Why Skinny-Fat people are generally ignored???



  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Bigger pants
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I am always looking to improve myself. It is not that I don't like myself, I just want to be the best me I can be! It is annoying when others are rude about that. Probably, though, those who are overweight feel a bit resentful of those of us who are smaller and still "dieting" or "cutting" or "recomp ing" or whatever. After all, they would probably just like to be where we are.

    There are plenty of threads and groups here on MFP that are supporting becoming more fit and healthy instead of just losing weight. Check out the groups and find one. "In place of a road map" is one. Also "eat train progress". I've learned a lot from these and others.

    Body recomp, which is what you are looking for, is a slow process. We are talking months and months. But, what else have you got to do, right? After all you've lost the weight and now you are looking for the next step.

    So, yes, be pleased with your progress (even if that simply means maintaining a healthy weight for your life, or prior weight loss), but it is fine to NEVER BE SATISFIED and want to continually improve!

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Bigger pants
    True true true.

    A lady I work with is fairly small but INSISTS on wearing pants that are like 2-3 sizes too small and suffers from severe muffin tops every single day. She just likes to say she wears a size ______. If she would just wear the correct size pants she would look amazing, but with those small pants and muffin top....NO THANKS!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.

    No you are right. I have some of those too! If you carry your fat in the abs, this can definitely happen!!
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm not sure I understand what a skinny-fat person is, usually a person is classified as skinny, thin, average, fat, ect. Is a skinny-fat person like an average person? Just a little confused on what you mean. Anyway, I think that people of all sizes should learn to love themselves for who they are inside. If someone is not happy with the outside, then they should take steps in changing their body. Losing weight should be fun, not depressing. If people are judging you based on your weight, ignore them. They are not worth your time. You want to be around people who love you for YOU: fat or thin, the size doesn't matter.

    Its when someone is thin but has an unusual amount of fat for their size. These are the people (often ladies) that are so thin from dieting for so long and doing too much cardio that they have practically zero muscle left on them and so they look soft and jiggle like a fatter person. They keep dieting though because they think if they just get thinner overall they're going to look the way they want. Trouble is they're so thin they can't diet in a healthy way and still lose weight. Even if they managed it they would not look like they want- they'd look skeletal.

    Which is why, OP, everyone is advising you either stop eating at a deficit, or really slow down. No matter how much you want weight loss tips- no one is going to give them to you because you don't need weight loss at this point. You will not look the way you want if you lose more weight. People are telling you to eat more and lift because they know that is what you actually need to do to get what you want. You need to put on more muscle before you can diet again or else you will just be underweight and still look the way you do. There's plenty advice being given, but you're just not willing to take it.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.
    You bought them from Old Navy, didn't you?
    I swear those clothes are made in another dimension.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.
    You bought them from Old Navy, didn't you?
    I swear those clothes are made in another dimension.

    I bought them from a thrift store, but they do indeed have an Old Navy tag. :laugh:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.
    You bought them from Old Navy, didn't you?
    I swear those clothes are made in another dimension.

    I bought them from a thrift store, but they do indeed have an Old Navy tag. :laugh:
    The only store in the world you can shop at be a small, medium, large, 2, 4, 6 and 12. ALL IN THE SAME DAY! lol
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    The only store in the world you can shop at be a small, medium, large, 2, 4, 6 and 12. ALL IN THE SAME DAY! lol

    lol- this is so true. Last time I was there I was barely squeezing on a size six and drowning in a zero at the same time :laugh:
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    The only store in the world you can shop at be a small, medium, large, 2, 4, 6 and 12. ALL IN THE SAME DAY! lol
    True! :laugh:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The only store in the world you can shop at be a small, medium, large, 2, 4, 6 and 12. ALL IN THE SAME DAY! lol

    And in the exact same style!
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Stop whining and start lifting heavy things.
  • drunkenwaltz
    drunkenwaltz Posts: 5 Member
    Stop whining and start lifting heavy things.

    Beautifully said. :heart:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    why??? I can't lose 4inches?? have you seen my pictures?? can you no see the fat sticking out??? 2yrs ago I was 4inches down... why I can't lose that?? is that you trying to be smart-*kitten* or its impossible/??I have seen people going from my shape into muscular and toning down 6inches so please explain...

    It's already been said, but worth repeating - to transform body shape, Lift Heavy Things. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

    And I'll just put this here as I haven't seen it posted yet today: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    Not all of us skinny fat people can lift heavy. I need a shoulder replacement that’s scheduled for 10/2 and I have degenerative disc between L4 & L5. :-( I'm just glad biking doesn’t affect either of those two things much.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    Not necessarily true. I have this weird pair of pants that are so baggy they are falling off my hips, yet they somehow manage to give me a muffintop, too.

    I think they might be from another dimension. Not the clothing line, I mean really from another dimension.

    this...the pants I have on right now fit every where and I can put a fist on the back of the waist but I still have something spille out on top...

    and trust me, skinny pants in wrong size (too big or too small) are equally not good looking.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    in to read all the reactions to the subject...
    So I just want thinner thights and no muffin top when wearing skinny pants...

    Nobody wants to hear this.
    But if you wear the right size, you don't have muffin tops.

    no I don't want to hear this...NO NO NO :brokenheart: :sad:
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    People see others in a more positive light. I don't think a lot of people my size are fat at all. But when I look at myself, I know the issues I want to correct. Truthfully, no one is ignoring what you say, they just see you in a better light, and genuinely think you look good as you are. But you deserve to follow any vision of yourself that you want. I don't think it means you don't love yourself, more that you want better things for yourself. You want to wear nicer clothes, you want to rock a swim suit. No shame in it. We all do.

    MFP is full of skinny fats who are doing the same thing. So you should be able to get all the support you need.
    Most people said it- now it's mostly a matter of toning.