Busy moms, can you relate?



  • FitAgain_2014
    As my children grow (now 11, 13 and 15), I find that I am busy in a different sort of way. I spend a lot more time coordinating and chauffeuring. As a teacher, my schedule is similar to that of my children. Time is always a challenge, but even worse I am lacking the motivation. At the end of the day, I would much rather read a book or watch television. This summer I decided to try the C25k program (on week 2, so far so good), but I am afraid that once summer comes to a close so will my commitment. So, I'm hoping being a part of this community will help (new to MFP).
  • kansas_mom
    kansas_mom Posts: 16
    I can totally relate!! I am a single mother to a rambunctious 2 year old. I work 3-4 12 hour days a week. And, on top of that, I am regularly on call to work even more 12 hour days which were supposed to be my time off with my son. I drive about 45 min each way to work, and by the time I get home I get to spend about 2 hours with my son before putting him to bed. I have resorted to knocking out my workouts after he goes to bed. It puts me to bed a little later, but I don't have to worry about waking him up in the morning, and he's not there to try and grab the treadmill track... lol. One night a week, I get to do my workouts during the early evening while he has visitation with his father. I already wake up around 4am, so there is no need even trying to wake up earlier than that... haha. I usually have insomnia, so workout out at night helps to exhaust me even more and I fall asleep faster. Otherwise I just toss and turn all night or stare at the ceiling. I'm sure that my sleep cycle isn't helping my fitness any... lol.
  • edahl7762
    edahl7762 Posts: 7
    I definitely can relate! I am a new Mom and I work full time. My husband works 60 hours a week as well so I am on my own with the baby until 7:30-8pm and I am wiped out by then. I have a lot of home workout DVDs. I have a lot of ones that are 30 minutes or less which does not seem like much but it is much better than nothing. I try to just watch what I am eating and if I can get a work out in I do it.