Water? Really?

So I went to the Dr yesterday and asked why I was so stalled? She asked how much water I was drinking. I dont drink water. Hate it, but I do get liquids of about 24 oz a day. She says if I drink at least 8 glasses of WATER a day, the weight will fall off. Is this true? I know I am always dehydrated, but 8 glasses? Wow.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    water is important there is no arguing that. exactly how much you need to stay healthy depends on how big you are, and who your asking. but for weight loss, it wont halt you all that much if you dont drink enough

    it doesnt necessarily have to be pure water your drinking either, there is water in everything that you would be drinking, even cola or beer
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    yup, its true. I drink 90-120oz a day
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    So I went to the Dr yesterday and asked why I was so stalled? She asked how much water I was drinking. I dont drink water. Hate it, but I do get liquids of about 24 oz a day. She says if I drink at least 8 glasses of WATER a day, the weight will fall off. Is this true? I know I am always dehydrated, but 8 glasses? Wow.

    if your always dehydrated then upping the amount you drink will definitely benefit you. I can't say it will make the weight fall off, but you being well hydrated should make you feel better in general.

    That being said, have you considered things like:
    - Crystal Light
    - Mio
    - Tea (there are tons of flavors, I have a Vanilla Caramel Black tea in my pantry...yummy)
    - adding fruit to your water ( you can even take frozen fruits and use them as ice cubes...as they melt the water should start to taste like the fruit)

    Honestly, I drink at least 4 liters of water a day (typically flavored with crystal light) and other things on top of that. I discovered that before I started drink so much water, I was often thinking I was hungry when I really was just thirsty. So I guess in that sense drinking more water really did help me lose weight (although it wasn't the only thing, but it did play a role).
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    This will put the issue in perspective for you:

  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    It's actually very likely that upping your water intake over time will help the weight come off for two reasons:

    1. When your body is no longer dehydrated, it'll take notice and stop retaining all the water it can get.
    2. Staying hydrated helps ward off cravings and helps you feel fuller on less calories. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so if you drink enought water, you may notice less "hunger".

    I drink more than a gallon a day. Your 24 oz intake is dangerous.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    To put it in perspective... I try to average 12 cups of water a day. 96 oz.

    Water is super important to not only weight loss, but to overall body health. It helps your muscles recover from exercise. It helps your organs run properly.

    I disagree with the poster who said "it doesnt necessarily have to be pure water your drinking either, there is water in everything that you would be drinking, even cola or beer" ....... beer isn't going to help in any way that water does. Beer dehydrates... water hydrates.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    The best guideline I can give for just starting out drinking more water is start with 1/3-1/2 you body weight in ounces of water just to get comfortable increasing your water intake. At first your scale weight may bother you but after about a week it evens out.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    This will put the issue in perspective for you:


    <3 ^this
  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    Just converted 24 fluid oz - that's 710ml... did you type that right? Less than 3/4 of a litre per day? That's very low - no wonder you're dehydrated!

    Personally I've always been a pure water drinker, but it doesn't necessarily need to be pure water if you don't like it - try tea, sparkling water, flavoured water, or even 0cal soft drinks, but you should be getting at least a few litres a day (so at least 70 oz per day)

    Try building it up slowly if it seems too much at first. I use the mfp water counter to make sure I'm getting enough (although I track a 400-500ml glass as a 'cup' as I don't use the cup system). I drink at least 3.2 litres per day (108 oz). Try keeping a glass/bottle of water near you generally throughout the day and keep sipping, or down a glass/bottle every few hours if that's easier. You'll probably feel fuller and generally more lively.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    I found that increasing my water intake increased my energy levels by an enormous amount. Granted, I was dehydrated as well, drinking mostly diet sodas and other caffeinated beverages. Drinking water made a pretty noticeable difference, especially with my workouts.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    So I went to the Dr yesterday and asked why I was so stalled? She asked how much water I was drinking. I dont drink water. Hate it, but I do get liquids of about 24 oz a day. She says if I drink at least 8 glasses of WATER a day, the weight will fall off. Is this true? I know I am always dehydrated, but 8 glasses? Wow.

    LoL no your doctor is wrong man.... what a silly question. You went to a professional and they told you what to do, you don't like the answer so now your asking people on the internet? Hilarious!
  • jmansmfp
    jmansmfp Posts: 2
    what are you drinking instead of water? Coke? Mountain Dew?

    If so, you have no idea how many calories you're just drinking away. Also, how can you hate water?
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    I know I am always dehydrated, but 8 glasses? Wow.

    lol. at least you know.

    24oz a day is so little. damn.

    on gym days i'm at least a gallon/day.

    try to get in the habit of taking a water bottle with you everywhere. i dont leave the house without mine and i find that i am constantly drinking from it without even thinking about it.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I really don't understand how people can "hate" water. What exactly do you mean? Maybe if you add some fresh squeezed lemon it will help?
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    So I went to the Dr yesterday and asked why I was so stalled? She asked how much water I was drinking. I dont drink water. Hate it, but I do get liquids of about 24 oz a day. She says if I drink at least 8 glasses of WATER a day, the weight will fall off. Is this true? I know I am always dehydrated, but 8 glasses? Wow.
    8 glasses is nothing. I drink around a gallon a day and don't even notice. Not sure how much it has to do with weight loss but water intake is important to overall health.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    This will put the issue in perspective for you:


    just a snip...
    “Water’s involved in every type of cellular process in your body, and when you’re dehydrated, they all run less efficiently -- and that includes your metabolism. Think of it like your car: if you have enough oil and gas, it will run more efficiently. It’s the same with your body.”

    “Your metabolism is basically a series of chemical reactions that take place in your body,” says Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, managing director of Baptist Sports Medicine in Nashville. “Staying hydrated keeps those chemical reactions moving smoothly.” Being even 1% dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism.

    staying hydrated is kind of important. I'm not going to tell you that the weight is just going to fall right off because in my experience, weight loss is a pretty damned slow process...but being hydrated is going to help ensure that the machine that is your body is running properly and efficiently.

    I would also add that 8, 8oz glasses of water really isn't a big deal...certainly now worthy of a WOW or anything like that...it's water. I can have 64 oz of water before noon on most days.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Your doctor is an idiot, and that WebMD article is stupid.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    so you hate water .. don't drink plain water then. There's no real need for your hydration to be in the form of plain water.