setting myself up for failure?



  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    Go easy on yourself!! For me, MFP means I don't have to beat myself up again!
    Take a little walk, listen to something that makes you feel good.
    Slow down, and say no to people that go a zillion miles an hour and want you to be as stressed as they are!
    I take a stretch yoga class twice a week, and walk, and clean house. Sure I'll add in some other stuff, but I've been here 20 days and already lost 10 pounds eating platefuls of food! I post pix on "What's for Breakfast???"
    Soon I'll be back teaching and that means I won't have time to fix the fancy breakfast, it'll be grab and go, but I'll ask the community for suggestions....I love MFP.
    No more dieting.
    No more do or die
    No more.
    It doesn't work anyway, not for me long term.
    Dieting means I lose the weight (grim willpower and deprivation) and then I gain it back and more!!
  • helimonster77
    helimonster77 Posts: 6 Member
    I really recommend walking or biking (if you have a bike, the ability to borrow one, or the area to ride it). I have been riding my bike on a trail that is near my house and it helps me to burn a lot of calories quickly. Plus, I really enjoy it and it is low impact on joints. I do try and walk when I can't bike, as well. That has worked for me, at least.
  • osorio0203
    osorio0203 Posts: 24 Member
    No one should criticize you for the 7 min workout. It is moving and moving is always good. Don't let is get you down. I am sure that a lot of people have said.....Walk......I am gonna say that too. A half hour to an hour walk every day or every other day is a great start. Stay true to this program and the weight will come off. Honestly......if you are eating right.....exercise is a bonus for you. It is better to do both, but if you are not comfortable yet ........ take small steps. They will get you there as well.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I have the Johnson & Johnson 7 minute workout on my iPad and I really like it. I usually go through it 3 times, though, plus add a warmup and cooldown. So it comes out to almost 30 minutes and if you do it right it's HARD. So don't feel bad about starting with one round of that, anything that builds up an exercise habit is good. That being said, you should do what you enjoy so that you'll stick with it, and as you improve you'll need to ramp up your intensity to keep burning.

    And in my opinion the biggest secret is patience. Be consistent, be patient, and give yourself time to show improvement. And take a rest day when you need it. :)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    A 19 year old with not really that much to lose who's freaking out after a day of counting calories? Sounds about right.


    You're not gonna make it OP.
  • dad0921
    dad0921 Posts: 5
    Hey have you tried the app Daily Burn. It does cost, but it's only $10 a month. That's way cheaper than the gym. Here's some advice as well. I don't know if you have trouble with portion control, because that's my problem. Don't try to always get in all your calories and stress over that. Just eat less. I haven't been stressing over the calories as much as my portions. Usually with your portions in check you wont need to stress over getting to your calories. I rarely eat all my calories in a day and I feel fine. I've been back doing this for almost 4 weeks and I've lost 10lbs.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member

    Hi there , stop freaking out, make a tea or get some water and read sexy pants its what you need to get started. Once you have a plan on here then get a workout plan.

    Baby steps...

    Make friends , be active and you will see success..
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I feel like im failing because i cant seem to make any progress at all.

    You started yesterday...there's no progress to be seen in anyone at this stage.

    Just keep counting the calories, I'm sure we all got a bit ocd in the begining, but it gets easier.

    Keep working out. You will get fitter and stronger, you'll definately see and feel the benefits!

    Maybe try something like the 30 Day Shred.

    Good luck!
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    AS well as everyone else here, start with simple walking.... a brisker pace will burn a few more calories! As far as your diet, I hope you do understand you don't need to live on rabbit food! Eat the things you enjoy, simply eat LESS of them and TRACK TRACK TRACK. Ease into new things until you hit a spot that is comfortable for YOU and then stick with it.
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    Your biggest problem is not your workout, it's your mindset. I don't mean that to be hateful, either.

    What you're doing now is fine to begin with. If you haven't worked out at all or in a long time, it's fine to ease into it. You may not see substantial results this way, but that's ok. You're working your way up to being able to do a more intense workout.

    Instead of saying 'I'm not doing enough' try 'I'm doing something!'

    Next, realize this is a long term committment. Starting yesterday then getting frustrated because you haven't made any progress isn't helpful. You need to take a longer term view of things. Don't get upset till AT LEAST a week out, and even then it's way to short a time to get upset. If you haven't seen progress after a month, then start reevaluating what you're doing. Make or look for the 'need friends' threads. Having supportive friends to make this fun or at least tolerable is another ingredient of success!

    If you're going over your calories a bit here on MFP, that's ok. It's not a hard delineation between eat under this number and you'll be fine, eat over this number and you're screwed. Try this: go add some stuff to your food tracker till you get about 200 calories over then hit complete (you can easily uncomplete it and delete the selections). It should show you that 'if every day were like today, you'd weigh X lbs in 5 weeks.' You should see that even going over a bit you'll still be losing some. Unless you entered the numbers yourself, a bit of cushion is built in. Again, stop freaking out. :)

    Finally, and let me be completely clear about this: YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT EXERCISE! I've done it repeatedly, and as a wellness coach, I've seen clients do it, too. 80% or so of the battle in losing weight is based on your food choices (specifically calorie amounts).

    Again, right now, for you, the most important thing is mindset. Relax, stick with it, and track your calories and exercise. People don't end up overweight overnight, and fixing that doesn't happen overnight either.
  • bshot1
    bshot1 Posts: 44
    Hi, ive started to exercise this week recently, pretty much started on monday actually. I feel like im failing because i cant seem to make any progress at all. I keep looking at my calories and im very OCD and i feel like im going to go over and i just feel like i cant do it now. I know im not working out to my fullest extent, im am a beginner to this and ive been working out with the 7 minute workout which is an app i have on my phone. Before people criticize me about how im not actually getting a full workout.... IM AWARE. i know its not the best but i just need something to get me going right now. I dont have a gym membership because im not really in the state to get one. I plan on adding some running starting next week, but i wanted to just get myself going this week. Is there something i can do? something....anything really. I feel like im two days in and sinking.
    From my perspective, do what is maintainable in the short term with long term goals in mind. Realize those long term goals aren't going to be achieved any time soon.

    If all you can do is 7 minutes at a a time, do it 2-3 times a week. Just be consistent. Consider other activities such as lifting.

    With calories, honestly my #1 trick is already having about a dozen meals in my mind that are interchangeable in terms of calories. I wake up in the morning, preplan my meals and know exactly what I'm going to eat for the day.

    On a typical day, I know I'm going to make a grilled cheese with some chips, some waffles and 2 scoops of protein within an hour of waking up. I'll also know if I'm going to be working out or not and how to adjust my water/calorie intake. In reality, I work out maybe 40-80 minutes a week (depending on if I'm doing HIT or a 3x5 routine).

    Keep it simple, and realize between nutrition and working out, you're going to really spend a total of maybe 2 hours a week focusing on it, then go on with the rest of your life.

    Good Luck
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member
    Please don't give up, you did 7 minutes maybe tomorrow 8....keep going!!:flowerforyou:
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Congratulations on doing a 7 minute workout - you're already 7 minutes ahead of where you were on Sunday....

    Don't stress out about it, do 7 minutes today and then 8 minutes then next day, build your workout up over time.

    Be kind to yourself, you didn't gain weight over night, it took time, so give yourself time to lose the weight.
