Top 5-8 body weight exercises to do while traveling

Hey everyone!

I'm going to be traveling to Greece and Turkey in a few weeks, and I need some simple and quick exercises to do in my hotel room to ensure I don't lose any strength progress I have made.

Obviously push ups/burpees, squats, sit ups, planks.. Any other ideas for essential body weight exercises?


  • Castiel22
    Castiel22 Posts: 33
    I would like to see the responses to this as well
  • toholio
    toholio Posts: 46 Member
    Tricep dips can be done with a chair.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    turkish gets ups, mountain climbers
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Supermans, wall sits, v-sits, mountain climbers, lunges.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    Plank and turn, push up and turn, diamond sit ups, leg raisers, glute bridges
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    pistol squat (hold onto something)
    single leg hip thrusts

    Can't think of any decent back exercises with no weight. Rowing your suitcase maybe? :smile:
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    pistol squat (hold onto something)
    single leg hip thrusts

    Can't think of any decent back exercises with no weight. Rowing your suitcase maybe? :smile:

    Maybe the that one (forget the names of things) where you lie on your stomach and essentially do crunches backwards?
  • ChunkLaFunk
    ChunkLaFunk Posts: 38 Member
    Handstand push ups. Superman/Bananas. Dive bomber push ups. Hindu squats. :smile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    pistol squat (hold onto something)
    single leg hip thrusts

    Can't think of any decent back exercises with no weight. Rowing your suitcase maybe? :smile:

    Maybe the that one (forget the names of things) where you lie on your stomach and essentially do crunches backwards?

    Supermans. Yeah, decent. Depending on your strength levels they may be too easy/hard.
  • suzaka
    suzaka Posts: 39 Member
    Bear stances, cross crawls (aka bicycles), rotating side planks.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    Best body weight exercised that I've used are from the book "Body by You". It was worth the cost and I'm excited to see what three months does for me.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I'd bring a set of resistance bands.. the kind that can attach to doors, like Bodylastics or ProGym ($35). That greatly opens up the possibilities, including squats and rows.

    As far as bodyweight exercises, i'll add jumping lunges to the list.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    Looks like I have some googling to do.. Lol

    I can't bring resistance bands or any equipment. I am traveling extremely, extremely light, and I can't bring any extra weight.. Not even bands
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I do circuits all the time when I can't go to the gym or out, just google some and if you have a smart phone you can down load circuit apps and timers. They are really handy. I always add a couple of yoga poses too as they can be great bodyweight exercises. Add a few things like jumping jacks, step ups (onto chairs) running on the spot, ski jumps, squat jumps, high knees etc to make it also cardio and it's great for both muscle and cardio.
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    This would be really helpful if I knew what the hell anyone was talking about! :indifferent:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Broom handle (or similar) across two sturdy armchairs, slide underneath and do Australian Pull-ups for the back. Or slide under a strong table and do the same action with your fingers gripping the table top edge.

    Remember you may be charged for damage to furniture or broom handles!
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    If you can squeeze in a DVD, take Insanity lol.

    Otherwise get creative - door pull ups, chair dips, suitcase rows, press ups, squats, jumping lunges, mountain climbers, burpees. Personally I'd forget the sit ups and do planks.
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    I use the app Sworkit it is a circuit training app.There is a free version and a minimal fee for the pro version. It syncs with MFP too.
    I used it on my last business trip and on my cruise vacation. And let me tell you, being on a cruise eating and drinking everything and not gaining is a major win.
    I like that it times the intervals for you so it actually gives me just as good if not a better fat burn work out than my bootcamps classes. There is also an option to pull up a video to do any moves you don't know. You can also set it for just cardio and yoga or go for the strength training options that isolate muscle groups or the " bootcamp" and "bring the pain" mode.

    On a side note I asked my boot camp instructor what to do on my own while traveling and he said " you cant go wrong with the push, pull, press and squat. Any variations of those with some cardio mixed in (high knees, jumping jacks...etc)"