Sore Feet

Hello everyone,

I have recently began to jog (which I love), however the sides of my feet get very very sore after a little while. It also happens when I squat heavy or for many reps.

I have been known to wear my shoes in on the sides so i'm guessing I over pronate..

Is there a way to fix this or at least cope with it because it's beginning to affect my knees too?

Any help or suggestions will be much appreciated.

K x


  • Caroleoconner
    I would try an orthotic in your athletic shoes. You can buy orthotics that fit in y,our shoes by Orthoheel or
    purchase a pair of their athletic shoes. They claim to correct pronation which sounds like your problem. Good luck!
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    I've just been through this... I don't run, but I do jog on the spot, and do a fair amount of walking. For about a month I've had a very sore right foot.

    I went to a podiatrist, who diagnosed that I'm overpronating, and recommended expensive orthotics. I've asked around, and others have recommended getting good shoes. So I've talked to the podiatrist, and have, for now, bought some good shoes. I went to a shoe shop that had me walk on a treadmill, and took a video of my feet, then recommended shoes based on this. Only picked them up today ($180, ouch!), so yet to see if they'll help. If they don't, I'll head back to the podiatrist and look at the orthotics again.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    go to a running store and get the right running shoes. no need for expensive orthotics yet.
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    If you don't need the custom orthotics there are options.
    I wear orthotics inside my Asics cross training shoes from The Good Foot Store. You can also try the Dr Shoals (where it maps out your foot). And good running shoes are important. Some of the newer light weight shoes do not give enough support.

    You should do something. I had plantar fasciatis and it took forever to get rid of, not to mention it was very painful. Good luck.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Options i'm guessing I over pronate..

    Go to a running shop, get fitted for the appropriate type of shoes for your gait, and keep them dedicated to running only.

    You also need to focus on form, a short pace, landing just in front of your centre of mass, will encourage a footstrike that works more effetively.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    go to a running store and get the right running shoes. no need for expensive orthotics yet.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I developed plantar fasciitis a couple of years ago (I think some combination of using worn out shoes and running on concrete for my hockey games). Now that I'm wearing the right shoes, I haven't had any issues since (knock on wood).
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    Thank you everybody.

    I think I will go to a running shop and see what they say and if they have anything they believe will help me.