Here I go again, 53, fat, sad and tired

Hi all!! I've been up, down and all around with weight. I did great for 4 years and stayed the course....almost a vegetarian. I got in an auto accident in 2009 but still did well after that. Last year I had some neck problems and had to move in with daughter. They don't eat like I do and I didn't want to insult anyone while being a guest in their house. Well that was 40 pounds ago and now I am sad I let myself get this way again. I can't exercise now with low back and neck problems. So now I started counting calories. I use My fitness pal and a jawbone, so we'll see how it goes. :sad:


  • HealthyBunny163
    Good luck! Be consistent and keep up the count! Xx
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    I feel for you. But just think, you're starting now -- way better than starting six months from now and looking back and wishing you'd started now. Sorry if that's muddled, I haven't had my cup of coffee yet for the morning and the new puppy kept me up almost all night.
  • Luv2eatSweets
    Luv2eatSweets Posts: 221 Member
    Please don't be sad. I'm 53 too and also on the weight loss bandwagon. You will find a lot of really nice people on this site. A few years ago I found myself having to live with my daughter and son in law. As wonderful as they are, a certain amount of stress went along with it. Plus just having a surgery and a bout of the "why me?" took over. I bought myself a little fridge (apartment size) which helped out a lot.That gave me a little bit of control back. Good luck to you. Don't give up on yourself.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    We've all had times where we swore , we'd never gain back what we lost , and next thing you know it has crept back on. All you can do is continue counting your calories and remember we're not perfect.:smile:
  • rnbecca94
    rnbecca94 Posts: 19
    The fridge idea is a good one--you can do this..and we've all been where you've are.....lose the weight, gain the weight....been there and doing it's a slow processs but determination will get me and you to where we want to be..........exercise..... even though you can't do a lot of strenuous exercise due to your neck...can you walk each day? short walks do just as good as a long walk....keep it up, you can do this...WE can do this.......
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    I lost 90 lbs and then gained it all back and then some, I am almost 50, I know you are hurting, I have medical issues myself but I started with sitting exercise and slowly but surely i improved. Remove the word can't and just try something small. Strength will help you pain, I know its hard but heck you had a baby, if you can do that you can do this! I recommend Yoga too, and they have that for people with back problems as well. Look on You Tube for videos
  • amberaa1061
    Oh wow! I heard these forums were good but I thought that was just a review. Thank you all for your comments, suggestions and advice. I am looking online for a little fridge as we speak.
    At the most I can walk 15-20 minutes at a time on a good day and it's brisk. After I sit down I can do 10-15 minute intervals. I'm gonna do what my body lets me do.
    And to think 5 years ago I use to work out twice a day, an hour each time.
    Thanks again guys, you have uplifted my spirits!
  • amberaa1061
    I lost 90 lbs and then gained it all back and then some, I am almost 50, I know you are hurting, I have medical issues myself but I started with sitting exercise and slowly but surely i improved. Remove the word can't and just try something small. Strength will help you pain, I know its hard but heck you had a baby, if you can do that you can do this! I recommend Yoga too, and they have that for people with back problems as well. Look on You Tube for videos
    Would love to know some sitting excercises
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Aye up m'duck. Don't be sad. You're sorting it now so that's all good.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    Aye up m'duck. Don't be sad. You're sorting it now so that's all good.

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I've had two major back surgeries and still have a titanium rod in my back. When that was still the only health problem I had, I found taking an exercise class in a pool really fun and something I could manage with the limitations back pain impose on me. Even if you just walk back and forth in the shallow end where you get some buoyancy, it can pay off.

    Also, I just ordered this DVD so can't give you a review yet (I ordered the one that's chair pilates):
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I hope that losing the extra weight will help you with your pain. :flowerforyou: Weight loss starts in the kitchen. Fitness level? Mini goals. Its a freedom to be able to walk 15-20 min so enjoy that freedom. Google UTube Chair Workouts and that will give you ideas. Have your grandkids do it with you (if that's a grandkid in your pix:laugh: ) they'll think its fun and you'll get a kick out of THEM while getting your exercise in.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I use My fitness pal and a jawbone.
    MFP has a Jawbone UP Bracelet group:

    Your UP total burn is your TDEE—way more accurate than any online calculator. If you eat less than your burn, you will lose weight.

    Connect your accounts:

    Enable negative calorie adjustments:

    Follow your MFP calorie goal. Log exercise in UP—not MFP.

    I wasn't losing much weight at all until I got an UP & connected my accounts. I'll PM you my name so you can join my UP team.

    Edited to add that I'm 46, and don't eat red meat or pork.
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    This site is a great place to go for support. Friend some people with similar goals and challenges. That has made a huge difference for me. I love my MFP friends.

    Talk with your daughter. Tell her how grateful you are for taking you in, but be honest about how crappy you are feeling and that you need to change some of your eating habits. You are there because of health issues and it is very likely that she will understand that additional weight makes them even more difficult. Maybe make a plan for meals - maybe adding a salad, even if you are the only one who eats it. Have some fruit while they have dessert. If you are able to cook, offer to make some of the meals and do some swaps they may not even realize - ground turkey in the tacos, or salsa chicken in a crock pot for chicken tacos. Your daughter may be very happy to help, but just doesn't know what you need. Maybe it will even rub off!
  • dianefisher1947
    dianefisher1947 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi there, just go to ''Youtube'' and search for '' Stronger Seniors chair exercise'' and you will get a good idea of what you can do for exercise and there a few good videos on how to do it and its free...good luck:flowerforyou: I* am 66 and I bought myself a pedlar its like a bike but only the pedals it has a calorie burn timer on it, I go to my best chair a Lazy boy and place the pedlar in front of it and I do increments of 10 mins and take a little break and start again...I can now do 40 minutes straight
  • suesiren3
    suesiren3 Posts: 3
    You'll do good. Just stay focused. I just started using My Fitness Pal. I had open heart surgery in Mar of this year and weight was never really a problem for me until after the surgery and not being able to do much of anything for awhile, needless to say I gained 30+ lbs and am having a hard time taking it off. Hopefully this will help. I feel like a grounded whale right at the moment... :O
  • amberaa1061
    Wow you guys rock!!! Love all the info and support. I did talk to my daughter and she wants to join me in my weight loss journey. So thank you so much. I have been through this before but that was before I was disabled and I did medifast. I actually lost so much weight I looked scary. So I gained 10 pounds so my face wouldn't look like a skull any longer. I know I look good and feel great at 175 but I am just setting a mini goal of 185 for right now. Thank you all again