Any Success Stories for Women about 300 Pounds??



  • RedheadQuine
    RedheadQuine Posts: 111 Member
    I started at 270. I know how daunting it seems at the beginning, like you can't imagine ever having the 'after' pictures. That's how I felt anyway. But I just took it one day at a time, and nearly a year later I'm here, 62lb down, still got a long way to go but here's a post I shared just now:
    This year has seen me completely change my life. I started it weighing 270lbs or thereabouts, miserable, and in pain all the time from fibromyalgia. I'm ending it down at 207/208lbs feeling amazing, exercising regularly (and loving it!) and eating completely differently too. My fibro is gone! Thank the Lord, it was so hard for so many years!

    I'm still midway through my journey... I still have a long way to go, and I'm still "obese". But I hope this serves as inspiration for some of you. You CAN do it! Just make small sustainable changes - they add up to big things.

    THANK YOU to all of you for being here, without this community I don't think I would've necessarily accomplished what I have this year.




  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    i would like to lose 100 pounds, but am dealing with a serious plateau

    i am quitting wheat, and deep fried foods like potato chips

    hopefully it will work
  • bg192905
    bg192905 Posts: 68 Member
    305 down from 319, my heaviest. I am excited to get out of the 3s!!
  • KariBear7
    KariBear7 Posts: 26 Member
    Look up my friend ButterflyAngela97 She has lost 100 lbs and she started at well over 300 lbs :) She is a personal friend of mine, and we used to also be coworkers, so when I found her on here an saw what she had done I was amazed, as I have 100+ lbs to lose myself (I weigh 255 right now). Feel free to add me if you like. Angie is an amazing person! :)
  • KariBear7
    KariBear7 Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats! Such an encouragment! :flowerforyou:
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I'm only 5'3". But I started at a whopping 343 pounds. I'm currently 231. It took me a year and a half, so far.

    Still dealing with a LOT of emotional changes and upheaval. I think I'm having more difficulty emotionally than physically, to be honest.
  • Hello You can do it I was 245lbs and I lost about 70 pounds I have kept my weight off for four years almost. I know you are tired of people saying if I can do it you can too if you are like me but it works stick to it and dont give up. It will take you a while to see results and you will be frustrated at times and you will want to quit. Create a goal for yourself and remind yourself why you are doing this and it will motivate you to keep going and be sure to increase your activity. Remember this is not a diet it is a lifestyle change.You have the power and its all up to you be blessed!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Im 5'8" and weigh about 320-325 so at a similar start. Thanks for posting nice to read all the replies.
  • I am 5'4 and 278, I started trying to walk 30 mins a day to start off slow with exercise...I cannot believe how much a hardship simply walking has become.

    Does anyone have any tips on things that someone my size can do to get active, I want to loose weight the right way. A few years ago I was very depressed and basically starved myself until I got to my goal weight, the reactions to those around me turned my triumph into a disaster and I had never felt so down about my looks, I thought I would be happy wearing a size 4, but I did not look healthy and I lost a lot of muscle so it definitely was not worth it.

    I gained back all the weight and then some going up to 289, before I started trying to get healthy.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    When I started I was almost 300 lbs and am 5'10". When I started, I tried to run, and I couldn't. So I walked. if walking is two hard there are a few other things you could try that are less impact

    1. Swimming or even water aerobics. Much less impact and you will get a good workout in. Once you lose a little weight, walking etc will be easier
    2. An easy bike ride - again low impact
    3. Walk in smaller doses. If 30 minutes is too hard what baout 15 minutes twice a day?

    I would also recommend some strength training - even just a set of 5 or 10 lb dumb bells if you don't want to go to the gym or can't or whatever.
  • losingles
    losingles Posts: 147 Member
    I'm 6'0 tall, and my starting weight was 346. As of today's weigh-in, I'm down to 321 and super excited about my progress. I restarted my journey on March 17, 2014, and I'm counting my calories, walking as much as possible, and lifting weights three times a week. Although I have a long, long road ahead of me, I know I can do this. I already feel so much better. After years of battling my weight, I finally realized gimmicks don't work and the numbers don't lie. It is about the calories in and the calories out. I'm learning to ask myself why I am eating, and the really difficult and amazing part is I'm learning to listen to my answers. I'm learning to eat for fuel not for comfort. That's huge for me.

    You can do this, just like I can. You just have to want it more than anything, and you have to be willing to work tirelessly to get it. No excuses! We both deserve to live the healthiest and happiest lives possible! And I know that my healthiest and happiest life is not in the 300s!
  • Ready4thanewme
    Ready4thanewme Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'7 and today I weighed in at 275. That's down from my highest weight of 365.

    I started my weight loss journey in Feb. 2014 and by the time I joined MFP on June 11th I was 293.

    Now 30 days logged on MFP I'm down 18 more pounds to 275.

    My goal is 145. So 90 pounds down and 130 until I reach my goal.

    I honestly didn't work out much, like maybe 10 times in the 5 months of my 90 pound loss.

    I lost this weight with diet changes alone.

    I just eat really healthy most days like 90% of the time it's organic and clean and like every 10 days I have whatever I want.
  • jmcoyuela
    jmcoyuela Posts: 33 Member
  • I would love to join you on this journey.. I am new too.. :)
  • You're doing great!
  • 2Chaotic
    2Chaotic Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats to all the amazing success stories.

    Ready4thenewme, my starting weight is somewhere around yours - I don't know exactly as my home scales can't read my weight. So that's my first goal - to get down to a weight that my scales can read. Anyhoo, R4tnm, do you mind revealing how many calories you limited yourself to when you started in February? Also, how many do you allow yourself now, ie. have you had to reduce the amount as you've lost the weight?
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Find good friends that will support you NOT your diet!

    (nicely said)
  • Julesoola
    Julesoola Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started at 270lbs about 3 years ago. I'm now down to 165lbs. I've taken at least half of the last 3 years "off" from time to time to maintain my weight. About 95% of my exercise has just been walking (I do about 5-10 miles a day right now) and food wise I've just counted calories, but I use a food scale for everything I possibly can.
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