Under Carbs and Calories but over on the rest...

toxicbox Posts: 22
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
New to this and only on my 3rd day...but I have noticed that I eat the right things and I am under my goal when it comes to carbs and calories. But I am still hungry and I am already over on my fat, protein, sodium and sugar. What on earth am I supposed to eat??!!! Is it okay to be 5 or 6 grams over in those areas and still under on the calories??!!! Please help I am so hungry!!! Thanks!


  • testepp
    testepp Posts: 15
    What do you have your weight loss goal set at ? You might try a lower per-week goal at first as you adapt to eating differently. (:

    I think the most important thing for losing weight is your calorie count. But if you're eating a lot over (GRAMS of sodium is TOO MUCH) you should consider changing the types of food you eat !
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I changed my goals to 40% carbs and protein and 20% fat.

    Personally if I had all the carbs that mfp tells me to have I too would be starving and would have a big bloated belly. you can change the settings.

    you do this under goals. Change to custom goals and then change the ratio to what you choose not what they say.:smile:
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    I changed my goals to 40% carbs and protein and 20% fat.

    Personally if I had all the carbs that mfp tells me to have I too would be starving and would have a big bloated belly. you can change the settings.

    you do this under goals. Change to custom goals and then change the ratio to what you choose not what they say.:smile:
  • The number you should be most concerned about is total calories. Try eating more protein since it will help with satiety the most, maintain lean body mass whilst dieting and has the highest thermogenic effect of all the macros. If you want to fill your stomach more each meal, throw in a bunch of fibrous veges and dont worry about counting the calories from them. Don't stress about sodium, its not that big of a deal unless you have heart problems.

    Since you are only a few days in don't worry too much. Just be consistent each day. Weight yourself only once a week. If the weight still isn't coming off, keep the protein high and lower the fat and/or carbs a little, otherwise setup the same. Repeat.
  • Everyone has given you some great advice! I just want to say to also try to add more foods with fiber such as beans, whole grain pasta and rice, potatoes, nuts and dark leafy greens. In addition to that, apples, prunes, figs and guava kick fiber butt!
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