Hike Versus a Walk

So I walk just about everyday-hard black top for 2 miles then through the woods on a trial to home. But today I went to a state park where I hiked 3.24 miles the trail had a 10% to 27% grade. That is my take on the difference-But why such a great difference in calories burned? And Am I wrong in thinking I am Hiling and not just walking?


  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Hiking burns more calories because of two things: hills and uneven terrain. Hills are pretty straightforward - you walk on a steep grade, you burn more calories pushing yourself up it. But you also need more muscles and energy to stabilize yourself walking on uneven, rocky, or soft ground than when walking on smooth hard surfaces like pavement.

    Personally if it was on flat, groomed trails I'd call it a walk. If it were on steep, unkempt trails it's a hike.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Yeah, hiking on uneven terrain activates more muscles for balance. So does walking/running on sand for the same reasons. The ground is shifting beneath you, so your muscles are engaging to stabilize. Walking or hiking are both good ways to lose weight, but while the weather is nice and the trails are good, I recommended hiking whenever you get the chance.