my son got told off today because of me!

my son came home from school and said that he had got told off for fighting ( my boy is 8 ) i asked him why he had done it ....and it was because of me,because im fat, he'd been teased that i was fat so he hit them.
I feel like i've let him down as a mother because i should be protecting him,not him protecting me,i feel so ashamed and thats why im more determind than ever to do this.


  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Well Good Luck and you know now though he loves you know matter what size you are and he will be extremely proud when you do reach your goals
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    i'd never condone fighting but daaaamn! your kid loves you! sure he was wrong for hitting them but at the same time those kids suck for goin there. what kinda parents do they have that they think its okay to say such things about other people's parents?

    respect starts in the home and those kids have no respect.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Aww sorry you had to go through that and sorry for your son too....people have negative to say regardless fat or skinny short or tall in a wheelchair or walking...keep pushing along and just remember your doing this for you which will in turn make you a better more active parent for him...he will see that so dont think you have let him down...hugs
  • AISA86
    AISA86 Posts: 4
    I can only image how much sorrow you must have felt. Let this negative spur on you on to reach your goals.
  • ninalita
    Don't be ashamed, kids are cruel. Especially when they haven't been taught to do better. Tell you son you love him and how proud you are of him, but he shouldn't fight to defend you. Tell him word don't hurt you.
    Stay motivated. You have lots to be proud of(I can tell) :-)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    :flowerforyou: im so sorry for your son. theres two sides to this, at least your son protected himself and you know he can. kids are very cruel, as im sure you know, i got suspended of the bus when i was 6 because i was protecting my older brother because he was too scared to. those kids will find anything wrong with him, and probably because they couldn't they started on you. i have red hair so thats what i always got teased about, and then they started on my dad. my mom is 60, my dad is 83 and i am 33. fighting is definitely wrong, but this is not your fault. as long as your son doesnt do it again, and im sure he wont, because of you telling him its wrong and the kids probably being scared of him, dont worry about it. as a parent, although hes 2, would probably feel the same way. again the dad thing, and we are in our 30s when we had him. im so sorry you both had to go through this situation, but again, its not your fault.
  • little_wolfie
    I got in a fight once because some kid called my mom fat. I felt so awful, not because I fought or because I got in trouble, but because my mom made me tell her what the kid said and I can just imagine how it must have hurt her feelings. I'm not sorry I beat that kid up and I never will be - I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I love my mom no matter how much she weighs. I'm sure your son feels the same way - he was defending your honor. Sounds like a great kid to me. You've done good, momma!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Wrong choice, but his heart is right on! And now you are more motivated! He is going to be so proud of you, too! This is going to be a strong bond when he realizes you love him so much!
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    Fighting is never the answer but he was protecting you! You did something right and by the looks oyour results you are still doing something right.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Your son is going to grow into a good man
  • nora62662
    First of all dont say it was because of you and your weigh. It was because the parents of that child had not brought him up right. Kids will make fun of people no matter what you look like. Let your son know that u dont care what people think that no mater what size you are you are the samewonderful person inside. And he should fill sorry for people who say bad things because they dont see the real person just the cover and so they will miss out of meeting alot of wonderful people. And that your thankful that you have a son like him that see people from the inside out. Once he learns this he wont want to hit any more hopefully. Good luck
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Your son is going to grow into a good man

    Seriously. You've done a good job and his love for you is admirable.

    (I've always been worried that my sons' friends think the same about me although they haven't told me anything like that has ever been said about me. I know how you feel, but remember to rejoice in having a boy who really loves his mom!)
  • Kayla2284
    Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
    What a great man you have there! I think maybe the school should cal the other kids parents. And look at how fast you've come! Only 29 to go! You've raised an amazing son and you are making a healthier you... I am proud.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    This is NOT your fault. your son is always going to protect you no matter what, That's because you raised him well. That lil bully boy is just that . Keep working at it and good for your boy!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I got into a fight in grade school, because it was parent day to have lunch at school. During kick ball the school bully said my mom looked like she needed another meal. I saw red and before I knew what I was doing we were on the ground and I was beating him up. Needless to say he lost his tough guy image when the kids learned a girl beat him up.
  • emma_reed123
    Bless your boy, what a remarkable son you have for standing up to the horrible bully who called you fat, whilst it is wrong, I can see the good in what he did and it would be easy to punish him but he was standing up for someone he loves and something he believes in and that isnt common in this day and age. I think he knows that hitting the other lad was wrong, but his reasons are/were perfectly justified in my opinion anyway. You are doing FANTASTIC and you will get to your goal!!x
  • natsplat_20
    natsplat_20 Posts: 12 Member
    I got in a fight once because some kid called my mom fat. I felt so awful, not because I fought or because I got in trouble, but because my mom made me tell her what the kid said and I can just imagine how it must have hurt her feelings. I'm not sorry I beat that kid up and I never will be - I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I love my mom no matter how much she weighs. I'm sure your son feels the same way - he was defending your honor. Sounds like a great kid to me. You've done good, momma!

    Same here. My Mum was always large and people would make comments ie other kids. I would only put with so much then go for them.
    Don't feel bad. Kids are horrible and probably use it because they know it winds him up. He loves you and he knows you love him and that's all that matters. You've going well losing weight so hope this helps you to keep at it xxxx