I need some encouragement tonight

kwynne29 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I got online today because I got on the scale this week and I hadn't lost not one pound, this week. So I was feeling a little discouraged. And needed some words of encouragement. I have been working out......some, about 30 min 3 times a week. And I have been following this calorie thing faithfully. However I am not seeing any major results.

So I came on here to find support.


  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    As much of a cliche as this sounds, you sometimes just have to give these things time! And don't be discouraged; you have to remember that everyone's different!
    Also, don't forget to take your measurements as you can often lose inches before you start losing weight!
    Good luck and keep at it! :smile:
  • kwynne29
    kwynne29 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks, I did wear a pair of old jeans today. I have just gained about 20 pounds this year. And this is my first time trying to get it off. And I am just want to make sure I am not missing anything. I was just reading about how bad breads are and processed foods.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Also, make sure to weigh yourself naked, or atleast in your underwear as clothes (especially jeans) can weigh a lot!
    And weigh yourself at the same time of day (preferably in the morning) as weight can fluctuate quite drastically throughout the day! I know that my weight can differ around 5lb through the day!
  • kwynne29
    kwynne29 Posts: 6 Member
    No, I know to weight naked. But i am have shaved some pounds off my start weight i have only been doing this for about 2 weeks. I really like the calculater. It really helps you stay on track. I find myself with calories to spare most days. How much are you trying to loose? That my goal too size 10 jeans. Junior 9/10 jeans. lol.
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    I'm trying to lose 28lb (2 stone) to be 148lb (10st 8lb). I'm tall at 5'11" so that'd be a healthy weight for me! :)
    How much are you trying to lose?
  • Just a thought too, if you can get a scale that measures body fat as well as weight, you will likely see the improvements that you are making. Could be that you are building muscle, and/or retaining more water at this time. Hang in there and the progress will come.
  • kwynne29
    kwynne29 Posts: 6 Member
    I need to loose about 30 pounds. I would love to be about 155 to 160. I have a 2 yr old. I believe I am the only one in the world that actually looses weight during pregnancy. Before I was pregnant I weighted about 190 and right before I had him I was about 198. But once he was born I was about 165, I maintained that for maybe a yr and this yr the weight just came back. I have never talked about weight this opening.................maybe pounds is a better word. Most folks can not look at you and tell what you weight. I tend to say I weight 175-180. Folks usually dont know the difference. Unless your about the same I guess. Is scale the measures your fat expensive?
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