Starting all over again....

Not new to the site but new to the forums... I'm a bit of a lurker, but I realize that lurking won't get me much support. I need to lose 105 lbs... just need to get past losing the same 25 lbs over and over again. Lol... So here goes nothing.... again! :smile:


  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    I think your getting involved with others in the same situation will really help. I love that about the board. Here where I am, I don't have anyone who is working on getting in shape to support me or to support. This board is magnificent for this really important aspect of change.

    I'm happy to be your friend. I lost 11 pounds and have 90 more to go. I know you can do it. You are starting off on the right foot by getting out of the corner and offering yourself for support.
  • kittyhawk99
    kittyhawk99 Posts: 7 Member
    Go for it ! But it's not nothing, each time you start it's something, even if like me you have to keep on restarting. It is something, good luck. Think in one's, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 evening, 1 day, 1 week, 1 fortnight, 1 months :)
  • Hi I am the same - starting again from today! I have a few stone to lose but I keep getting to the 1 stone mark then putting some back on then losing it - I cant seem to get over that 1 stone mark! I think if i got even 1 pound over it it would motivate me a bit more.
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member
    I'm not new...but starting again (hopefully for the last time).

    77lbs to go - we can do this if we all motivate each other :)
  • april_recharged
    april_recharged Posts: 16 Member
    How awesome! So much encouragement already... thanks a lot ladies. We've got this!!:smile: