I bombed

strbryt Posts: 488 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so I fell asleep last night and I did not get nearly all my water in and on top of that I still had over 1000 cal to eat. I have been doing really well and I have lost 13 lbs in like two weeks. which has totally kept me motivated to continue on this journey. Now I am super scared that I bombed by falling asleep and now I am so worried that I messed up and my body is going to be mad at me for not giving it what it needed and enough food. In my head I am gonna hold onto weight now cause my body thinks I forgot about it. Any advice or suggestions or even thoughts about this?Please help


  • vrsity
    vrsity Posts: 2 Member
    Your body obviously needed sleep more than the calories or you would have been too hungry to sleep all night. Don't sweat it. You will be just fine! :)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Just get back on schedule my friend..you have done don well you wikl be ok after one night you just can't do it everynight..your doing a great job...make sure you eat all of your calories today

    You got this
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Just let it go. One day doesn't hurt at all. I fight to hit the 1200 calorie mark some days and some days I sail right past it. Starvation mode can take a few days to kick in.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    First, don't trip. =^_^= The attitude is a huge part of fail or success.

    Now, one day won't hurt you in any way. Your body is no machine or computer. It's a living thing and it can adjust to almost everything.
    It's not that good, that you didn't get all your water in yesterday. So, yes, maybe your body will retain a bit today. But it will go off pretty soon, once you get enough water again.
    And just because of one day your body won't think you're starving it and hold on to any food it gets from you for a month or so.
    All we do here is also a learning process. Maybe it's not a bad thing that it happened. Watch your body and try to figure out how it reacts on yesterday's doings. It will also teach you new things about yourself.
    But, to sum it up, there is nothing you have to worry about just because of one day.
    That's at least my opinion.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I agree... one day isn't going to hurt you. Some days your body just needs to sleep more than it needs to eat. Just stick with the plan today, you'll be all right. :)
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    I also agree. Your body obviously need the sleep. Just get back on track today and you will be fine! Your doing awesome!!!!!!!!!!Keep up the good work!!!!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Ok so I fell asleep last night and I did not get nearly all my water in and on top of that I still had over 1000 cal to eat. I have been doing really well and I have lost 13 lbs in like two weeks. which has totally kept me motivated to continue on this journey. Now I am super scared that I bombed by falling asleep and now I am so worried that I messed up and my body is going to be mad at me for not giving it what it needed and enough food. In my head I am gonna hold onto weight now cause my body thinks I forgot about it. Any advice or suggestions or even thoughts about this?Please help

    HEEEEEEY!!! Slow down! Stop. Regroup.

    Don't let all those threads on here about body starvation for the lack of calories and water intake overwhelmed you. That is stress that you don't need. One night or even two here and there isn't going to send your body into melt down. Believe me. As long as you are not excessive with it you are ok.

    What you did was listen to your body. Last night it told you it needed sleep. Instead of ignoring it and staying up, you went to bed. You should be feeling good about that. You should have risen up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on another day of healthy living.

    Now go inhale, exhale.....calm your thoughts and have a Great Day!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I feel much better after reading everyone's response and they all pretty much say round the bout smae thing. I now feel llike it will be ok and nothing much to worry about. If I retain a little water it is ok cause It will come pff soon. I can do this and I am no longer going to let the little things scare me into questioning myself. Doubt can do ugly things
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I feel much better after reading everyone's response and they all pretty much say round the bout smae thing. I now feel llike it will be ok and nothing much to worry about. If I retain a little water it is ok cause It will come pff soon. I can do this and I am no longer going to let the little things scare me into questioning myself. Doubt can do ugly things

    Great job...it gets tough some days but oh so worth it..love you girlie
  • Everyone has slip ups~What counts is how you handle the slip up! You will be fine! I am so proud of you for what you have done the past two weeks! Keep your head up! You are doing GREAT!
  • No worries, just a bump in the road. Just get right back to it and it will be fine. Really! I've lost 60 lbs and the diet and exercise didn't always go as planned but it still came off. So keep trucking..you will get there.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Occasionally dipping low isn't a problem, it's when it becomes the norm. Get back on track, maybe a couple more glasses of water today. This is a lifestyle change, bad days are a part of life.
  • You are on your feet all day long working long hours each day. Your body tells you what it needs. You needed to rest. You will continue to lose weight even though you didn't eat the required amount of calories or drink your water. Stay the course my sister. Continue this amazing journey ... 3 days from now when you weigh yourself again you will see that you are still losing weight. Enjoy the day with your husband and stay positive. Encourage yourself by saying, "I am losing inches daily. I am losing pounds daily. I am preparing my body to carry a beautiful baby. I have lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks." You inspired me to join. Don't let anything or anybody keep you from living your best life. Just thank God that He allowed you to sleep because you needed the rest. You can do this. We can do this together. Stay strong.
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