I can't decide what my goal is

I have lost about 11 pounds in the past few months. I'm about 116 lbs and I am 5'3. I have very small legs and arms. I try to run everyday and I train each muscle group twice a week. The only place I'm not seeing progress is my stomach. I can't tell if it's something that just needs strength training to fix or if it's something I need to lose more weight on.

The reason I can't decide is I don't know if I should be eating a calorie deficit anymore or eating the amount of calories necessary to build muscle. I don't want to be eating too many calories if I still need to lose fat.

All of these issues are just making me feel very down! I just want to have the body I've worked so hard to get, and my stomach just doesn't seem to catch up. Can anyone that has had the same issues help?


  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am 5' 3 1/2." My best weight is 112 -- however, that number is based entirely on the fact that I don't want to lose too much weight in my bustline. I dipped down as far as 108 in 2013 so, I already know that is EXACTLY what would happen. I personally would rather have fat on my abdomen than be too small up top. A few pounds makes a world of difference on a 5' 3" frame. You may very well discover that if you diet away a few more pounds, it will come off of the belly area. I still had belly fat at 108, but less than at a higher weight.
  • Greco74
    Greco74 Posts: 5
    I am a guy and am having the same dilemma as you. Would love to see some opinions on this.
  • annie_adcock
    Hi! Judging by your profile picture, I'm assuming the left piccy is the "before" and the right piccy is the "now"? If that is the case then I would firstly like to say WOW :love: you look fantastic!! And I can see an enormous difference in your stomach!

    IMHO, I would say you are definitely ready to slowly up the calories to at least maintenance, maybe a little more if you are looking to gain muscle. Either way, you definitely do NOT need to lose any more fat, you look fab! :bigsmile:

    I would recommend you look into the stronglift 5x5 program for weight lifting if you are looking to gain some muscle, and use the following link: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to work out your daily calorie needs :smile:

    (p.s. I know my profile says I've only made a small number of posts but I have been a member for years and this is my new profile)
  • itsgradyy
    itsgradyy Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you so much Annie!! :) I will definitely look into the website you gave me!