

  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    >> NOPE <<
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    You can get the same results just drinking some good strong coffee.

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Here is my personal experience with caffeine as a workout supplement. I recognize this is anecdote and I don't claim my personal experience applies to everyone but thought I'd share. This little experiment was unintentional, I just happened to have an energy drink mid afternoon followed by a workout shortly there after.

    When I workout I like to push for progression, max myself out during a workout to the point where I can't push myself further. That point typically comes where I reach my maximum heartrate. Caffeine elevates my heartrate and that effect seems compounded further by exercise. So what happened to me? Well I found that I hit that wall much EARLIER when I had caffeine because, of course, my heart was pounding out of my chest much faster than had I not had the caffeine. So for me it seemed very counterproductive...I was able to workout for less duration with less intensity because of it...not more.

    I get that some people swear by it so it must do something for them but I do not really comprehend how elevating your heartrate prior to exercise is going to help you exercise when exercise itself elevates your heartrate and when you hit a max heartrate you are going to not be able to sustain for long.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member

  • nikkibee2100
    Ive used it before and I actually really like it. I don't like taking a ton of pre workouts and i like the fact that it has yohimbie. I love it and have actually noticed a difference in my body. Ive lost 5% of my body fat in 2 and a half months. I would highly recommend it especially the added energy because I really do notice a difference in my workouts especially my dreaded cardio.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I think with a lot of these things if the user believe it works, than it works. It's a mental battle really. Just remember, supplements like that are meant to "assist" with weight loss and overall fitness... not a magic fix. You can't expect to just pop a pill and be thin and fit. Like with any over the counter weight loss aid just make sure you read the label, the pro's, the con's, etc. Make sure it doesn't interfere with any prescriptions you may be on and make sure you watch for any side effects. I had taken various supplements off and on and found that most of them do nothing. I tend to stick to things like iron, zinc, etc. because my body lacks in certain nutrients.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    I've tried some of there stuff.....IMHO, since they got bought out//soldout/transiitioned from the "MuscleTech" name - they are trying to be the new Slim Fast.....lol. I dont say that in a bad way, but check there site, they got all sorts of testimonials there.....and now hell, they even have "Protein Shakes" - "sprinkles" (reminds me of Sensa really.....lol. now granted, I dont remember what "sensa" had as far as ingredients.....but yea. The whole fact that they sprinkle on the food, just makes me associate it with Sensa lol) - they even have a new frothy drink mix you put into your morning cup of coffee that appears to be green coffee bean.

    Like I said, I've tried some of there stuff, never tried the stuff with ephedra....lol. But I tried the new version, and it's definitely an upper....when i took it I was bouncing off the walls and got **** done (lol taken before work - not a desk job thank god lol).....was good times.

    But yes, like all things, its not gonna make miracles happen, you still gotta eat right, and watch your cals......I use it on occassion as a "supplement" - 1 bottle maybe every 6 months......definitely not long term
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    The gal I worked for in college took it for a while. It made her completely nuts, she literally went around and apologized personally to all of the staff after she stopped taking it because she was so awful. ....and she was still fat.