Yoga - extended triangle pose and extended side angle pose

Hi :)

I'm new to yoga and have been practising the extended triangle pose and extended side angle pose. My torso keeps pushing out when doing the pose. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to get it straight? Thanks


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    As you're new to it, chances are you don't have the required flexibility yet. Just go as far as you can with correct form, and over time your flexibility will increase and you should be able to go deeper into the pose.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Ah ok yeah fair point. As I have no flexibility ha. Thanks for your reply.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,789 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm new to yoga and have been practising the extended triangle pose and extended side angle pose. My torso keeps pushing out when doing the pose. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to get it straight? Thanks

    I'm not sure what you mean by your "torso keeps pushing out" - do you mean comes forward of your leg?
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    I would try tucking your tailbone - that should help remove some of the arch from your lower back.
    And if it doesn't bother your neck any, you can look up at the thumb on your extended arm, and that should help you stack your shoulders.

    You could also practice against a wall, to get the feel of things.

    Good luck!
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Thanks both. It's hard to explain like my back is not straight. Like the top half is pushing out and my back is curved if that makes sense.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    Engage your core and as pp said, practice against wall. Make sure that legs, butt, all of back and head are all touching the wall. Just keep doing the pose against the wall until you're comfortable in the pose.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Are you putting your hand down on the floor to being? If you are new, you might not be able to rotate your torso correctly and go down to the floor. Try putting your hand on your shin, or even better, if you have a block, try to use that.
  • Sweet_Pea4
    Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
    Thanks both. Yeah I'll try against the wall.
    Yes I was holding into my ankle, maybe I'll try higher too. Thanks