Let's Try Again

Hello. Last year I lost ten pound and went from average range to fit range in the body fat content. What took me six months to take off only took about two months to put back on. I am disappointed in undoing such hard work, but am not wanting to kick myself forever because I know that only adds to my desire to eat. I am hoping to find a few friends here that I can use as accountability partners.



  • catmisha
    Hi. I guess we all do that some times, loose the weight and gain it back. Like you say having the extra weight only makes you feel like eating more. The key to it is to find a way or alternatives to the things we like the most. My daughter is also trying to loose weight and she loves ice cream. She just found that one vanilla cone at McDonalds is only 150 calories compared to 400 in blue bell ice cream. In my case is the excercise part. I am wating on a recumbent stationary bike to use during the winter. Should get here next week. Keeping with your food diary helps if you are trying to get room for a little treat. Try new receipes also. Drink hot tea and lots of water (helps with the hunger). Good luck. Know you are hot alone. : )