What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Yesterday I ran, and it felt great. So I ran faster, and it felt great. So I put it on an incline, then did treadmill lunges. And it felt great. I put the flexibility machine on it's highest setting. That made me feel good. I took a shower at the gym. When did I start being someone that showers at the gym? I put on a little back dress and let my hair down. Is that really me, looking glamorous coming out of the health club? Got a healthy drive-thru lunch. I didn't get fries? I'm still amazed, and I thank God, because, wow. For all of these to happen in one day - I knew it had to be God!

    This gives me hope that I will one day reach this point as well. :) I'm still working on getting to a gym. I just exercise at home still.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Yesterday I ran, and it felt great. So I ran faster, and it felt great. So I put it on an incline, then did treadmill lunges. And it felt great. I put the flexibility machine on it's highest setting. That made me feel good. I took a shower at the gym. When did I start being someone that showers at the gym? I put on a little back dress and let my hair down. Is that really me, looking glamorous coming out of the health club? Got a healthy drive-thru lunch. I didn't get fries? I'm still amazed, and I thank God, because, wow. For all of these to happen in one day - I knew it had to be God!

    I love this post. You've put all the reasons it's worth it to put the time and effort into being healthy down in one paragraph. Plus you show gratitude for your strength. <3 Way to go!

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • Nessie112
    Nessie112 Posts: 39 Member
    Saw my friend's grandmother after not seeing her for a few months, she "almost didn't recognize [me] because I lost so much weight"! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I saw a former co-worker who i hadn't seen in about a year and the first thing he said was "Wow you really look good! How much weight have you lost?" Also bought my first ever "skinny" cut pair of pants today, size 16
  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    I took my car for oil change the other day. When the shop manager asked me if I was going to wait there, I replied: "No thank you. I'll just run home, it's only a mile a way... And then I'll run back to pick it up, once you guys are done with it." He totally gave me that "you are such a badass" look /flex/

    That is SO COOL!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    <~this LBD.
    Zipped up today.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Most recent? My watch keeps twisting around on my wrist. I'm gonna have to have a few links removed (it's one of those stretchy expansion bands).
  • snowmoon13
    snowmoon13 Posts: 165 Member
    as of last week I am now in the lean category for BMI and BF and got an above average on the cardio fit test......
  • hellosay
    hellosay Posts: 76 Member
    I realized I need to make new holes in my belt soon.
    Earlier, I didn't even bother with a belt, my pants were "snug".
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    I’ve been less than thrilled with the fact that I put on a few lbs last week, grumble grumble. It’s so very easy to put weight on (pizza, cheeseburgers, fries, snacks, candy, oh we’re on vacation, CADBURY MINI-EGGS out of season!…) and freaking blood, sweat & tears to take it off!

    Today I put on a blouse with short/elasticized sleeves and when I checked my arms, there were no marks like there were the first time I tried to wear this shirt.
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I've been on vacation for the past 10 days, so just had to spend some time catching up on all these awesome NSV's. Just love them all! I did overindulge on my 4 day cruise and a good portion of the rest of my 10 days off, however, I would say that I still have 2 NSV's from it (definitely NO scale victories!)... One is that I took the stairs every where we went on the cruise ship, knowing that I would be over indulging. God only knows what that number on the scale would have looked like if I hadn't. The second is that I have jumped right back into working out and going back to my healthy eating, calorie counting ways and I'm confident that I'll have this weight that I gained during my "break" off in no time, along with the other 40 I want to lose by next May. And really I have 3 because my MIL, who hadn't seen me since our vacation to see her last year, just couldn't stop commenting on my weight loss. I had lost 30 of my 70 pounds before I saw her last year but this last 40 really made a difference. Felt great getting to hear that every day!
  • Magoo065
    Magoo065 Posts: 11 Member
    I went swimsuit shopping today (because my old one is too big) and did not cringe when I looked at myself in the mirror. My lunch stayed down, too. :-D
  • MaggieTor3
    MaggieTor3 Posts: 50 Member
    My bras no longer leave a red line under my bosom :) It's a small NSV, but it feels good, so I'm sharing.

    But ohmigosh, when I see all of your NSVs, big, serious, major NSVs - it makes me so happy to see other people triumphing and sharing so others can rejoice!

    Thanks to you all for passing on the good news!
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