Calorie deficit question



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

    I skimmed it. Didn't see anything that answered my specific questions. Besides, if you or someone else will take the time to post this link, just take the time to answer my specific question, huh?

    Actually, that link is very valuable. The information it provides is how I've lost all of my weight so far.

    It also contains the answer to your question: "Eat the appropriate caloric (and macronutrient) intake for your goals and track intake accurately. I think eating mostly nutrient dense and whole foods while still allowing some "treats" is a reasonable starting point/guideline."

    In other words, to lose weight, you need to eat at the appropriate calorie deficit. To meet your body's nutritional requirements, aim for a balanced diet, and don't be afraid to leave some room for treats. That link will also tell you exactly how to determine what your body's caloric and nutritional requirements are for your goals.

    Actually, that doesn't answer my question of whether certain foods will slow down weight loss despite still having a calorie deficit. Also it's just one person's opinion, as he admits, and I'm interested in getting multiple opinions and perhaps even personal experience hence why I posted on this FORUM.

    If this thread annoys you so much because part of the questions raised here were very summarily answered in that one post, you don't have to open it.

    You'll find the link to be one of the most suggested to read amongst the community because it contains the info you were looking for and more. The ETP group (which Sidesteel is part of) has actually been recognized and recommended by MFP themselves. It's actually stickied on the Getting Started forum as well.

    But for more info/links:

    According to OP, why would you post links instead of just taking the time to answer the question? Seriously, the not-rude thing to do would've been to paraphrase each one of the links in your own words, albeit giving the exact same advice, and then bow several times as you walk backwards out of the room.

    In all honesty, it's more for the lurkers.

    :flowerforyou: People like you are awesome. I was a lurker pretty much through my entire pregnancy. Loved the useful information and the entertainment (via gifs). Almost better than reddit.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It could be that 300 pounds isn't significant, I guess.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    The bottom line is YES eating junk food will slow down your weight loss or even cause a gain. Eating the low carb/high protein foods using portion control and drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day is the only way you'll lose any weight. Along with that you must also start an exercise regime at least 5 days a week.

    Those that say they eat cake, cookies, donuts, chocolate every day haven't seemed to have lost any significant weight - so why listen to them.

    Contact a nutritionist and ask a professional what you should and should not be eating.:smile:

    Wait, what? I don't eat low carb, and I eat dessert every day - yes, EVERY DAY - and I think I've done okay with the weight loss so far. I also don't do vigorous exercise 5+ days a week....

    But whatevs.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    If none of us are telling you what you want to hear you can visit a nutritionist. Instead of telling each individual that responds that we failed to answer your question, the polite thing to do would be to scroll past it and ignore it.




  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Haven't had time to read the thread, but just responding to the OP, try this link:

    Lots of good stuff in there!
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    Too late for my response:

    Angelica0530 has deactivated their account.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    Haven't had time to read the thread, but just responding to the OP, try this link:

    Lots of good stuff in there!

    That is the same link everyone has sent her. :laugh:
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    To bad she was a bit childish and deactivated her account
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    If none of us are telling you what you want to hear you can visit a nutritionist. Instead of telling each individual that responds that we failed to answer your question, the polite thing to do would be to scroll past it and ignore it.





    Damn succinctness! I have "quoted" your post "for" "truth", as in I agree with you. WTF, as in I find the op's rudeness appalling
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Haven't had time to read the thread, but just responding to the OP, try this link:

    Lots of good stuff in there!

    That is the same link everyone has sent her. :laugh:

  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Angelica0530 has deactivated their account.

    OP could have avoided the entire mess by saying 'thanks for the link - it's got a lot of good info but I've already read it & I'm not sure it answers my specific questions.', instead of being a snarky *kitten* right off the bat. Yeesh!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Angelica0530 has deactivated their account.

    OP could have avoided the entire mess by saying 'thanks for the link - it's got a lot of good info but I've already read it & I'm not sure it answers my specific questions.', instead of being a snarky *kitten* right off the bat. Yeesh!

    Haha yeah. I was pretty shocked as well when the conversation just kept on going like business as usual when she bit the first chick's head off. Now I feel like I have to go back and read the middle page before it all gets deleted :laugh:
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Angelica0530 has deactivated their account.

    OP could have avoided the entire mess by saying 'thanks for the link - it's got a lot of good info but I've already read it & I'm not sure it answers my specific questions.', instead of being a snarky *kitten* right off the bat. Yeesh!

    At least it was entertaining. Heavens to Betsy, some people are so touchy.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Words matter. Given your assertion that you have suffered from name-calling, I would have expected to have seen several nouns used in lieu of your name or the term OP. However, as mentioned before, the one word you could cite, ungrateful, is indeed an adjective. It is a descriptor, not a substitute for a person, place or thing.

    Also, from your profile, I see you mention you are going to follow Weight Watchers and not log on here. If this is the case, then what is the purpose of your post in the first place? If it is idle curiosity, fine. But remember (and this is really important, so you might want to read this an least twice) - you posted in a public forum. Which means we can respond however we want as long as we comply with the terms of service of MFP.

    I have seen no violation of the terms of service. I think it might well be time for you to get over yourself and move along.

    I would point out that being called ungrateful and saying my actions are ungrateful are two different things. Just like being called stupid and being told your actions are stupid. I was being called ungrateful, although the poster may have intended to characterize my actions as such instead.

    The purpose of my post is I want to know if I use up a lot of WW points on sweets will it affect my weight loss rate even if I don't use up all my allotted points. You can respond however you want, but that doesn't mean you need to be rude. I guess you can be rude, it would just be the decent thing to do to not be is all.

    Here's a thought: If you're not using MFP and don't like the answers you are getting, I'm sure someone at WW would LOVE to interact with you and answer your questions.

    ETA Good luck to you in your deactivation.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    Is this what's left of the thread??
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    If none of us are telling you what you want to hear you can visit a nutritionist. Instead of telling each individual that responds that we failed to answer your question, the polite thing to do would be to scroll past it and ignore it.





    Damn succinctness! I have "quoted" your post "for" "truth", as in I agree with you. WTF, as in I find the op's rudeness appalling

    Ohhhhh, okay. I thought that was at me :) xoxo
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Is this what's left of the thread??

    And it had so much potential.
  • mtoasty79
    mtoasty79 Posts: 18
    That it did. Hey, does anyone here use a Garmin Vivofit? I am lost with this fitness band and the Vivofit group went dead.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Darn, I was too late to tell her to look into the Twinkie Diet.