Staying Committed

I have such a problem with staying committed. I know it's time to make a change. I've known it for a VERY long time, and I get motivated, stay that way for about two or three weeks, and then for whatever reason, I falter and stop and nothing changes. But now it's coming down to my future career. I'm in school to become a law enforcement officer, and to apply to a police department or a jail or wherever when I figure out exactly what section of law enforcement I'm going into... I need to pass physical tests. And I know I'm never going to be able to do that at the weight I am. (I'm female, if it matters.)

What do you guys do to stay committed? Is it as simple for you as saying to yourself that you won't give up, or do you have some kind of system that works for you that forces you to stay on track? I'm just coming down to being at a loss. I hate to make excuses but I'm starting to feel like something is wrong with me that I just can't stay committed.


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    When I'm committed to a difficult course, I have to think about it every single day. Sometimes several times a day. It can never be far from my thoughts and it has to be my #1 priority, not tomorrow, not at dinner tonight, for sure not next week. Now. In the present.
  • You are definitely not alone. I spent last summer losing 70 pounds to now gaining back 20 pounds. True I am not where I was before, but if I keep eating this way, I will be there in another few months. I am committing to getting this 20 pounds off and not gaining any more weight. I have used excuses too, mainly health reasons. The reasons were valid, but the excuses were not. I could have gotten some exercise. I ask myself if there is something wrong with me that I can't control my food intake. I feel like an alcoholic, except it is with food. I'm always starting over and each time I get on the scales I have gained another 0.5 lbs. Then I think that I can get that first 10 off in about 2 weeks. This is not reality. Besides that, I spend a lot of money on all new clothes that are now a little too tight. I got rid of all my bigger clothes and I refuse to buy anything bigger, so I don't have a choice. I've got to get this weight off.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I constantly remind myself of all the reasons why I wanted to get fit in the first place. I set random alerts on my phone, look inspiring photos and quotes on Pinterest, browse the forums, etc. I also let people know about my goals and workout with groups, and they keep me accountable.

    Are you passionate about law enforcement? Can that be your motivation? I'm an EMT and while we don't have as many agility requirements we do need to be strong enough to carry people. I failed my first physical test and that was enough to push me forward. I just kept asking myself every time I wanted to overeat or skip the gym whether that was going to help me pass the next test, and in the future keep the people I help safe (the answer was always no).
  • 0Amra
    0Amra Posts: 24 Member
    I take it a day at a time. Thinking about my long term goals and how long it will take me seems overwhelming, so each day when I wake up I just tell myself, I'm going to do this all the way for this one day. And now I've come so far that I'm motivated simply by the fact that I don't want to lose any of the progress I've made.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    The thing that helps me is to make small goals-I do not make them weight loss related. One example is to eat 5 servings of fruit and vegetables each day for a week. Another is to try a new fruit or vegetable every day. Each of these goals is challenging and requires planning, I can meet them and encourages improved eating. You may find something you love.
    I discovered spaghetti squash! I eat it now instead of noodles with sauce. I can have a bigger serving and its only 150 calories total.
  • I'm not committed 100% of the time. I think it helps to understand that you're human and just keep going no matter how badly you may have thought you just f***ed up. Make it as easy as you can, and avoid feeling deprived.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I built in a lot of support.

    Initially, I had only MFP in my court. They were great supporters, but I knew I could bail at any moment and they wouldn't be able to hold me accountable.

    So, I found 2 real-world friends. My very best and oldest friends. I asked them to be my buddy... and one has really come along for the ride, the other... is supportive but not actively losing weight. But in those moments when I was willing to give up on myself, I was NOT willing to send my buddy the I QUIT email. This saw me through rough patches.

    You are worth this fight. Best of luck!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I just get up every morning and tell myself I'm going to have the best day I can today.
    Somedays I rock and somedays not so much.
    Good luck to you.
  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    Eyes on the prize! Imagine yourself taking that test and passing it with flying colors. Picture yourself getting accepted to the program, going to school, meeting new people, making new exciting memories, wearing that stunning uniform that fits just perfectly! Now, realize that a big part of this depends one what you TODAY. You can do this!
  • amy_lynn007
    amy_lynn007 Posts: 48 Member
    Just wanted to say thank you to all replies on this thread. For the last year I have been doing really well logging all food and finally reached maintenance a couple months ago. But the last few weeks have been rough, I think triggered by all of the birthday parties that seem to occur in the summer ;) I think I felt like I deserved it for reaching my goal, and I've been binging every other day for a couple of weeks now, to the point where I feel physically ill (I do as I'm posting this). I came on this forum to hopefully read some motivational comments to kick my butt back into gear. Read about ten different threads before I found this one, and I think it finally clicked that I can do this! I have for the last year now, do I really want to undo all of my hard work? No. Thank you all for your motivational words.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I stay committed, because I know if I give up - I will only get bigger and bigger and bigger. Fact. Bottom line.

    It has been over 2 years at this journey...and during the difficult times I just kept telling myself ^ over and over again. As long as if I kept trying, no matter what, I would eventually hit my goal.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Commitment or motivation are difficult to sustain long term. Habits, once ingrained, are much easier to sustain because they become automatic, something you do every day like brushing your teeth.

    Try to foster healthy habits - start small so it's not such a huge life change all at once. Make the habits you form enjoyable - eat food you like, do exercise you find joyful. Allow lots of time for your habits to catch on - the longer you do something, the easier it becomes. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Most of all, accept that you are human and will at some stage slip up - give yourself permission to not be perfect.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou: