Don't Drink Your Calories

ncdougb Posts: 61 Member
Hey guys - The only way I can seem to keep to my LOW goal of 1,200 calories a day is to completely eliminate any calories from beverages. I can only drink so much water and iced tea, and I'm not a fan of diet cola. Am I missing any great solutions out there that I should know about?



  • FruityGoddess
    FruityGoddess Posts: 22 Member
    I drink something called 'Good Girl Moonshine" it is really delicous considering the weird ingredients. It is 1-2 TBS apple cider vinegar, ginger, serano chile, stevie.

  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I think the biggest thing you're missing is calories!

    I don't know your stats, but unless you're incredibly small 1200 won't cut it.

    This guy explains well:
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I like to add some Mio or Crystal Lite to my water sometimes, but the real question, is why 1200 calories?
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    1200 calories seems a little low for a guy...

    I like fresh lemon or lime juice in icy cold water... if you like it sweet, you can make lemonade with a dash of splenda or stevia.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You're a guy and according to your ticker on your profile, you have 16-18lbs to lose. How did you get at 1200??? Did you choose that yourself? And why would you?
  • Psychdoll74
    1200 for a man?? C'mon Doug!
  • kittikat1119
    kittikat1119 Posts: 96 Member
    Have you tried any different types of tea. Herbal, earl grey, etc. There are lots of different flavors of tea out there that can really change things up for you. I have one that is pomegranate that so great even without sweetener.

    You can also try spicing up your water by filling a pitcher with water and placing fruit in to let it infuse into the water overnight. Strawberries, lime, lemon, and grapes are all good for this.

    If none of those float your boat you could also make lemonade using your favourite no-cal sweetener. I like Truvia personally. Hope these help.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Why is a grown man trying to stay at 1200?
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guys - The only way I can seem to keep to my LOW goal of 1,200 calories a day is to completely eliminate any calories from beverages. I can only drink so much water and iced tea, and I'm not a fan of diet cola. Am I missing any great solutions out there that I should know about?


    A few homemade coffees with skim milk are pretty low cal. I'm a big plain water drinker but I also like soda water with fresh lemon or lime juice and herbal or fruit teas (hot or cold) - faves being peppermint and ginger (not together).

    I steer away from anything fizzy (other than soda water), even the "diet" stuff. If I want a soft drink I'll do it properly and have the regular variety. I don't trust that "diet" crap.
  • ncdougb
    ncdougb Posts: 61 Member
    Haha - Do not worry, I've checked it with my physician and it wasn't determined by ME, it was part of a formula by MFP for 1.7 lb. loss per week. I'm only 5'8, so I'm not a hulk. But thanks for the concern. :-)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Haha - Do not worry, I've checked it with my physician and it wasn't determined by ME, it was part of a formula by MFP for 1.7 lb. loss per week. I'm only 5'8, so I'm not a hulk. But thanks for the concern. :-)

    I'd ask why he put you on something that low? What are the special circumstances in this particular case? Also, why are you trying to lose that fast? According to your ticker you have less than 20 lbs left to lose. That's too aggressive a goal.

    I'm older than you, shorter than you, and female, and I never had to eat as low as that to lose.

    So - what are the special circumstances you're leaving out?
  • Psychdoll74
    Haha - Do not worry, I've checked it with my physician and it wasn't determined by ME, it was part of a formula by MFP for 1.7 lb. loss per week. I'm only 5'8, so I'm not a hulk. But thanks for the concern. :-)

    Okie dokie.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Minimum calorie intake for a man as stated by the ACSM is 1800 calories per day. 1200 is ridiculously low. Gonna lose a lot of muscle that way. I'm 5'7, and lose quite easily at 2500-3000 calories.

    Also, general doctors are horrible sources for nutritional advice, as they don't have any education in nutrition (that's why registered dietitians exist.)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Haha - Do not worry, I've checked it with my physician and it wasn't determined by ME, it was part of a formula by MFP for 1.7 lb. loss per week. I'm only 5'8, so I'm not a hulk. But thanks for the concern. :-)

    I'd get a second opinion from a registered dietitian. Doctors aren't that well versed when it comes to diet, although I think they should have been concerned with the fact you'll be losing a lot of muscle mass going that aggressive.

    Is there a reason for the rush?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Haha - Do not worry, I've checked it with my physician and it wasn't determined by ME, it was part of a formula by MFP for 1.7 lb. loss per week. I'm only 5'8, so I'm not a hulk. But thanks for the concern. :-)

    1.7 lb per week is still too aggressive for the amount of weight you have to lose. 0.5- 1 lb per week is more realistic, especially if your goal is to retain muscle, burn fat, and end up with a defined physique.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I think your calories are a bit low too. I have mine set at 1400 and I'm older, female and just starting to become active. I think you should redo your BMR and TDEE.
  • phrazzledmom123
    phrazzledmom123 Posts: 7 Member
    If your trying to keep your calories low, and want refreshing drinks, fruit infused water is the way to go. With summer here, fresh fruits are plentiful. I add cucumber and lemon slices to my water, stick it in the fridge in a bottle for a few hours, and then drink. Lemon is such a great detoxifier for our body. This website also has tons of recipes, but making up your own combination is fun too. Enjoy!
  • ketoambahh
    ketoambahh Posts: 67
    Put stevia drops in your water or tea! They're a little pricey but they come in a few different flavors and last forever if you use them right. Plus they're not only good for drinks, they're good for cooking as well!
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Doug. You need to eat more.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I think the biggest thing you're missing is calories!

    I don't know your stats, but unless you're incredibly small 1200 won't cut it.

    This guy explains well:

    I'm a 5'2" woman, and I eat more than 1,200 calories. Set your goal to .5 lb. per week, and be patient.

    That Sexypants link should be required reading for all MFPers.

    Edited to add that sliced cucumbers turn plain H2O into fancy schmancy spa water.