For those with long hair

hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
Do any of you get an "aching" scalp from your long hair? The top of my head is so sore, and I think it's from pulling my hair back into a bun.

It hurts just to touch it!


  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Hm. That doesn't happen to me, but I tend to wear my hair down instead of tied back or in a bun. I'm really fair-skinned, so I can get sunburned on my scalp and that hurts like crazy (and then is gross when the burn starts peeling. Ew.).
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    If I wear my hair up too tight it does that.
  • abbyrowley
    i've got shoulder length hair but i tie it up all the time for work and my scalp hurts a lot too! dunno what to do about it.. can never be bothered to style it haha!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Try a pony instead. I don't put it up into a bun, seems like that would be tighter and hurt more.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have a tender head, and my scalp gets sore when my hair is up too tight all day too. Try to loosen the bun a bit and secure the loose hairs with bobby pins. Your hair will stay up if you pin it just right without it being too tight.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    My hair ends around 5 inches above my bum, but I don't get sore scalp from putting it up. I usually put it up at work because it's distracting trying to do accounting stuff but I wear it down when I'm not working out or at work.
  • mlagena
    mlagena Posts: 154 Member
    You can use those clips with the teeth! They don't pull on your hair just kinda hold it up. Also, pulling your hair into tight buns or ponies can cause breakage at your forehead and lead to a receeding hairline!
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    That happened to me one time during a hair "experiment." I flipped my head upside down and brushed my hair towards the floor against it's natural direction like I had seen some other girls in high school do. My scalp freaked out and it hurt like you know what for several days. I couldn't even wear my helmet for riding, which was a huge problem! Haven't done that again.... :laugh:
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    only when my hair gets really really long. otherwise no.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    You can use those clips with the teeth! They don't pull on your hair just kinda hold it up.

    Bingo! I have long hair (a little more than 1/2 down my back now!), and I find that this is the BEST way. As soon as I stopped putting my hair in ponytails and buns I noticed a huge difference right away. In situations where you MUST put it up - use a soft scrunchie instead, it holds less tightly! Even when I'm at the gym these days I use a clip rather than a hair elastic (unless its mega-cardio). I have one clip that holds my hair even when I run at a brisk pace (5.4mph)! My hair is huge.. it's SO thick and crazy, so if I can manage it, there's totally hope for you!! :laugh:
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    It happens to me also when I've had my hair up (in any style) for awhile (like a few hours). It usually goes away after a little while but that depends on how long I had my hair up. The longer it was up the longer my scalp hurts afterward. Sorry, I don't have any suggestions to make it not happen but wanted you to know its not just you!!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    My hair is past my tailbone, and I wear it up most days for work. I use wooden hair sticks to hold the bun. There are several ways to bun your hair so it doesn't hurt, and it holds great. Check out the Long Hair Community web site for styling and hair care tips.
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    If I wear my hair up too tight it does that.

    I agree. I usually wear my hair in a ponytail and it doesn't hurt, but if I have my hair in a tight bun my scalp hurts a bit.
  • jsmjboertlein
    Ya I get mega headaches when i wear mine up and the skin on my scalp feels bruised
  • mamaDaisyJ
    My hair touches my bottom. I tend to get headaches, but not scalp pain. I wear mine in a pony alot, usually somewhat loose. I have only found one clip that held all my hair in cause it's pretty thick too. I'd say loosen the bun or go another route.
  • rcrea
    rcrea Posts: 80
    Absolutely! It's gotten so bad that it happens even when I'm not wearing it up anymore. It's so tender all the time. I cut it years back thinking it was the length, but it didn't help so I let it all grow back. It can be miserable!!!
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    Do any of you get an "aching" scalp from your long hair? The top of my head is so sore, and I think it's from pulling my hair back into a bun.

    It hurts just to touch it!
    My hair is all the way to my butt (for lack of a better word) and it is very thick and healthy (see my picture). I used to get headaches all the time until my hairdresser suggested a couple of years ago that I cut my hair in three (or more) layers.
    With the layers you still have the same pretty hair but the layering takes a chunk of weight out of your scalp.
    Happy trimming. ;)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I used to get headaches from things like headbands, so I can definately see this happeneing. Just don't pull it back so tight and use a little more hairspray instead.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I used to work with a gal that had hair down to her ankles. She would normally wear it in a long braid (lose at the scalp) to keep it under control. Occasionally she would wear it up with chopsticks holding it, but it would give her a headache after a few hours. She was one that could get away with the excuse of "can't go/do it, gotta wash my hair" would take her AND her husband in the shower to wash it and work the conditioner through it a couple times a week. It also took 12 hours to dry naturally. When she got it cut up to her shoulders (donated the hair to Locks of Love) it got curly!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I feel violated and left out.