Eating right, weight training and seeing no results D;

Right so I have been working my butt off for the best part of 3 months now. I am sticking to my macros and eating around 1400 calories a day. I am weight training 4 times a week and doing about 15 mins cardio about 4 times a week. When I first started doing this the changes were great but in the last month or so I have seen no change at all and it's really starting to bother me!

I measure out all my food, and track it correctly. I have one cheat evenings a week and I do not drink alcohol. I drink 2L of water a day. As far as I can see I'm doing everything right but seeing no changes on the scales or in progress pics.

Could my body be resisting losing fat for some reason?

I am pretty clued up about nutrition and I listen to what my body needs and wants, I eat clean and very healthily. I change up my workouts regularly. I have 8 workout that I alternate between.

Can anyone shed light on why I am not getting any results?

I am 5'5ft and 52kg



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    What are your goals? Your ticker says you have 7 lbs left to lose? Wouldn't that put you underweight for your height? With less to lose, changes will come slower. Also, your margin for error is less when you're closer to goal. Your cheat day very well be why. However, again I'd look at your goals. Perhaps maintenance or even a slight surplus would be beneficial for you. You could surplus for a couple of months and then cut back down to stay in a safe weight range for your height and with muscle gains, you'll look leaner at a heavier weight. But this takes time and patience. Well worth it though!
  • kelseyhogz
    That 'goals' not what I want really just shoved it in. I don't really want to be any certain weight, just want to get rid of the extra fat!
    Yeah I may try going to maintenance and then back down again for a bit to change my leptin levels but I just don't want to undo the work I've done!
  • redman1740
    redman1740 Posts: 13 Member
    You are weight training, which builds muscle and we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Second, you only do 15 min of cardio about 4 times a week. 15 min of cardio is only going to give you 15 min of results. I can say that because I do an hour of cardio 4 to 5 times a week and I've had great results. I know a lot of people say you don't need a lot of cardio but it has worked for me. If I eat really bad one day, I will punish myself with 2 hrs of cardio the next day. Sucks but hey, I really wanted those ribs.

    So look at increasing your cardio and probably decreasing the amount of weight you are using and do more reps. Lower weight and higher reps, get the heart pumping and sweat. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a temp fix. Good luck and keep working at it.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    What does your weight training routine look like?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    What does your weight training routine look like?

  • kelseyhogz
    The thing is I want to build muscle, I don't want to be skinny I want to be muscular so less weight more cardio won't really give me the results I'm looking for I don't think. I want to bulk up my legs and arms but slim down my stomach.

    My weight training routine consists of 4 'push' workouts (where you are using a push motion) and 4 pull workouts I alternate between these. I workout legs with 2-4 exercises every workout, I usually so about 10-12 exercises and the other exercises apart from legs will alternate between arms, shoulders, back, abs. I do between 8-12 reps depending on the exercise.
  • jj_jupiter
    jj_jupiter Posts: 23 Member
    Do weights 2x week and increase cardio to 45-60 mins.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Pick up into all pro or strong lifts 5x5, NROLFW. A structured free weight routine would be incredible. Look at the gaining weight section. Eat, Train, Progress group.

    To build muscle, you need a slight surplus. Going slow will help reduce fat gains (inevitably there will be fat gain but slow ensured best possible success with muscle building)
  • redman1740
    redman1740 Posts: 13 Member
    The thing is I want to build muscle, I don't want to be skinny I want to be muscular so less weight more cardio won't really give me the results I'm looking for I don't think. I want to bulk up my legs and arms but slim down my stomach.

    Using lighter weight will also help you build muscle. As your weight decreases, your reps should increase. So let's say you take 20lbs off something you were doing 8 rep. Kick it up to 5 sets of 20 reps instead. You are more less working out with the weights and as it gets easier, you increase the weight. Try that and don't forget the cardio. I know cardio is boring, I have 3 iPods worth of music and videos to keep me entertained but again, my results are fantastic. Give it a shot and if you don't like, then go try something different. The key is to keep at it, keep health and fitness a part of you and try a lot of different things. #gymlife
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Oh, another important note. Make sure you're getting about 1g per pound of lean body mass in protein to retain and build in a surplus.

    I slowly reversed my calories by 100ish every few weeks until I was gaining slightly. Aim for like 2 lbs a month max, ideally.
  • terces91
    terces91 Posts: 3
    I can only suggest going down another route if it has not worked after doing it for 3 months consistently, you should be able to see results in that time definitely. Maybe a more cardio based workout and a sustained diet until you've lost enough weight and then more toning maybe?

    I joined a program called Venus Factor at the beginning of the year as part of my NYR... I've lost 25lbs. It has been so good I asked if I could help to promote it and they unreluctantly agreed. This has my strong recommendation:

    Also another program 'Old School New Body' I am currently using in conjunction with it that has massively effective diet plans and helps to make you feel younger in the process:

    Give 'em a look...
  • kelseyhogz
    I started out doing 45-60 mins cardio and 15mins weights a week and saw no change after a couple of months so I changed it round and I have seen much more progress when doing weight training especially in my arms and back, my legs are even starting to tone up and I can feel definition coming. I just feel I've come to a plateau, the progress has slowed down hugely! Maybe I just have to be patient and keep working my butt off and deal with the fact my results may not be as fast as others. It's just so hard to stay motivated when the results are so slowly! I have an Instagram trainhappy.eatclean with photo of my progress on there if that helps give anyone an idea of my build.

    I think the sad fact is I may have to step up my cardio, I just really hate it plus I have dodgy knees so the only cardio I can do is the cross trainer and it gets so tedious! -.-
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Pick up into all pro or strong lifts 5x5, NROLFW. A structured free weight routine would be incredible. Look at the gaining weight section. Eat, Train, Progress group.

    I second this.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    You can profile creep me if you get bored. I went from 170 lbs to 120 lbs Currently (bulking to maybe 130 depending on BF%) but I did weightlifting the whole time. Barbell routines through structured programs. Don't Frankenstein your own one, if you are doing so. You'll get much better results from a tried and true program. Also, I don't think you need more cardio, especially if you don't like it. The most I do is walk for cardio
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    5'5" and just a shade over 100 pounds could be your problem, you don't need to lose weight, you need to add muscle.

    ETA: 1400 calories a day Is not enough for you, figure out your TDEE and add 10-15% 1400 calories to me indicates that you're cutting.

    ETA2: IIFYM puts your TDEE at 1765 (Guessing at your age) so 1900-2000 is more in line with what you need to be consuming, 1400 is indeed a cut.

  • kelseyhogz
    You can profile creep me if you get bored. I went from 170 lbs to 120 lbs Currently (bulking to maybe 130 depending on BF%) but I did weightlifting the whole time. Barbell routines through structured programs. Don't Frankenstein your own one, if you are doing so. You'll get much better results from a tried and true program. Also, I don't think you need more cardio, especially if you don't like it. The most I do is walk for cardio

    Wow your transformation is amazing!
    I am currently following a paid for workout program!
    Phew, I was secretly crying at the thought of more cardio! Haha.
  • kelseyhogz
    5'5" and just a shade over 100 pounds could be your problem, you don't need to lose weight, you need to add muscle.

    ETA: 1400 calories a day Is not enough for you, figure out your TDEE and add 10-15% 1400 calories to me indicates that you're cutting.

    ETA2: IIFYM puts your TDEE at 1765 (Guessing at your age) so 1900-2000 is more in line with what you need to be consuming, 1400 is indeed a cut.


    Indeed I am doing an 8 week cut atm, I'm 6 weeks in and just not seeing the results. I want to cut then build to avoid as much excess fat as I can! I am still building muscle with the way I am eating just not losing fat!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    You can profile creep me if you get bored. I went from 170 lbs to 120 lbs Currently (bulking to maybe 130 depending on BF%) but I did weightlifting the whole time. Barbell routines through structured programs. Don't Frankenstein your own one, if you are doing so. You'll get much better results from a tried and true program. Also, I don't think you need more cardio, especially if you don't like it. The most I do is walk for cardio

    Wow your transformation is amazing!
    I am currently following a paid for workout program!
    Phew, I was secretly crying at the thought of more cardio! Haha.

    Ty. What work out program, if you don't mind me asking? Things like bench press, squats, deadlifts. .I Didnt hear any mention of those, so I'm curious!

    And ya, I am not a fan of cardio. I know it's good for cardiovascular health but man it sucks to me lol
  • kelseyhogz

    Ty. What work out program, if you don't mind me asking? Things like bench press, squats, deadlifts. .I Didnt hear any mention of those, so I'm curious!

    And ya, I am not a fan of cardio. I know it's good for cardiovascular health but man it sucks to me lol

    It's a cutting program by train eat gain. As I said I am looking to cut then build!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Sounds like a better weight program would help.