PiYo: Looking for support and motivation



  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I did 'Sweat' today and it felt like a real workout :)
    I burned 161 according to my HRM (compared to 53 for lower body and 33 for upper body; this is MUCH better!)

    Sweat is pretty tough. I was sore for about 4 days after the first time I did it. That proved walking to be tough.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm on my 8th day here. I agree that it's definitely not a challenging workout (although balance isn't my strong point) and I'm a bit confused about the 'big calorie burn' that they have been talking about. You got to keep in mind I guess that the people who have been getting 'great results' might be following the meal plan, which is not much food (for me it's 1285! No thanks), so I guess that's why they are losing so much weight...

    However, I'm only on the 8th day. I agree that 'sweat' definitely makes me sweat a lot but so far it's only been 2 days out of 8. I haven't tried 'core' yet, or the strength DVDs (I got the deluxe version with the extra strength workouts). So we'll see. I'm not expecting huge results, although I'm still doing my extra cardio on the side (walking, running, biking). But I like it. It's nice to get up in the morning and do that. And I can use some flexibility work. The workouts are short enough too, which is a plus for me, and I don't really like high cardio workout dvd's so it's pretty good.

    I'll go back to CLX in 2 months though and just hope I won't lose too much muscle while I do this.
  • Candicem99
    Candicem99 Posts: 71 Member
    I started PIYO also and agree it is not enough when coming from workouts like T25. Want to take a break from T25, any suggestions on which would be a good program to add with it that is not going to take a lot of time? Would Chalean Extreme or LMP be a good choice? Never done Extreme yet, only LMP.

    I love ChaLEAN Extreme! I have pump but haven't done it yet (I got it in the sale a couple months ago) so I can't compare. CLX does low reps, high weights where I hear LMP does high reps, low weights. I don't know enough to know what you accomplish for either one.

    Thanks. I enjoy LMP and have gotten good results from it. Did you get good results from Extreme?
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I started PIYO also and agree it is not enough when coming from workouts like T25. Want to take a break from T25, any suggestions on which would be a good program to add with it that is not going to take a lot of time? Would Chalean Extreme or LMP be a good choice? Never done Extreme yet, only LMP.

    I love ChaLEAN Extreme! I have pump but haven't done it yet (I got it in the sale a couple months ago) so I can't compare. CLX does low reps, high weights where I hear LMP does high reps, low weights. I don't know enough to know what you accomplish for either one.

    Thanks. I enjoy LMP and have gotten good results from it. Did you get good results from Extreme?

    Yes I did. When I did the program I was closer to my goal weight so I didn't lose a ton of pounds but I did tone up quite a bit all over.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I did 'Sweat' today and it felt like a real workout :)
    I burned 161 according to my HRM (compared to 53 for lower body and 33 for upper body; this is MUCH better!)

    Sweat is pretty tough. I was sore for about 4 days after the first time I did it. That proved walking to be tough.

    I did sweat yesterday and I FEEL it today
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'm on my 8th day here. I agree that it's definitely not a challenging workout (although balance isn't my strong point) and I'm a bit confused about the 'big calorie burn' that they have been talking about. You got to keep in mind I guess that the people who have been getting 'great results' might be following the meal plan, which is not much food (for me it's 1285! No thanks), so I guess that's why they are losing so much weight...

    However, I'm only on the 8th day. I agree that 'sweat' definitely makes me sweat a lot but so far it's only been 2 days out of 8. I haven't tried 'core' yet, or the strength DVDs (I got the deluxe version with the extra strength workouts). So we'll see. I'm not expecting huge results, although I'm still doing my extra cardio on the side (walking, running, biking). But I like it. It's nice to get up in the morning and do that. And I can use some flexibility work. The workouts are short enough too, which is a plus for me, and I don't really like high cardio workout dvd's so it's pretty good.

    I'll go back to CLX in 2 months though and just hope I won't lose too much muscle while I do this.

    Wow that is a low calorie. Mine is 1835 which is about were I've been at so it wasn't an adjustment. Hoping for some decent results. I didn't get the deluxe but think I might in a few weeks want to see how it goes first. So far I like it, just different.
  • kruthardt
    kruthardt Posts: 10 Member
    I started PiYo on Monday. I can tell that I have been neglecting that part of training-flexibility/stretching. I got pretty sore after Sweat. Anyway, if anyone want to add me I would love to provide support!!
  • monikabenoit
    monikabenoit Posts: 43 Member
    Totally agree with you. I started PiYo on July 1st. I am not sure where the big calorie burn is from either. I find myself having to add in extra workouts to feel like I have had enough burn for the day. I just finished three months of CLX so I am missing my weight routine right now. I am going to add in lifting and I am going to do a PiYo-Brazil Butt Lift hybrid from here on.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    So far I really like the program. I am technically on my 3rd week but I am re-doing week 2. I was out of town most of last week and was only able to squeak in 1 workout while I was out of town. I was helping my mother sort through my grandmother's things, so I did lots of heavy lifting and walking and moving things, etc and I went and played tennis with my siblings every evening. I did notice today that I had a pretty low calorie burn compared to the last time I did the same workout. However, I am noticing weight loss and a loss of inches. My waist has come down nicely and my arms are becoming more toned.

    I do not follow the meal plan. I continue my normal eating and eat what I want, but in moderation and I try to make sure I am getting my fruits and veggies in.

    I am definitely not a flexible person and it shows when I try to do some of the workouts and realize that I probably look like an idiot doing some of the moves. But I am noticing that I am getting stronger. It's a slow process but at least the workouts aren't terribly long. I did not order the Deluxe package either, but I think once I complete these two months, I will order what I need to do the strength side of the program.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    So I finally pulled out my heart rate monitor to see how much I am burning during this program. I know the upper/lower workouts will be less as they aren't quite as intense but for sweat today I burned 329 calories in the 37 minute workout. Not bad for not being an impact workout.
  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member
    Wow, that is fantastic! My HRM for upper body today only said 44 cals
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Wow, that is fantastic! My HRM for upper body today only said 44 cals

    I'm sure upper would be a lot lower. It's only about 20 minutes long and there's less to get my heart rate up. I will try it and see the next time I do it. I imagine mine would be higher than 44 though.
  • Just wondering what results you all got from this? I just started a week ago after getting cleared to exercise after my C-section. I agree it doesn't seem to burn that many calories, but I really like the workouts.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    HRM are really for steady state cardio so i don't think they are accurate for piyo. Maybe wrong though.
  • I love that so many people are doing Piyo on here. I started my second month about a week ago and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this program. When I first started I was really discouraged because I had a lot of difficulties with the routines. I am obese, we will just say obese because that is what I am, lol but within the first month I not only lost weight but you can actually see how I have gained a lot of muscle in my legs and by back side has lost its shelf (big booty people know what I mean). Laying on my back is not painful and the pain I would get in my lower back has gone away. I still get a bit agitated in my lower back because of a car accident I was in a few years back, but Piyo has really helped me build those muscles back up. I still have a little issue with some of the moves, but most of the workouts have become much easier for me to keep up with. Because of weight I can not go so low on my squats because of knee aggravation so I still follow Michell's alternate moves, but needless to say I feel so much better with myself since starting the program. Once this one is done I will do the 10 minute trainer and then I plan to start Piyo over again. I don't do the meal plan because I struggle with eating enough since I have been working on losing weight so much, but with a 7lb loss from the one month, I am okay with that.. Why? Because a lot of my fat has turned into muscle and you can see that my waist is getting smaller, by back shelf is gone and my calves have toned up a great deal. Not to mention my bum is getting tight. :) If you are starting out and get discouraged, stick it out. Charlene tells you that the moves will get easier and they do..