Breast Cancer Survivors



  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    in remission from breast cancer, stage 1, grade 2, diagnosed january 2014, Just finished 26 radiation treatments and 8 "boosts". Back exercising now. My surgeon did not release me to exercise until 1 month post lumpectomy. Rad onc dr said swimming was OK during rad treatment as long as I covered the zone with Aquaphor or petroleum jelly, and washed off well after. I discovered that between work and treatment I was too fatigued to exercise regularly, no matter what I wanted to do.

    Now on Tamoxifen and determined to loose the weight gained during treatment and prevent medication gain. my motto: I had cancer, I am not cancer and cancer does not define me!
  • oranje_mama
    oranje_mama Posts: 20
    okcat4, you made my day telling me that your rad onc okayed swimming! I am going for my first consult with the rad onc on thursday and hope to hear the same advice. I'm still out of the pool from my lumpectomy but have been okayed to go back in this coming weekend. very happy about that.

    So good to hear from all the survivors on this thread!

    For the record, my cancer was (I'm going to use past tense :)) ER+, PR+, Her2+++, a 2.5cm mass. My oncologist got out the textbook to show me how very positive for Her2 my cancer was. The good news about that is that Herceptin is working wonders. By the time of surgery only microscopic amounts of abnormal cells remained. I will keep getting Herceptin infusions for the rest of 2014, and will start Tamoxifen after I finish radiation.
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    got my fingers crossed on the swimming! you will feel better and it help keep swelling down. My tumor was ER/ PR+ HER Negative , 1.5 cm, no nodes. found the darn thing on my first mammo. no family history of breast cancer. go figure. Tamoxifen since mid march and no real issues. Occasional hot flashes, but livable. Thankfully no joint pain. Hoping exercise keeps that at bay.

    Hers to all the BC fighters!
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    My mother had breast cancer when I was a child, after doing a bunch of chemotherapy, she is now 11 years cancer free! Hopefully everything will remain well and kudos to all of you for getting through breast cancer!
  • I am a survivor. I was diagnosed in September 2013 and had bilateral mastecomy in December 2013. I had my surgery to replace the tissue expanders with actual implants on 30 April. Just trying to get back into the swing of exercising. I am 45 and have about 70 pounds to lose.
  • Yes...had radiation and lumpectomy four years ago and am doing well
  • Amelia5437
    Amelia5437 Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed in November 2012, had lumpectomy, followed by chemo (carboplatin, taxotere and herceptin) for 18 weeks, then 33 rads, then continued Herceptin every 3 weeks until December 2013. Stage 1, high grade, HER2+, ER+, PR-. Clean margins and clear lymph nodes. Now just taking tamoxifen. Gained almost 30 pounds during chemo and got tachycardia/anemia making working out impossible for about 5 months or so. Oncologist offhandedly mentioned how hard it is to lose weight during menopause and I let it be an excuse for a while. But I started tracking on MFP in early May and work out 7 days a week, and I am down 12 pounds. Very excited to see that it IS possible despite menopause, despite tamoxifen and despite the low dose of Effexor that I take to counteract the hot flashes (which works somewhat, but not perfectly). Have become really invested in heated vinyasa flow yoga. I'm planning to get a tummy tuck in September and am highly motivated to get as fit as possible before then and beyond!
  • artistes2
    artistes2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am going in for a removal of a duct in my breast . The surgeon said that is the only way to cure the discharge that is coming out, and the only way to rule out cancer. Has anyone else had this? Compared to other posts it seems trivia but I am worried about it. Thanx for your reply.
  • Me. {{{{{hugs}}}}} to all.

    To the lady with the duct biopsy. It should be a quick procedure, but definitely take a xanax first. Good luck!
  • Amelia5437, our diagnoses are very similar and I'm exactly one year behind you. I had TCH & lumpectomy and have had 2 so far of 33 rads, and will continue Herceptin every 3 weeks until December 2014. I am ER+, PR+ (but only weakly ER+ and very weakly PR+). Stage IIa, Grade 2 (medium grade). I'll also start Tamoxifen after rads are done. I'm 43, so I don't know yet whether chemopause will turn into permanent menopause. Docs says that my period could come back months from now.
  • Nikole507
    Nikole507 Posts: 3
    Hi All,
    My Name is Nikole, I'm 47y.o. I was diagnosed w/trip neg., grade 3/stage 3. I had a bilateral mastectomy on 8/22/13, and rec'd 4 rounds of chemotherapy. That ended in December 2013. I underwent reconstructive surgery and had the expanders replaced in April 2014. Now it's time to rebuild my strength, and lose weight, I'm in remission, but chemopause has evidently become menopause. I would like to offer support to all the survivors who are trying to rebuild their lives, congratulate those of you who have obercome so much, and offer blessings to those who are still in treatment.
    Good luck!
  • SurvivingBC
    SurvivingBC Posts: 4 Member
    I had started working out July 2013 and lost about 15 pounds when I found the lump in my breast at the age of 48. What they thought were 2 tumors turned out to be 1 large tumor - 4cm. Was ER+,PR-,HER2++. Stage 2a. Had lumpectomy, margin wasn't clear (by 1mm!!). Dr said we could trust radiation to take care of it or have a second surgery. I said get it all, so second surgery and reconstruction and lift at the same time. Lymph nodes clear. Started chemo in December with Adriamycin and Cytoxan, followed by Taxol and Herceptin. Total of 16 chemo treatments. Finished up in April 2014 and began radiation couple weeks later. Almost finished. 2 more this week and five targeted bursts next week. Then on to Tamoxifen. Have lost a total of 40 pounds so far. Still would like to lose 50 more. God Bless everyone fighting this battle. It's tough, but we are strong!
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    Many years ago I had a lumpectomy followed by a Hysterectomy including removal of my ovaries. November 2013 I had a bilateral Mastectomy with reconstruction, the surgery for my permanent replacements is scheduled for July 10, 2014. I will be 54 years old in August and I am determined to get myself at a healthy weight and stay there by making better choices. Wish me luck as I am on a roll...
  • Beckie1965, did you keep losing all through treatment? Wow, that's amazing.

    I'm just now back to where I was at the time of diagnosis. Would like to lose another 30 lbs (although realistically I would be thrilled to lose another 20). Losing is going very slowly for me.

    I have 5 more boost radiation treatments, and then I'm done (except for the rest of the Herceptin infusions which will continue every 3 weeks until December).

    Good luck to all of you on this BC journey and taking control of our health as much as we can!
  • I am losing weight to enable me to have a DIEP flap reconstruction. I was diagnosed almost exactly a year ago, had a mastectomy, 6 rounds of FEC chemo followed by 5 weeks of radiotherapy. I am now on Tamoxifen. I need to lose another stone to have my op, which I'm hoping to do before the end of September.
  • pvw9898
    pvw9898 Posts: 1
    Gained 35 pounds since treatment. November 2012, diagnosed Stage2, Her+, Hormone negative. Had a double mastectomy, Radiation, Chemo, Herceptin, final implants all completed December 2013. Now time to get the weight off.
  • jaena4
    jaena4 Posts: 175 Member
    I was just diagnosed in July and am still in the freaking out stage. I don't know a whole lot yet. It's 5cm DCIS (at least at the moment - I'm expecting that's it's broken out of the duct since it's so large). Hormone negative. Don't know yet about HER2. Mastectomy scheduled for Aug 20. Getting a tissue expander put in then.

    Would love friends who have gone through this - it's so overwhelming!
  • I am BC warrior. I was 36 last year when Felix occurred. Yes I named my tumor. I just completed my 3rd 5K since going through treatments and finishing. I got PR today.
  • I was DX 05/10 at the age of 28. My son was 9 months old. Chemo, Radiation, Bilaterial Mastectomy (BRCA positive), and still on tamoxifen...only 1 year left! I'm trying to get into my best body possible to celebrate the lucky 5 year mark this december!!
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    I was Dx 7/14 at 39. 9mm IDC stage 1, grade 2, PR/ER+/Her-. Had a BMX 8/21/14 and currently in the TE phase. I will be on Tamoxifen for 10 years.