Sick of this cycle!

Hey everyone I joined MFP over a week now and I have lost 3lbs in my 1st week! Last year I lost over 8lbs on weight watchers but sadly I have piled on the weight again. I am not happy with my size currently size 14 weighing 11 stone 5lbs, I am in the overweight section and my BMI is too high!! Im appraoching 30 this year and want to be an ideal weight!

I am currently enjoying all the support from my fellow MFP & also returnign the favour!

I just wanted to say hey! Keep positive, motivated and you can all do it!!! If you want it bad enough! & I really do but its not easy xx :-)


  • bobblebee77
    bobblebee77 Posts: 17 Member
    Well Done! Good start :D Stick with it and you will get to your goal!

    I managed to lost 2 of my 3 stone goal between Feb-Oct 2010 through tracking the calories on MFP and upping the exercise to 2-3 times per week :) It really DOES work if you stay positive and dont fret about the goal, take it in small chunks and never be put off by weight fluctuations :) Record your measurements roughly once a month and after a few you will see your efforts rewarded (& I find this more exciting that the scales!! Was a massive high to see 8" gone from my waistline... well, to actually HAVE a waistline again!!!)

    I've got about a stone (14lb) to go (was actually down to only 7lb, but Christmas happened & I took time off!!), and my goal is a realistic end of May '11, but if Im focused, I hopefully will do it sooner :)

    If I can do it, anyone can.... promise you all that!! :)

    bob x

    PS: Charlea, you can see my before pics, hopefully thats proof and inspiration that it can be done :) x