fried eggs everyday.



  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Eggs are great, but if you want more protein, rare beefsteak, pulled pork, roast chicken, fried chicken, crab legs in drawn butter, blood rare roast beef, lamb kebobs, barbecue baby back ribs, etc., etc., etc., to infinity and beyond. NOTHING tastes better than REAL MEAT.
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Until I found something different I like just as well, I had been eating a fried egg, ham, and cheese on toast every morning and it never affected my diet much at all. I just found a breakfast burrito with eggs that I like just as well that doesn't have the butter in it right now. There is nothing wrong with eggs so eat them if you want.
  • GoodLittleEater
    GoodLittleEater Posts: 53 Member
    I guess you could always experiment with eating 3 eggs: 1 including the yolk and the other 2 have just the whites.. Or something like that if you are concerned and must have some yolk.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    The 3 eggs per week thing is 80's thinking, they also used to say you'd become addicted to them if you ate too many!

    Eggs are amazing, as others have said eat away.
  • ChefSteveUrso
    ChefSteveUrso Posts: 84 Member
    I wondered the same thing a couple weeks ago so I did a little research. Mayo Clinic and Journal of the American Medical Association say 4 yolks a week will not increase your risk of heart disease. I love eggs also, and could eat them everyday but limiting them to twice a week. I'm 48 and don't want any artery problems.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    My cholesterol is the same no matter what I eat. Five years ago I got it checked when I was running two or three miles a day, eating oatmeal for breakfast, avoiding eggs and dairy and bacon, and eating a TON of veggies/very little red meat, and it was around 300 (so terrible). I got it checked last year after I'd been eating eggs and bacon for breakfast every day, eating a lot of meat and veggies for meals, avoiding bread and rice, and lifting weights/doing taekwondo 4 days a week, and it was around 300. So now I take Simvastatin and eat eggs and bacon for breakfast every morning, because it is delicious :)
  • notsuchaskinnybitch
    I eat eggs every day for breakfast as well, couldn't be without them. Advice for eggs changes all the time but I will go with what they say atm that they are ok to eat everyday :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,644 Member
    The 3 eggs per week thing is 80's thinking, they also used to say you'd become addicted to them if you ate too many!

    Eggs are amazing, as others have said eat away.

    I believe that since eggs are so yummy.

    And my bad cholesterol and triglycerides went down when I added eating one or two eggs every day and changed nothing else.
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    Who told you they were unhealthy?

    My mother-in-law is constantly spouting 1970's era nutrition lore- and none of it is true. There are a whole lot of nutrition myths out there and some people love to rattle them off pretending to be an expert. Avoid these people, or if they can't be avoided (as in the case with family) ignore every "Nutrition fact" they try to tell you.
  • Angela26point2finisher
    Angela26point2finisher Posts: 105 Member
    I love eggs! Blood work was done just today, it's great. Must be do to all the eggs I've been consuming! Fried in a dab of coconut oil... yummy! and rolled up with a high fiber tortilla.