Looking for more friends who share their diary

Hi Everyone,

It's really motivating for me to see other people's food diaries. It shows me interesting strategies about how to stay in range, and most importantly, it helps me see, when other people write about poor choices that they may have made, it makes me feel better that I am not the only one out there screwing up. So, if you share a diary and would like some support, please link with me.




  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member

    Welcome to add me. I currently have my cals set to my TDEE and try to ensure I eat below that each day (usually by 300-500, some days are a little higher if I do cardio also) so I can visually see my defecit. I am currently following IIFYM loosely and share my diary with my friends.
  • nicwoj99
    nicwoj99 Posts: 14 Member
    feel free to add me too. looking to start logging again and would love the accountability.
  • blintaro
    blintaro Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I'm pretty much just starting as well but am pretty serious about it! I would love to look at others food diaries to get an idea of what I should be eating to expect loss. I'll friend request you!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Good luck to you.
    My diary is open.
  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    Hey :) Feel free to add me. I love looking at other peoples food diaries for more ideas, and my diary is always open :)
  • hooah13m
    hooah13m Posts: 29
    mine is open if you'd like to take a peek :)
  • kalice29
    kalice29 Posts: 6 Member
    I could also use more friends that share their diaries. Everyone on this thread is welcome to add me too.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Hi! You're welcome to add me, my diary is open.

    I usually fluctuate between eating a little over and a little under, and then eat at maintenance once in a while. I don't believe that depriving myself is a good way to maintain a healthy relationship with food. I keep an average deficit of about 350 cals/day, meaning I lose about a pound every 10 days. For the little I have to lose, that's great, and eating so close to maintenance has allowed me to build more muscle as well, so I'm pretty happy with the results so far even though the scale number is moving slow.

    I also eat a fairly broad variety of foods and love to try new stuff. Today's experiment was roasted beets. It was a fail.
  • ariesflame
    ariesflame Posts: 82 Member
    Mine is open to friends.
    Been pretty consistent even on bad business trips where there is dining and drinking.
    Only lag is when I was without internet for a week.
    And if it was a going out sort of weekend I'll punch in a big number.

    You'll find my diet goes from Rabbit food to Costco pizza and Burritos.
  • Craigtp91
    Craigtp91 Posts: 15 Member
    feel free to add me, not the best of diets but i am trying to start using mfp again.
  • itsjustmish
    itsjustmish Posts: 107 Member
    I share mine with friends, but I'll be completely honest that I'm not a '1200 calories a day' person and never will be! I'm pretty active and tend to eat in-line with that, so if you're looking for people with lower intake diaries then I'm probably not going to be of much help!

    Anyone is free to add me! :)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Pretty sure mine is open. Anyone who thinks going vegan and bread-free will guarantee no more pig out days should check out my entry from a couple days ago. This is why I also do 5:2!

    And yes, rum is a vegetable. :bigsmile:
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    I would love to share my diary, but having chosen to hide it when I started, I can't seem to find the setting to un-hide it. Please tell me how....
  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    Luckee_me - Yours is hidden ....
    Just realised that the diary is only visible to friends ... doh!
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I keep my diary open to friends so feel free to add me.

    I'm still using mine more as guidelines to make sure I'm on the right track and I don't stick to a 1200 cal diet (although lately I have been hovering around that so I need to eat more). I don't deprive myself and will go out once in a while with friends. I am fairly active though, I go to the gym regularly and I do have a job that keeps me on my feet and moving around.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    My diary is wide open. It is one day ahead though, because although I started my diet July 5, I didn't eat and log my July 5 food until after 12 a.m. July 6. I don't eat my main meal, which sometimes is my only meal, until almost midnight or after midnight.At first, I didn't log housework as exercise, until I found out that it counts as exercise. I don't actually exercise though! The reason I have not updated my ticker is that I am not going to weigh myself until August. Because the scale won't reflect my "honest" weight at this point due to water-weight-loss from dieting, probably 5 pounds or so. I am a vegan.