I am really confused...

Right, I have only downloaded the app and starting my dieting. My weight is 52kg , 8stones and 2.6404lbs My goal is 7 stones 3.4126lbs. I know some people would say not much but I have 156 I am very short and I dont look nice. I have belly jak 5month pregnant woman, always sticking out,cellulite, my hips are two balls hanging out and my arms are just Huge! I look ridiculous on pictures.. first you see massive arm then my tiny head :( I want to loose about 3 inches (hips, tights, arms) and make my butt more firmed. I used to be very petite, skinny girl but then I ate tons of chips/cheese and other very unhealthy foods. I smoked and drank loads.
Now I have quit smoking, and start eating healthy. For past 2 weeks I have been eating loads of vegetables and fruits. For months now I dont eat fast foods (apart 1mcdonald 2 weeks ago)
For past few days I have had porridge or greek yogurt with fresh raspberries, almonds and blueberries for a breakfast. Small lunch, salad and grilled steak, Potato &liver , chicken salad etc. I have replaced white bread with oats cakes, rye bread or Ryvita bread with seeds. Snacking on dried fruits and mixed unsalted nuts.

I run 3 miles first time on Monday and done 40min exercise on Sunday, then Tuesday 15min exercises n the morning. I took a break yesterday and today Im gonna run again 3 miles.

I am not gonna eat more than 1200 calories a day. 2 times a week jogging 3 miles( just normal speed-not fast with breaks for stretching), 2 x a week 40min exercises (full body workout) and 2 x 15min morning exercise. 1 day a week break. The exercise and break gonna be unregular days for example this week run monday tuesday next wednesday saturday, break day this week wednesday next week sunday etc. Is that wrong???

I don't want get body shape of a muscular woman! I dont like it. I dont need 6pack or anything like that. My arms are already big because I used play handball and swim a lot. I just want to slim down have a normal girl body without looking like a half man with muscles :((

Please any advises on how to achieve a great tonned and firmed body without getting muscles.
Am I eating wrong?too much?? Exercise not enough? or maybe too much??
Ps my goal is loose that in month!

So far MFP showed me that eating calories 1200 a day I will loose 1.3kg (2.866) in a month..depressing :((


  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    Since you are Soooo small .... and don't have much to lose, you will not lose another stone in a month.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    The more you weigh, the faster you are able to lose weight because you are burning more calories just sitting around (and carrying an extra 100lbs on your back while you walk/run requires more effort on your body than someone who only weights 115lbs.)

    How short are you exactly? This seems pretty small. And even at 1200 calories, your weight loss is going to be slow going.

    I'd suggest, instead of focusing on weight, you start Strong Lifts 5x5 (look it up)

    It won't make you "muscular" but it'll help you tone and define, while likely losing a little bit of weight along the way.
  • Alice_Luther
    Alice_Luther Posts: 93 Member
    Theres no great secret to it and no right and wrong. Well i tell a lie.. starvation is the wrong way. It really is as simple as eating healthy and exercising. The problem with loosing weight to fast is that you usually use methods you wouldn't normally use to reach your goal (like missing meals if you dont loose weight on a weigh in) and then when you reach your goal you will struggle to maintain it and may even put it back on. If you want the weight to come off and say off then it needs to be more of a lifestyle change.

    To me it sounds like your weight is fine but you may need to tone more to become more shapely. To not look like a man and slim down and tone i recommend lifting fairly light weights with higher repetitions.For eg if you do 10 bicep curls with a 25k weight youll build muscle.But if you use a 3k weight and do 20 curls youll slim it down.

    Carry on with running and cv exercise as its really great. Try to google some area specific exercises for areas youre not happy with so you can target them directly. Weight loss will be slower as you are smaller but it doesnt mean you cant do it :)

    Try to focus on what you look like and how healthy you are rather than the weight number. If you are tonned you will be heavier but if you are flabby and look terrible youll weight less.

    How tall are you? Your weight should be based on your height and so should your body fat. Check out BMI and Body Fat. Dont read toooo much into BMI though as it doesnt take muscle tone into consideration.

    Hope some of this can be helpful :) Sorry for rambling! Feel free to add if you need any more motivation!
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    You are posting in wrong section - you are losing, not maintaining.

    And your amount to lose seems tiny. Relax.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    MFP is quite notorious for setting calorie goals FAR too low, regardless of height and weight. For example, it told me to eat 1200, and my BMR (the bare amount of calories I need to LIVE) is 1280. And I am extremely tiny, only 5 feet. So unless you are smaller than me, or bedridden, it is almost a CERTAINTY that you are eating too little. (This can result in lean muscle loss, chronic fatigue, metabolism damage, and bingeing due to over-restriction.)

    Go to


    and enter your height/weight/activity level.

    Subtract 10-20% from the number it calculates for you, and that is the number of calories you should be eating a day in order to lose weight.

    If you want to lose inches and firm up, you need to be lifting heavy weights. (No, you will NOT get bulky, no, you will NOT look like a man. You will not get a six pack by accident. I worked and slaved my *kitten* off to get mine. So no worries there if that's not your thing.)
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    Hi, Thank you so much fr responses!!

    My height is 156cm which is 5 feet 127⁄64 inch (5.11811024)
    I am small.
    I am not much focused on weight.. its more the inches and the to firm my body.. currently I am shaking like jelly;/
    Everyone is telling me.. you look fine.. what you want etc. but I become perfectionist of hiding it and making look like I have perfect figure with clothing... but when I have undressed and showed my body in bikini on holiday.. everyone was in shock and i heared very negative comments :( like... ''f** i didnt know you have belly fat.;;. or like '' you have extra boobs on your hips'' ;/ i know they were jokes but it hurt so much :(( people were genuinely in shock! because even not having high weight i still look bad with big arms and hips..;/

    Not many people can understand actually what I am going through :( I cant buy jeans as size 8- my belly and hips stick out from jeans so badly and it hurts me as well ... size 10 fits ok but i have no bum whatsoever and been asked few times where it is :((( is just flat :(

    I cant wear dresses on stripes because of my arms , is just look giant comparing to rest of my body... I used to be petite and some parts still look small, like my wrist, ankles (my hands and legs until arm and tights are normal-quite small) I lirreally look like chicken :((( My figure is ridiculous :((
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    I ddint realised.. how can I swap the post to right section without writing twice?, is there any forum admin??
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member

    I love your honesty!
    You have a fairly common problem that is called "skinny fat". It basically means that you are almost good on the bmi but your body fat percentage hasn't changed. It happens when you loose weight but not necessarily loosing fat. So now you have to trick your body to burn fat instead of muscle. The way to do that is through strenght training- it tells the body to maintain lean mass and it makes you burn fat!!!! Do not go on the " toning" line of thinking because it's complete delusion : hight reps with moderate to light weight is recommended for bodybuilders who want to bulk. What you want is strenght and toning so you need to do low reps with heavy weights.
    This is not that hard of a task and to prove it to you, I want to introduce you to Staci from NerdFitness, I thing you will see you have lots in common and maybe you will find her story motivational.

    marathon runners aren't the best looking athletes around because they train for endurance, to get that feminine look with pretty firm curves you need to lift heavy: you will have nice firm butt, sexy legs, flat abs and toned arms.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. I was like that too, I had under eaten myself into a horrible skinny fat state.

    I bulked, then cut, then bulked, then cut again. I lost 10 per cent body fat.

    I've gone from size 12 jeans to a no muffin top whatsoever size 8-10. I'm 5'7".

    Go and check out the 'rookie looking to gain muscle' thread in gaining weight.

    I must add that you seem to have some really horrible people in your life, and they are giving you body dismorphia. Bin em.
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    Thank you girls!
    Seem like lifting weights is the way forward!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Just to confirm Previous posts. I was like you, I didn't look huge but I wobbled in all the wrong places and I got good at hiding it. When I got to goal weight I was sad because I looked Moroni like the same weight 20 years ago. I was skinny fat. So now I am lifting heavy and getting toned. I won't lie, it is a slow process, but it is working, and I am not looking like a she hulk.
    Good luck.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    You're taller than me by about 2inchs and weigh 4kg less. I would assume you're pretty skinny and that you may want to work on gaining muscle rather than losing more.

    Check out the stickied posts in the Gaining section about that. It would mean that you could eat more too.

    Regardless, I doubt its as bad as you're making it sound. We all have parts of our bodies that may not be perfect. Try focusing on what you like. For example, my stomach sticks out (even at my lowest weight of 51kg when I was pretty toned from wrestling) but I've learned to tolerate it because I can appreciate other things like my collarbones or shoulders.
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    Hi tried lift some weights.
    I tried from small ones, doing squats- lifting for my arms and doing some exercise with them. Plus a rope thing attached to machine( nt sure of name of it) for arms (hurt like mother****) but I did 4 x 12 of 10kilo and 4 x 10kilo of abdominal crunch machine, bit od treadmill and raw (10min each). I am doing 10min in the morning stretching, then 20cardio exercise. Then evening as above in gum plus 3-4 ruonds in swimming pool and sauna, jacuzzi 10min each.

    I am on diet since last week. Eating either porridge with blueberries jam(or fresh), raspberries & honey and almonds or sam mixture but with greek yogurt. Then coconut milk (only 400 calories of serving) glass in the morning, coffee with sweetener.
    or half banana and 1 egg pancake on coconut oil.
    Dinner- half a portion of normally i would eat. ( I can't afford to throw away that food i have and replace with expensive 1day cooked meals) but i reid to make fresh salads etc.
    in between meals if im hungry i am eating Ryvita bread with white low calorie cheese or yogurt or grapefruit or any other fruit.
    Dinner- salad or fruit salad.

    I have replaced sugar for sweetener for coffee or honey, Plus im adding honey to porridge-sometimes coffee.
    I drink daily water, 2-3 glasses of green tea and 1-2 coffees in work day time (never evening etc.)coconut milk.

    To be honest after - I am either no exercise enough or eat to much or wrong.. My weight gone up of kilo :( my stomach feels bigger -like i look bloated although im not. My hips gone bigger!!before I exercised and started my diet- my hips were 34 inches - now my left hip ''bulk'' is bigger and total is 35inches.. :((
    This Really put me off dieting and exercising. If i am putting on weight now.

    Any advises ? :(
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Aside from getting new friends who don't talk to you like ****? Honestly, if any of my friends ever spoke to me like that they wouldn't be friends much longer.

    It also sounds like a lot of what you're worried about is your perception of your body - I don't want do dismiss your thoughts or act like they're not important but it sounds like you have a very negative opinion of your body, and I'm concerned it is distorting your perception (not helped by your ****head friends!)

    You are doing quite a lot of exercise and eating very little - you're not fueling your body! You need to eat more than 1200 calories to start with. Your weight gain will simply be water weight - there's no way you've put 2.5lbs on in a week given what you're eating. Don't worry about the weight gain, keep working out with the weights and eat more!
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    I have uploaded some images to show you what I am trying to lose..
    My belly is rounded (check the gallery) and I have bulky hips, especially one side!! I have no clue how to lose that side?? exercise on side? how?? Plus my arms... for some reason my arms looks smaller on these pictures. I have few from like out & about when it looks bigger. but still you can see the bulk when i stay on my side.

    Please look what I wrote above as I really dont know what to do :((
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Sweetheart, my niece is 5 months pregnant right now. You do not have the belly of a 5 month pregnant woman, I assure you. You have a lovely slim body which if you stick with the weights and a good diet you will make strong and firm.

    You can't 'spot lose' weight off certain areas. So you can't target your hips specifically, or your arms, or any other certain area.

    Your arms are normal sized - it sounds like when they against your body the arm spreads out and that's what you dislike - well as long as there is skin around your arm it will! You won't avoid that, but by building muscle and reducing any fat on your arms it will reduce the appearance of that.

    It really seems to me that you have a very unhealthy and distorted view of your body, and I worry that you are going to end up with an eating disorder or make yourself ill through excessive exercise.
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95

    I do really hate myself. I can't wear swimsuit:(
    I am going for a holiday with work people and I can't stand the fact of getting int swimsuit with that bulks on my hips!
    The girls in office are slim! Very! The jog 5miles 3-4 times a week- eating healthy always etc.
    I ve seen they figure-they perfect. I am just getting really upset and I know my holiday will be ruined if I wont loose weight in a month!! :(( I need to!" I am that close to call sick or something and not go... :(
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Oh hun :( I wish there were something I could say to make you feel better about yourself. You are clearly a lovely, beautiful young woman it's so sad that you can't see that!

    The problem isn't with your body but with your mind!
  • Aniqana
    Aniqana Posts: 95
    There is problem with my body.

    I have two bulks on my hips.. i look ridiculous in swimsuit.
    That;s what I really don't like... I have to weight 100kilo to actually understand me??:((
    Its really sad. I dont like how I look like- what is wrong with it? Why people can't accept the fact that I wnat to loose weight and I am not happy with my fat! Yes it is fat- fat gained from burgers, chips and drinks!

    Idf everyone suppose to ''accept himself'' so why MFP exist??? Even if I dont weight bloody 100stones i dont desreve to lose?

    It is upsetting very:(( I wanna cry!! I wanna scream! No one..NO ONE! understand me! Skinner girls look at me like I am ridiculous because they have perfect bodies and they actually DONT understand hows to have bulky hips and how it feels when you seat down and have excess stomach on your knees, or cant fit jeans without the fat sticking out!
    Overweight girls laughing at me to...

    I am sure there is more people like me... dont we deserve to want to look good?? Do we have to accept the fat??