How to start, really start

I want to start, (for like the 83rd time). But really start, and not look back. I want to keep moving forward, knowing it's not going to be perfect, but that I will keep moving forward. Any thoughts on how to do this? I've found a workout I love, body pump, but I still feel like that's only 200 calories burned a day... I just feel like I have so so far to go, and breaking it down doesn't seem to help, partly because I haven't even gotten to my first goal. Just know I can't stay this way. And I wand it gone. I want to stop being ashamed to be in pictures, I want to stop being shocked every day I pass the mirror. (Except for in a good way). You guys reply if you want, in the mean time I'll do some body pump.


  • afortunatedragon
    afortunatedragon Posts: 329 Member
    I started slowly.
    I started with stop eating sweets. No more cakes, no more sugar in my coffee.
    Then I started to walk my dog a bit longer. Every day a bit farer.
    Found someone pushing me on the mountain.
    In the meanwhile I joined a Gym, lift weights, feel everything under 5 k not a proper walk and even try to add some running now
    Changed my food intake to more healthy stuff.

    I think small slow changes are better than quick big ones.
    They have to become a normal part of your life.
    And start with stuff you now like. Things will come with time.
    I never thought I would find running achivable. Now I want to be able to run for a good distance.

    Hope that helps a bit.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Everything you need to know is here

    The rest is up to you
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I think you've got to find something you enjoy and can stick with. Find support from family, friends, people here, etc. But ultimately, you're going to have to want to change more than stay the same. You'll have to kick old habits, which won't be easy, but it will be worth it. It's a journey with ups and downs, but if you truly want it, you can reach that goal!
  • kaytee57078
    kaytee57078 Posts: 9 Member
    I completely understand! I've tried in the past but never really tried the difference is this time I've got a bike and a Fitbit making me feel guilty if I don't get up and move . I've started trying to fit in activity where ever I can even if it's just a quick walk around the park while my daughter is at swimming lessons. My problem is I'm lazy and don't know how to eat so I end up not eating a lot,starving and then over eating and continues in a horrible cycle and there are days I just want to say forget it and eat it all ! I've lost about 13-14 pounds according to my scale but can't see it anywhere so that doesn't help either lol. Sorry this isn't very motivational but at least you know your not alone :)
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    Thanks, I'm so easily discouraged, I've got to get thicker skin. I was proud of myself yesterday for doing body pump, and I did increase my weights, and I got my clean and press up to 30 lbs. that's all the weight that came with the set, and more than the instructor does. Yeah me. Then on Facebook I see one of my friends doing crossfit with huge weights, and another post of a teenage girl benching an insane amount. Bubble burst. Ugghh. I also struggle with the whole time thing. I know I didn't put it all on at once, but I get frustrated. How do you guys stay moving forward?