having trouble eating 1200 cals....



  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble eating their daily goal calories. I'm a bit of an extremist... when I'm overeating/binge eating, I'm unstoppable, I can shut a buffet down, or at least, I've had the kitchen cooks come out of the kitchen and look through the artificial plants at me. But when the pendulum swings I'm OCD about eating healthy. So, now that I'm eating healthier and counting my calories, I'm not always hungry. I feel full and sometimes can't eat my daily 1200 calories. I would be forcing myself to eat to hit 1200 and that makes me feel somewhat sick and force fed.

    any suggestions???

    omg you kill me with that comment about the cooks!!!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    OP, if you don't already it might be worth a try to prelog your meals at the beginning of the day so you have a better idea of what can be adjusted or added in so you can meet your calorie goal.
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    true story about the cooks.. was at an all u can eat shrimp and i kept saying "MORE"!!!! they came out and looked at me thru the plants.....
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    I pre-log the night before and then I sometimes decide to eat something different. So I drank a glass of almond milk and had some walnuts... yummy:smile:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    tone of voice is everything.

    OP meant
    "Thanks! :happy: That was great advice! :flowerforyou: "

    and that person read:

    ":huh: Good Idea *roll eyeas*..Thanks...:grumble: THAT was great advice...*roll eyes*:

    No, she was really saying thank you, as it WAS good advice.

    Only someone really cynical who was having a sh!tty day would have seen it teh other way.

    I'm screaming here laughing :laugh: Great explanation :smile:
  • HypnoWhizz
    HypnoWhizz Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Chelle7870

    Forgive me for breaking your question down, but you've really answered your won question and already know the solution....

    I'm wondering if anyone else is having trouble eating their daily goal calories. I'm a bit of an extremist (:smile: I Like to be in control)... when I'm overeating/binge eating, I'm unstoppable (:smile: I've decided to do that and no comments will dissuade me) , I can shut a buffet down, or at least, I've had the kitchen cooks come out of the kitchen and look through the artificial plants at me. But when the pendulum swings(:smile: and I need that level of control) I'm OCD about eating healthy. So, now that I'm eating healthier and counting my calories, I'm not always hungry (:smile: and that worried me because I BELIEVE I should be). I feel full and sometimes can't eat my daily 1200 calories (:smile: which is unusual for me). I would be forcing myself to eat to hit 1200 and that makes me feel somewhat sick and force fed (:smile: I again believe thats what I should feel and think its wrong if I don't)

    Simply put, Extremes - Need for control. Oral character and tendencies for "All of Nothing" - Lovely person!!!, Very goal orientated ,and if you can't / don't achieve that, you fall off the "tightrope" into a misery of questioning what you do. Then you get back on the "tightrope" having re focussed on what you BELIEVE you need to control to make things better.

    Look at the pattern - YOYO. The need to control to extreme means you don't feel happy with the middle or "everything in moderation" area, and want results NOW NOW NOW... Your body just doesn't respond like that. Accept it, Relax, Do what feels good and right. Think of it like driving a car. You don't try to get to A-B by steering totally left or totally right, you adjust so you don't hit the curb. You know the goal, BUT you're worrying about how you get there. Relax!! Stop being hard on yourself, Celebrate every success. Celebrate every failure providing you learn not to do it that way again....

    Sorry if the smileys aren't quite right, but you're great - no need to try so hard! I wish I could get the extremist side of cutting calories a couple of days a week! :o) x
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    true story about the cooks.. was at an all u can eat shrimp and i kept saying "MORE"!!!! they came out and looked at me thru the plants.....

    Pics or it didn't happen :laugh: I wonder if that was the night the special got cancelled?

    This thread kind of went off the rails but post four has even more suggestions:

  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    OMG it happened!!! my husband was like...ahhhh, I'm waiting in the car... they're looking at us now...:laugh:

    but I thank everyone for the great suggestions. this has helped me a lot...
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    First of all you asked for advice, no reason to be nasty if someone makes a suggestion. Second, most of the people on here are not medical professionals. It sounds like you need to speak to a professional counselor or doctor which is my SUGGESTION. This is not only about calories, but the way you view food. Forget the calories, it sounds like you don't have a good view of food. You either binge or try to starve yourself. Trying to get people to agree with what you're doing isn't going to help your situation. Please go see someone! Best wishes to you on your journey.

    Um… the only person being nasty is you.
  • graceyykim
    graceyykim Posts: 17
    Because it's too little.... truly... My friend who is 5 feet tall and 95lbs (from 120) didn't even eat that little! Slow and steady loss really is the key
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Often when people say that they can't get to 1200 calories, they are overdoing the "diet" type foods and not eating enough rich protein sources or healthy fats. Sautéeing veggies in butter, roasting in a bit of olive oil, having a bit of cheese or peanut butter or an ounce of nuts. . . those are good ways of upping the calories a bit without resorting to eating the extra calories in empty food.

    I am with you on your suggestions. I think the body likes some nutrient dense foods. Every few days, I nibble on an ounce of raw nuts, or make a 1/2 sandwich on regular bread with a tablespoon of regular peanut butter and 1/2 tablespoon of honey. I had to go vegan for health reasons. But some scattered nutrient dense heavier foods are very good in a diet.

    They are filling too. And they don't hurt your diet when you don't over do eating them. I'm only in this program 2 weeks. I have lost 11 pounds eating real food.
  • nedtoloseme
    nedtoloseme Posts: 98 Member
    I misunderstood the post. Again, I apologize to all who were offended. I really am....
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    No worries... it' ok... I was misunderstood by you initially. I SWEAR, NO WORRIES..... I
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    You got this OP! :D
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    Are you open to a suggestion NEDTOLOSEME???
  • TrenAbe
    TrenAbe Posts: 26
    LoL. This FTW
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    OP needs to be left alone, sounding like a school playground now



    *One* person misinterpreted a post...and then everyone in this thread jumped on that one person...and then that one person admitted their misunderstanding and mistake. The community actually did what it does best which is to get to the bottom of misunderstandings like this.

    In what way does this sound like a school playground where OP is the victim? (Here's a hint: it doesn't.)
  • I misunderstood the post. Again, I apologize to all who were offended. I really am....

    Haha, I totally read it as sarcasm, too. So, I get this.

    OP needs to be left alone, sounding like a school playground now



    *One* person misinterpreted a post...and then everyone in this thread jumped on that one person...and then that one person admitted their misunderstanding and mistake. The community actually did what it does best which is to get to the bottom of misunderstandings like this.

    In what way does this sound like a school playground where OP is the victim? (Here's a hint: it doesn't.)

    But I am a paranoid cynic when there is excess usage of ellipsis. People read things differently! It was cleared up and apologised for. No need for more snark from other users, IMO. I guess that's where it sounds like a school playground?

    Then again, I am also socially inept, haha.
  • Deps
    Deps Posts: 31 Member
    As far as interpreting your response as sarcastic - I think it was due to the number of "..." which can come off as sarcastic sometimes. Moving on from that:

    I used to have the exact same problem as you. Two major things helped.

    1. Plan out all your major meals for the day and log in advance so you can clearly see how many calories extra you have to work with. From here you can add things to the meal to make it more or less calorie heavy. Ie. Today I want to make myself a chicken parma for dinner which is higher in calories than I am used to (Around 500 including sides) so I only added one egg to my veg. scramble for breakfast to even it out.

    2. Unless you are a vegetarian, meat is your best friend. I was actually shocked when I bought some chicken breast schnitzel the other day to cook up and put through a salad to discover it is much higher in calories than I thought (140grams over 250 if I recall). This is not a BAD number of calories for healthy food but it took my by surprise.

    On top of this, milk does help as does finding a treat or snack you like. I'm a fan of 'skinny cow' sundaes, (though not thrilled by the name). That's an extra 140 calories of a night. With that already logged you only need to make up roughly 350 calories for each meal. Chuck a piece of chicken and maybe some potatoes with dinner and you'll hit 400-450 fairly easily and the rest should be fairly easy.

    Oh, I'm also a sucker for Danish Fetta on wraps and egg scramble 85 calories for 35 grams. It's a great alternative for healthy cheese but also an easy calorie edition.

    Good luck!
  • chelle7870
    chelle7870 Posts: 24 Member
    Why would I ask for advice and then be nasty when I got the very advice I was seeking???? doesn't make sense......

    I ask for suggestions and the first person kind enough to respond, to decide to rip him or be snarky???

    not all people come from a bad place....:flowerforyou: