New Woman here - looking forward to becoming a new woman out

Hi, I'm Cathy and I'm overweight! (there I said it!) I had to come to a true realization that I really am fat! I used to be a cute, energetic, hard body - and this person I've become is really gross in my eyes. So how would I expect to look good to anyone else if I don't feel good about myself?
So here I am. I've been here two weeks, but this is my first time in the forums. I have lost 6 pounds and feel like shouting it out !
I hope to make some friends, build my self esteem back up, and then take on the last part of my life with a smile.


  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Welcome Cathy! Joining MFP is your first step to becoming a new woman. Good luck.
  • laineylee
    Hi, I'm Cathy and I'm overweight! (there I said it!) I had to come to a true realization that I really am fat! I used to be a cute, energetic, hard body - and this person I've become is really gross in my eyes. So how would I expect to look good to anyone else if I don't feel good about myself?
    So here I am. I've been here two weeks, but this is my first time in the forums. I have lost 6 pounds and feel like shouting it out !
    I hope to make some friends, build my self esteem back up, and then take on the last part of my life with a smile.

    wooohoooooo, 6lb's, you rock!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    Cathy, CONGRATS on your weight loss. Its not easy.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Welcome Cathy! I am a great cheerleader so if you want to friend me I would love it! All I can say is this site really helps. There's a ton of great support here.....people going through the exact same things as you. Excellent job on dropping the 6 pounds. That great feeling makes you feel like dropping 6 more, doesn't it?!! You can do it. GO CATHY, GO CATHY
  • cweaver59
    Wow! Look at all these positive responses in only a few minutes! this is so cool - and I KNOW that with some support from great people like you - I (we) can do it! Thank you!
  • prekteacher2
    Hi, I'm Cathy and I'm overweight! (there I said it!) I had to come to a true realization that I really am fat! I used to be a cute, energetic, hard body - and this person I've become is really gross in my eyes. So how would I expect to look good to anyone else if I don't feel good about myself?
    So here I am. I've been here two weeks, but this is my first time in the forums. I have lost 6 pounds and feel like shouting it out !
    I hope to make some friends, build my self esteem back up, and then take on the last part of my life with a smile.

    Whoohoo, on your weight loss! You can do it! I have found wonderful support here that has kept me focused! Here's to a healthy lifestyle!
  • LetItBe4Sanity
    LetItBe4Sanity Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats! Six pounds is AWESOME!
  • Amber824
    Amber824 Posts: 51 Member
    Cathy, I feel the same way. If I feel gross and think I look terrible, why would anyone else think differently? I am so glad to know that I am not the only one out there who feels that way.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Keep up the good work! I'll send you a friend request.