I used to be fat

marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
I love that show, but how the heck do they make them lose so much weight so quickly.


  • kalebsmama07
  • CosmicDebris83
    I love that show too!! I mean if I had an ex-marine or navy seal training me that hard everyday, it's possible!
  • cmgriffis
    Well, I've only seen one episode, but what they do is get a personal trainer and they work out ALL the time! They work everyday, eat right, and REALLY push themselves to go hard and lose the weight. It's pretty much all about motivation and keeping up the intense workout day after day. Along with eating right of course.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I only caught a one part of an episode and didn't get to see the end result. But I would love to know too!
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    It's definitely not normal to lose that much weight in such a short period of time. they are probably constantly being monitored by doctors, making sure there bodies are able to go through such a drastic change. also, they are doing it during summer vacation, when they have almost no responsibilities, so they are pretty much able to to devote the whole time to eat watching what they eat and exercising hours a day.

    I think the show is pretty unrealistic when it comes to having to lose weight in the real world. I just hope they are all able to maintain the weight loss, and also figure out realistic eating and exercising habits.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I love that show too!! I mean if I had an ex-marine or navy seal training me that hard everyday, it's possible!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I think the show is pretty unrealistic when it comes to having to lose weight in the real world. I just hope they are all able to maintain the weight loss, and also figure out realistic eating and exercising habits.

    I"ve only watched one episode from beginning to end...I want to see a follow up episode at the end of the first semester of school. The girl I saw was a straight A student who was home schooled. I think going away to college is going to be a challenging experience in and of itself. I hope she is able to continue working out and stay away from the junk food but we all know how easy it is to fall back in to bad habits.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    It's definitely not normal to lose that much weight in such a short period of time. they are probably constantly being monitored by doctors, making sure there bodies are able to go through such a drastic change. also, they are doing it during summer vacation, when they have almost no responsibilities, so they are pretty much able to to devote the whole time to eat watching what they eat and exercising hours a day.

    I think the show is pretty unrealistic when it comes to having to lose weight in the real world. I just hope they are all able to maintain the weight loss, and also figure out realistic eating and exercising habits.

    You are right I would like to see them return in a few months and see hoe they do,
    I think is funny how they want to lose weigth but whine at first, I guess I would whine too if they called me fat.lol
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    I think the show is pretty unrealistic when it comes to having to lose weight in the real world. I just hope they are all able to maintain the weight loss, and also figure out realistic eating and exercising habits.

    I"ve only watched one episode from beginning to end...I want to see a follow up episode at the end of the first semester of school. The girl I saw was a straight A student who was home schooled. I think going away to college is going to be a challenging experience in and of itself. I hope she is able to continue working out and stay away from the junk food but we all know how easy it is to fall back in to bad habits.

    I saw that one, too. I don't know how that trainer could deal with that girl at first. She was such a whiny cry baby! I'm pretty soft hearted, but I myself was thinking how bad I would want to smack her or walk out with her whiny tantrums. And I was about to puke when she was huddled on the floor of the gym bathroom...ewwwwww. I'm such a germ-phobe..ha. She really did make a transformation. Hope she can keep up the work-outs. I couldn't tell if she really ever transformed her attitude towards working out. If not, I'm not sure how she'll do keeping the weight off.
  • randibiernot
    I want a show called I used to be thin...and I want to be thin again.