New to here, but not new to trying to lose 100+ pounds.....

Hi everyone!!! I joined MFP quite a while ago and lost some weight but plateaued and got frustrated and angry at myself so I gave up. I gained back the 40 pounds I worked so hard at losing and kept spiraling downwards. But I need to do this for myself and I need to stick to it. This is an incredibly hard battle, and how do you all stay motivated? And what exercises/workouts do you do? I work 5 days a week from 8-9 and Saturdays from 9-4 (currently juggling 2 jobs and an amazing husband), so how can I maximize my workouts? I have a Wii and exercise videos and have been watching my food diligently for the past few that enough? When I lost the 40 pounds I had more time, a gym membership, and a personal trainer but that is not something I can do right now and so many of you have success stories that I can learn from. I thought about joining a diet program but can't make it to meetings. I think I'm just frustrated and disgusted at myself for nor having the motivation and self control to have kept losing the weight and I'm starting from scratch again. Wow....that was quite a vent!! I'M SORRY!!! But if there are other people like myself at MFP then I know you understand... Oh, and hi!!! I'm 24, married with no kids, and live outside of Toronto.... =)


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I find walking works very well for me, a walk costs nothing and is very good for you, specialy a brisk walk, GL with your plan
  • jlc2002
    jlc2002 Posts: 20
    welcome back! The main thing I've done in all my dieting is just manage my foods. Choose healthier options. I cut out all pop/candy/chips etc, and drink only water. By doing that alone you can lose 2-5lbs/wk for the first few. After that its a matter of ensuring at least 20min of exercise a day. By doing 2miles on my treadmill and warmups, plus watching what I ate, I lost 75lbs...however, when I moved in with my bf (when he finally got here from Australia) I stopped paying attention and gained all but 12lbs back. So, I'm starting again....the same way.

    I'm sure you will do fantastic, and when in the right mindset (which it seems you are), you can succeed.

    Good Luck!
  • resptech97
    I know its hard! I work 12 hour shifts but I only have the one job and working those hours allows me to only work 3 days a week. But by looking at your hours you could fit it in before work. Get up a little earlier. Yes I know that sounds horrible but look at it this way...How bad do you want to lose weight? And the weekends looks like you could fit some in there too. If you dont have time for the gym then by all means work out at home. I love all the biggest loser workouts. You might think they kick your butt at first. But if you keep doing them you WILL see results. Dont get frustrated because you may not can do all the exercises either. Just keep moving or do the modified version of the exercise. Its what I did and these results dont lie....LOL You know you can do it seeing as you have lost weight before. Something that helped me out in the beginning is to get alot of those lean cuisine and healthy choice meals. Those got me used to portion sizes. As I slowly learned more about low calorie foods and all through this website I added in my own meals. I dont guess about portion sizes. Everything is weighed and measured. So you will need a food scale. I also just started out walking. I didnt do the dvds at first. My doctor told me he was afraid I would hurt myself....LOL But now I'm kicking own...for letting myself get in this shape in the first place! Feel free to add me as a friend. I hope this helps!
  • beth_is_ready
    Good luck to you!! I am new too and have lost and gained it back and hoping this will be the time for me. Tracking my food and exercise the last few days has really helped me to realize what I'm eating and where I can make changes. Exercise DVDs are great if you can't get to the gym. And walking. Also if you can walk during walk on your lunch that helps with trying to find time after work. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. As a full-time teacher and freelance musician, I work 60-65 hours most weeks plus spend several hours driving to and from gigs out of town. I envy people that have every evening and weekend free to go to a gym and spend hours working out. I've only lost 17 pounds so far, but what has worked for me is to get in small workouts here and there at home. I do a Crunch Fitness pilates DVD -- each segment only takes 10 minutes. Sometimes I do 1, 2, or all 3 segments depending on how much time I have. I also have a treadmill at home which has been a godsend. I'm not sure what your fitness level is (mine was very low when I started) but I've worked up to being able to alternate walking and jogging for 30 minutes at a time, which burns quite a few calories, and I work out to an aerobics tape 2 or 3 times a week. The whole aerobics routine is only 35 minutes long but it's pretty intense. For me, getting to a level where I can burn lots of calories in a short amount of time has been key.

    I eat a high fiber, high carb breakfast (Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal, soy milk, sometimes a banana, and 8 oz of orange juice) and I take a green tea extract tablet every day. This really keeps my hunger under control for most of the day so I can eat a small lunch and supper.

    I hope some of this info. is helpful. You were able to lose 40 pounds before, which is quite impressive, and you CAN do it again!!