Question for the Ladies.

i have been slowly working up to going to the gym by just walking around my community at night and eating better and smaller portions. anyways, my quetion is about my period. i know none of you are doctors. but my periods are very irregular. i usually get them every other month and last 5. well, i hadnt gotten it for 3 months. i got it in june (3-7) then again july 1-5. and since it ended, i have been getting brown and sometimes pink spotting/discharge. almost constant since it ended. could this have to do with me walking, and change in diet? has this happened to anyone else?


  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm irregular too and sounds like what I can be like. Doubt it is linked. Have you had a pg test to rule that out?
  • nightmare21
    nightmare21 Posts: 20 Member
    last time i was intimate was the beginning of Feb. and i have tested twice since then (beginning of march and end of march), and both tests were negative, even let them sit overnight. since broken up with him. so i highly doubt that i am pregnant.
  • krogers810x
    krogers810x Posts: 92 Member
    Not a doctor, but I have extremely irregular periods. While mine are caused by a genetic bleeding disorder, I was looked at for a host of things to make sure the disorder wasn't keeping my doc from seeing any other underlying gyn issues, like cysts, fibroids, an infection, etc. See your gyn for an exam and start keeping track on a calender of days that you spot (the doctor will ask, and the more information you have the better it will be - how many days you spot, how heavily, how many feminine products you go through). If you're on BCP, they might change the pill/look at that as well.
  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    Gaining or losing weight or a change in activity level CAN mess with your cycle, but it's important that you get checked out by a doctor to rule out a problem.