Hello - 84lbs to go!!! - Wanna join me?



  • Hey everyone. I have been counting down and it looks like today is day 107. How is everyone doing on their diet? I hope ya'll are doing better than I am. I was doing so good this whole week and then BAM i just totally messed up. Has anyone ever tried those peanut butter cups from Trader Joes? Well they are absolutley addicting and a coworker brought a container for us to work yesterday. I kept reaching in and grabbing a couple every hour or so, towards the end of the day I must have ate like 10 of them. I felt horrible. And it totally showed up on the scale. I gained back two pounds.:sad:

    On the bright side, I have worked out for an hour+ for the past four days. Today is my only off day. Tomorrow I'm walking to the high school by my house and I'm going to run/power walk around the track for an hour. We grocery shopped today and I stocked up on fruits and veggies. I also have bought the fat smash diet book and I will start the fat smash 9 day detox tomorrow. Le t me know if ya'll want the guideline.

    I was also thinking it would be better for all of us to weigh in biweekly. I think weighing in each day can be seriously depressing especially when the numbers on the scale don't go down or go back up a pound or two. (Trust me, I speak from experience) .I also think we should set specific goals to help us reach our goals better.

    Right now I weigh 217 lbs. My goal weight is 160 lbs. I have to lose 57 lbs. I have 107 days left to reach my goal weight. We all have a different amount of weight to lose in this 111 day period. I think everyone should set out to lose an attainable amount of weight every week or two. This can only be done by eating right and working out 5-7 days a week.

    For me, I made 8 mini goals aiming to lose between 5-7lbs every two weeks. Here is what it looks like:

    1st weigh-in 1/26/11: Goal weight: Between 209-211lb
    2nd WI-2/9/11-GW: 202-204LB
    3rd WI -2/23/11-GW: 195-197LB
    4th WI-3/9/11-GW: 188-190LB
    5th WI-3/23/11-GW: 181-183LB
    6th WI-4/6/11-GW: 174-176LB
    7th WI-4/20/11-GW: 167-169LB
    8th WI-5/4/11-GW: 160-162 LB

    I also will cut out all white bread, potatoes, white flour, CANDY:cry: , and all processed foods. I will also eliminate unnecessary things like cakes, brownies, pastries, and mochas. I will cut out all fast foods and fried foods.

    Hopefully doing all these things and continuing to work out 5 days a week, and using portion control, will help me reach my goals every two weeks. :smile:

    What are your thoughts? Does anyone have any better suggestions? Please let me know.

    Good luck to all of you. Now lets go and kick some but!!!
  • Graceannelizabeth
    Graceannelizabeth Posts: 14 Member

    I just started the Fat Smash diet. Know anything about it.

  • hello best of luck on your journey
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Our goals are very similar. I hope to be down 111 pounds by 11/11/11. I am down 22 pounds. I have done Phase 1 of the Fat Smash diet several times and use it often for a weight loss boost.
  • Hi,

    I just started the Fat Smash diet. Know anything about it.


    Hi Graceann! Welcome abroad. The Fat Smash diet is a 90 day program with four phases. Phase 1 is the detox phase and it lasts for 9 days. In this phase you will eat mostly fruits and veggies and clean your body of toxins without fasting. Weigh yourself in the nude or a swimming suit the morning you start this phase. Then don't weigh yourself again until the morning of day 10.

    In this phase you eat 4-5 meals with unlimited amounts of fruits and veggies. Remember to not stuff yourself, because you want to establish good eating habits. Eat until you stop feeling hungry, but stop before you feel stuffed. I hope that makes sense :wink: Here is a list of what to eat and what NOT to eat:

    Foods ALLOWED in Phase1:
    All fruits (any quantity)
    All veggies (any quantty) except no avocados and no potatoes.
    Protein: chickpeas, beans, tofu, lentils
    Brown rice-2 cups a day
    2 cups low fat /skim/soy milk
    as much water as you like
    Oatmeal-1 cup per day
    All herbs and spices
    6oz low fat yogurt (2x per day
    4 egg whites per day
    2 cups herbal tea per day

    Foods NOT ALLOWED in Phase 1:
    White rice
    Bread-all types
    Dried/preserved fruits
    Ice cream
    Soda-regular OR diet
    Coffee and all coffee drinks
    Sports drinks
    Whole eggs or yolks
    Fried foods
    Fast foods

    You also have to do at least 30mins of cardiovascular activity 5 days a week.

    Good Luck with it. Remember this phase only lasts 9 days. And let me know if you have any more questions!!
  • kworkman
    kworkman Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a little late, but I am starting the Fat Smash tomorrow (Jan. 20th). I would love to join you all!
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