Insanity Accountability Group



  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    Can I join too? I start week 3 tomorrow which begins with my 2nd fit test.
  • Ryzie79
    Ryzie79 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello all, I'm not doing insanity but I have done in the past so I know exactly what your going through!

    Tomorrow I'll be doing the first day of T25 so if anyone has tried this also feel free to add me
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    I just started Insanity. I'd like to join!
  • Neous
    Neous Posts: 12 Member
    My last day of Insanity is today 7/14/14
    and I'll focus on swimming and spinning for as long as i can bear it (giving myself til the end of the month) before starting a P90x3/T25 hybrid. Please do add me
  • marciebrewer
    marciebrewer Posts: 9 Member
    What is Insanity? Can someone message me some info?
  • Dancelaze
    Dancelaze Posts: 5 Member
    HI everyone! (First post on this site EVER) I've had MFP for 2 years and not done much with it :embarassed:

    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow, would definitely love some accountability and support!

  • flashfangirl_102
    flashfangirl_102 Posts: 32 Member
    How would you go about logging insanity in the fitness category? I am unsure how much you would burn from each day
  • Count me in please :') i am starting Insanity and i reaally need a motivation last time i lasted 4 days!! O.o .. i already lost 16 kg/31lbs and i am 16 years old girl .. so lets motivate eachother. :)
  • I'm in the middle of week 2 and would love to be added.
  • Runner29a
    Runner29a Posts: 3 Member
    Can I please get added to group, just started today , looking forward to the workouts!
  • I was wondering the same thing -- how on earth do I log the workouts while doing Insanity? Thankfully, I found this today that tells me a closer estimate of my calories burned:
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    I just started month 2, I'd love to join :)
  • Hi everyone,

    I just started to insanity yesterday and I think I'm doing great .I am the person almost didnt work out at all, all I do all my life swimming....always dreaming to work out regularly but whenever i start im done at day 1...
    but this time i feel more motivated, i am not even feel tired yes i do feel pain but just wanna do it....hope im not gonna loose my motivation !
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member
    Im actually doing hip hop abs right now but have the insanity videos for when the 4 weeks are done. Looking forward to it from what ive read here
  • anglia2932
    anglia2932 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Just started Insanity this week after doing 30 day shred for a while. Please can I join group? I think I'm gonna need some motivation as can barely walk today ....!
  • Mibellina
    Mibellina Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday; did the fit test LOL boy was that interesting! Count me in!
  • danfiveoh
    danfiveoh Posts: 23
    Count me in.

    Currently in week 6, but enjoying it so much I'm considering beginning it all again afterwards (but possibly dropping down to 5 days a week!)
  • samkaye49
    samkaye49 Posts: 2 Member
    Can I join too? I just complete the first week of month 2. I would love to have some people in my life who understand WHY I am doing this instead of the judgement.

    By the way, this website I am posting below is GREAT for getting an idea of your calories burned. I bought a heart rate monitor and the estimates this site gives in comparison with the monitor are dead on for me.
  • Bellabooksa
    Bellabooksa Posts: 25 Member
    I started Insanity 6/23/14 and last week my husband decided to join in with me on the workouts and clean I'm continuing week 3 until he catches up...but I'm trying to be patient and waiting to take measurements and weigh myself after month 1...But I feel better and look forward to these workouts I insane? LOL!! I have never looked forward to a workout before and this is the only one I have done that makes me sweat profusely during each workout...and I LOVE IT! I hope to get great results. I"m sure I'll need to complete the 60 day program a couple of times to get the results I want as I have about 50 pounds to lose and quite a bit of unwanted inches...but so far with the motivation of the people on MFP is really helping. For those of you who are starting I would strongly suggest getting a heart rate monitor so you know how many calories you have burned as is very helpful in your daily makes you feel good at the end of the workout and also gives you a little push to get to your maximum heart rate. Insanity will make you love it and hate it at the same time..but continuing to push play every day will give us the results we are all hoping for!! Anyone can feel free to add me as I log on daily and add my food intake and exercise routines religiously. :)
  • Me & my boyfriend have just sent off for Insanity! We are starting Tuesday as soon as it arrives!

    Does anyone have any tips? So excited to start! I am 11 stone 2 & would love to get more toned & see 10 stone again!
