30 day shred - just started!

tulipzz Posts: 14 Member
Hi all,
Ive just done my day1 of 30day shred. I could do just about 60% of what the easy assistant was going :(

and ZERO pushups !

Things will hopefully start to get better soon.

I will put up my starting pictures shortly.

I really really really want to do this!!



  • Nisa343
    Nisa343 Posts: 1
    Hi Tulipz.

    Is this Jillian Michael's 30 day shred?! If so, I just bought the DVD and will also be starting today.

    It was recommended by a work colleague who couldn't manage all the exercises at first but slowly felt herself become fitter and managed to complete them everyday! Seeing results from somebody is motivating and will hopefully keep me going.

    I look forward to starting this and seeing how much I can manage hehe!

    Nisa x
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Yes it gets better. It will never get easier if you are doing it right and pushing yourself each time. Just remember that. But as you become more fit, you will feel it and see it. The main thing to remember is DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You got this now keep going!! Best of luck to all of you!
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I did not have good luck with it, not good for folks with bad backs and knees!
  • becredfern
    becredfern Posts: 8 Member
    I've just started it! Add me if you want :)
  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    My first few days through it, I could hardly walk. Now, I'm in level 3, and it's still hard, but I'm doing it! The impossible soreness *does* go away. The important thing is not to give up!
  • JessLosesIt50
    JessLosesIt50 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,
    Ive just done my day1 of 30day shred. I could do just about 60% of what the easy assistant was going :(

    and ZERO pushups !

    Things will hopefully start to get better soon.

    I will put up my starting pictures shortly.

    I really really really want to do this!!


    I'm on Day 3 Today! Please feel free to add me, and good luck -- you're DEFINITELY not alone!! :)
  • gringuitica
    gringuitica Posts: 168 Member
    Yes! When I finished my first day, I could barely walk down the stairs my legs were so wobbly. I thought I was going to die from lactic acid buildup those first few days, but it got better and I got fitter. Loved the Shred. It's been almost a year; I think I need to do another round soon. Have fun!
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I did not have good luck with it, not good for folks with bad backs and knees!

    I've heard this as well, so I'm probably going to do a modified version. A 30 Day Gentle Tearing, to prep for the Shredding.
  • formerfatboy1
    formerfatboy1 Posts: 76 Member
    30 day shred? Is it a workout program like insanity? If so It's just like H.I.I.T. depending on your body fat percentage it will not get you shredded in 30 days FYI. But Keep pushing cause o have no idea Where your body fat percentage is at now and have no clue on your nutrition plan consumption throughout the day. Consistency is key. Remember that and you will get your shred on!
  • DakOdin
    DakOdin Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here and I just started too! Today was level 1 day 4 for me... still sore but pushing through it. I can complete all exercises EXCEPT push ups. I'm not sure if it's my form or what but they are very difficult for me. Hoping to be able to do at least one by the end of 30 days! Good luck... add me if you'd like!
  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    I have just started that myself as well. I did day 1 a couple days ago and I've been so sore that I had to take 2 days rest. I'm going to go for day 2 tomorrow and push myself through it.
  • hmontigney
    hmontigney Posts: 56 Member
    I am on Level 2, Day 3. I love the 30 Day Shred so far. After the very first day, my legs were SORE. I don't even think sore describes it. I couldn't even bend to sit down but I pushed through it and kept at it and I'm seeing the results. I am stronger than I was on Day 1 and I FINALLY am able to do a real push up instead of the modified version. Don't give up and push yourself through the workouts and I promise you'll love the results!

  • I started a couple weeks back... got through 4 days. The first three days I was so very sore in my arms and legs I could hardly move and had to force myself to do day 4. Then I went out of town for a week and I fell off the wagon.

    I restarted it this week, but I have decided to switch to doing it every other day instead of daily because for whatever reason (jumping jacks? butt kicks? jump roping?) my knees are hurting a lot. On the off days I've been doing lower intensity cardio (elliptical) to reduce the impact on my knees, but still keep active.

    I am really hoping to see some results from this. I've been working out hard for nearly four months and tracking my food intake for over a month and I've only lost 5-7 pounds. I have lost 10" total in the various areas of my body, most notably 4 inches from my waist and 3 inches from my hips, but that darn scale just won't budge and it's very discouraging. :(
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm on day 5 of level 2 and I remember when I started it I had to take about 4 or 5, 5 second breaks and then it got to be fewer and fewer and by day 6 on level one I wasn't taking any breaks. Now on level 2, I took fewer 5 second breaks than I did the night before (I only took 2), but I pushed myself way harder than the other nights. I'm super sore today but it was worth it. I'm seeing great results just from my clothes fitting different. I take measurements after I am done on each level and after level one I lost 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches (depending on the body part). Take your measurments and look at those more than the scale!!
  • fancyface1955
    fancyface1955 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi I started on the 1st so i'm just starting on level 2. my legs were a little sore in the beginning from the lunges. I'm just coming off 4 months of Insanity and oddly enough they don't really do a lot of lunges- just a lot of squats. It's a nice change of pace and I enjoy it. keep going strong and do the modified version as long as you need. you've taken the step to be active so you will get there- even the push-ups. :-) Good Luck.
  • humbleme
    humbleme Posts: 3
    I completed Day 1 of Level 2 today. It took me a long time to psyche myself out into starting it but once I started it was awesome. I was able to do the moves which are a little more challenging. I have the worse time with jumping jacks and jump rope. I have a hard time jumping. I jump as much as I can ,but sometimes I just keep moving while they are jumping. I do feel better and notice small changes. Best wishes.
  • tulipzz
    tulipzz Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences!

    Just completed day2 .... My body feels very sore. My legs - I can't even move.

    No luck with push ups yet - not even modified ones :(

    I realized today that my back is very arched. When I lie down on my back, there is a gap between where my butt touches the ground and where my shoulders touch. There is a big gap, so it makes me uncomfortable to lie on my back even for 2 mins! Needless to say, all of the abs exercises are pure torture. Even though I really pushed myself through them, my back doesn't hurt after I finished the exercises. Strange!
  • jlf0x
    jlf0x Posts: 2 Member
    i just started this today, good god it got my heart racing which i guess is great! i managed to do most of it apart from the push ups too :| (and my 2 year old seemed to enjoy joining in on the jumping jacks lol!)
  • tulipzz
    tulipzz Posts: 14 Member
    It's day 3 today....I managed to finsh it !

    I almost gave up after 8 mins....my thighs were killing me, other parts of my body are not this bad - just a tiny bit sore that's it. But my thighs! It's awful when I go down the stairs :(

    I just kept going and finished the whole thing. I'm not going to give up now! I'm VERY bad at sticking to something till the end. I don't remember a single thing that I started and stuck to it till the end. I still wonder how I even have a univ degree!

    Great thing about today's workout is, I was able do a few modified push ups. I'm not sure if my posture is right though. I'll ask my husband to check tomorrow...

    Thank you all once again for the encouragement.
  • Sharu17
    Sharu17 Posts: 1
    Hello, all! :happy: I'm new to the Fitness Pal. I hope this app helps me to achieve my goal. And, I also started the 30DS and today is my 2nd day. It feels soooo good after the session. I definitely feel more active and energetic. Yay!!

    Good luck to all! :smile: Have a wonderful day! :flowerforyou: