Foods high in protein?!

ZBlueZ Posts: 3 Member
I am doing flexible dieting (If it fits your macros/iifym). The calculator says I need 1500 calories a day (I just started this today by the way, and I am new to this whole thing). I am also suppose to eat 96 grams of carbs a day, 60 grams of fat, 150 grams of protein, and 30-38 grams of fiber. The bad thing is, today I had about 50 extra carbs(yikes) only 48 grams of protein, and only 34 grams of fat. So carbs were 55% of my calorie intake! That is bad, but I don't know what to do. I did reach my calorie goal, but none of my goals for my macros. I need help. What foods are high protein and low in carbs? and if you could add, are also high in fat?

For more info: I am about 150 lbs and 5'7. So I just want to lose a bit of weight and get toned.


  • unknownexile
    tuna, sardines , chicken breast, protein powers, cottage cheese any fish
    also carbs have been given such a bad name but their awesome especially if your doing weight training theyre pretty much your main fuel
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    chicken breast, chicken thighs, cheese, milk, beef, pork etc