like some healthy foods, so I am optimistic.

    I need to lose at least 100 pounds. I don't know what weight would be best for me. I've never lost more than 40 pounds and kept it off, so I can't imagine losing 100!

    I appreciate all your responses. I think the support here will be a huge bonus!


    Katie, I have 2 MFP friends who've lost 100 pounds and they are both well over 60 so this is totally doable for you! Today is the end of your life of dieting and the beginning of a new lifestyle. Surround yourself with positive friends here to build a supportive, encouraging network. Log everything you consume. Look at exercise as investing in you...you will love what it does for you! Start slow and gradually build up--it's not a race. Oh, and keep your diary open if you want the most accountability and atta-girls from your MFP friends.

    BTW I just had my 53rd bday in June. I'm 5'5" and started last October at 188. I began at 1200 calories a day and my enthusiasm carried me for 3 months but then I learned that I could eat 1350-1450 calories a day and still lose weight--just a bit slower. That was the best thing I could have done--it got me off a plateau and I wasn't so hungry.

    I'll send you a friend request....welcome to MFP!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    It's just calories in versus calories out. Knowing that you'll do just fine.