Food before Gym

I workout at the gym for 1hr 15min beginning at 5am. When I am get back home, I am ravenously hungry. I am diabetic and it will help if someone can advice what I should eat before the workout so that the hunger pangs can be reduced. I used to eat a banana earlier and this used to help, Have stopped this to reduce the carb intake.


  • quarkenstein
    quarkenstein Posts: 60 Member
    I go to boxing 3x a week in the morning (about to start getting ready for it now). You should eat if you're getting pangs. A banana is a good choice - I usually have that or a protein shake/smoothie before the gym - scoop of protein, some almond milk, berries, flaxseed, and chia seed. Sometimes a piece of toast with some avocado on it. Unless you've got a good reason to worry about carbs, I wouldn't be concerned about it pre-gym - you need energy in your system. Our gym advises us all to eat before working out because the hour is tough!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    That depends entirely on the type of diabetes you have and what kind of medications you are on.

    I'm T2D, on Metformin only, so I'll answer your question from that point of view. I'm afraid that if you are on insulin or meds that may cause a hypo, my answer will not apply.

    That being said, there are several different ways to deal with post gym hunger while restricting carbs. I'll have cheese, peanut butter, egg salad, etc. Nuts are also a good choice, but you may have to work out a serving size beforehand if you tend to over indulge on them.

    How many grams of carbs do you allow yourself for snacks/bkfst?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I go to boxing 3x a week in the morning (about to start getting ready for it now). You should eat if you're getting pangs. A banana is a good choice - I usually have that or a protein shake/smoothie before the gym - scoop of protein, some almond milk, berries, flaxseed, and chia seed. Sometimes a piece of toast with some avocado on it. Unless you've got a good reason to worry about carbs, I wouldn't be concerned about it pre-gym - you need energy in your system. Our gym advises us all to eat before working out because the hour is tough!

    OP does have a good reason to limit carbs...Diabetic.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I find it depends on the workout I'm about to do. Weights, I have my breakfast before gym as I don't mind having a full stomach
    Cardio either fastet or something very small. You ccould try some yoghurt or quark, maybe with some nuts (very few) Or some other fruit that is not as high in carbs as a banana but without too much acid cause that could upset your stomach (ie I wouldnt eat an apple before running)
  • anewmemeant2be
    anewmemeant2be Posts: 9 Member
    Peanut butter or cheese is typically recommended for a long lasting energy snack for diabetics. Carbs, even fresh fruit will provide a much shorter burst of energy and won't satisfy you as much as peanut butter or cheese will. You could try almond butter as well. Avoid bread or crackers and instead eat them alone or with a stalk of celery or apple slice.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    protein or fiber rich foods help me. I have a packet of oatmeal with fruit or a couple of eggs with a whole wheat tortilla shell. I find that I have to eat before and after my workouts so I split it up or when working out my stomach gets to rumbling too bad. After my workouts I make myself a fruit, flax and soy milk smoothie or I have peanut butter jif to go with a whole wheat bread or with a ww tortialla. Depends on how I feel for the day. I think preplanning helps to keep it simple and smart.

    Edit: if you are limiting the carbs (sugars) then skip the breads or tortillas and just have a couple eggs with salsa
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I just ate 2 chicken sausages, greek yogurt (with pistachios/honey), and coffee with coconut oil. I'm using weights today.

    On cardio days, no coffee (makes me jittery). I eat a little lighter and have an egg (maybe 2) instead of the chicken.

    I'm not diabetic, but I know for me, I need to eat protein in the morning. Meat, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese (not sure how dairy would effect blood sugar), maybe even almonds/walnuts would work.
  • dairyfudge
    You don't really want to be reducing your carb intake when you are about to exercise. Your body will burn it in a good gym session whatever happens. I would keep the banana if I were you. In terms of the specific issue of your blood sugar, you need to keep this under tabs if you are diabetic. I have a friend who takes a blood reading immediately after her workout and takes Rowntrees Fruit Pastels in her bag so she can top up the blood sugar if it is low (and sometimes it is shockingly low after a hard session!).

    It is absolutely normal to be feeling hungry after your workout, but your body will be looking for the most efficient food (i.e. lots of sugar and lots of fat) if you are very low on blood sugar which is what leads people to over eat on the wrong things. I suspect that you will be feeling it more than most due to your medical condition. My non-medical suggestion is monitor your bloods closely and try not to over-eat (i.e. eat sensibly) and see how you get on experimenting with monitoring and eating different foods. If you are needing specialist advice, you probably need to speak to a GP / dietician about what you should be eating before and after. Good luck!