Rest days

Is there any benefit in having a planned rest day from exercise? I do at least 60 minutes on the elliptical 6 days a week and some days I do 30 day shred or jog a mile on top of that, but I don't really do anything too strenuous so I'm not sure if there's any benefit (physically at least) in having a rest day from exercise.

Today is my planned rest day so I only walked for 50 minutes (at a leisurely pace) but I'm about 100 calories over my goal so I'm debating whether or not I should just do my 30 day shred dvd! I feel really tired today though, but I always feel more energized after working out so I can't really use that as an excuse! lol



  • alyssa83202
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I exercise 6 days of the week. Generally speaking I don't plan my rest day. I just take it when I need it (some mornings sleeping in is just so hard to resist).

    But I ALWAYS have that one day a week when I resist the urge to work out.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    You can exercise every day--you just need to build in "active" rest days. Your body needs time to recover, but that doesn't mean sitting on a couch all day. If one is not exercising strenuously, then they don't need much "rest". Just be sure to vary your workout intensities.

    And pay attention to the signs of overtraining. If you find that your performance stops improving, or heart rate is drifting higher, or you are having trouble sleeping, or you always feel tired, then those are some of the signals that you are overtrained and, at that point, you will need to take a complete break.
  • rawfitness
    rawfitness Posts: 68 Member
    If you strength train, rest is a must.
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
  • veggiegirl314
    I do yoga on my rest day. That way, I'm still doing something sort of active (well, more active than sitting on my couch!)
  • vero_1
    vero_1 Posts: 85 Member
    Tomorrow is my rest day... I'm going jumping for an hour... for fun at a trampoline park and it should help burn a bit of calories while having a blast!
    I think of my rest day as a way to give my body a break from the heavy workouts and also to give my mind a break but still try to find a way to stay active and not just sit infront of the tv watching Food Network all day like I used to... then I can eat more calories too!!
    Those extra calories that get added to the daily allowance sure are a good motivator....
  • ElisaMarie82
    When I first started out I did cardio 5 days a week and lost about 1 pound a week. About a month ago I started doing cardio and strength training on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and have been losing atleast 4 pounds a week. Taking a break inbetween my workouts has given me more strength to put a lot more into my workouts and I actually look forward to them rather than get burnt out. Nothing wrong with giving yourself a break! You deserve it with all the hard work you're doing!!!!
  • a2canadian
    At your level of exercise, active rest might be more productive... or you could develop a cycle of exercise. I am a big fan of adding things into your rotation so that you rest certain muscle groups and work new ones... releiving strain on your bones and joints. I currently (for the past 2 months) do alternating days of Swimming and Running with a low key pilates workout on the 3rd day and an intense pilates workout on the 4th day and rest (i.e. walking) on the 7th day... looks something like:
    1: swim
    2: run
    3: swim, easy pilates
    4. hard pilates
    5. run
    6. swim
    7. REST, easy pilates
    8. hard pilates
    Usually I try to switch things up every 3-4 months
  • alyssa83202
    Thanks for all of the great responses! I took a rest day from the gym or dvds yesterday and just took an hour long walk at a comfortable pace! Today I did my 30 Day Shred workout and tomorrow it's back to the gym!

    I don't end up feeling very sore or tired so I think my body is keeping up well enough so far. Thanks again for the advice!
  • bubbles079
    I exercise with about an hour of cardio a day 6 days a week I am planning strength training tomorrow but my rest day is always Sunday if i do any thing I do 15 min on the ski machine but that's just me and I have health issues so I need to rest I just hope adding strength training will not do me in only planning about 10-15 min with resistance bands sense it what the doctor recommended. Would love any suggestions of low impact exercise I can do with the band but for now I'm just searching you tube.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    If you look at the couch to 5k they tell you rest days are very important. I'm going to try and work them in to my schedule but more along the lines of Yoga or light exercise rather than not doing anything at all.
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    Rest days are definitely important, but I don't usually plan them. I am starting to get back into the swing of working out 5-6 days a week, between teaching Zumba, strength training and running. Take the days when you need them, but don't feel guilty if you take a day. Just think of it as a way for your body to rebuild so you can go faster/farther/lift more/dance longer. :drinker: