New group for anyone doing The Body Fat Breakthrough!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to put it out there that I've started a new group for The Body Fat Breakthrough by Dr. Ellington Darden! Its an amazing, revolutionary program, and we could all use a little more support and motivation going through it! We can talk about his 10 Fat Bombs, commiserate about just how COLD those cold plunges are, and encourage each other through the 30-30-30 workouts. If you haven't heard of the book/program yet, look it up on Amazon or go get a copy at Barnes and Noble. Its truly awesome--his test subjects are SO inspiring, and everything is completely 100% scientifically based on what was proven in his study that he did in Florida. The diet guidelines are simple, and totally doable, and you can eat carbs!!! In fact, he encourages it! Just read the book, he explains it all, and why it works based on the laws of physics. Then come join the group!


  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i'm about to start the program myself.. i've been reading the book and it looks like a sensible program hopefully i'll get back in shape this time
  • Have been working out and lifting regularly and have not seen the results I was hoping for. I read his book, and now I am interested in giving it a try. I think what appeals to me is the possibility of results sooner, and the fact that the time commitment seems doable. You don't have to spend hours at the gym. Would love to know how it is working for any of you.
  • Do you know if you can do other workouts in between days? For example do normal strength training or light cardio on a non 30-30-30 day?
  • terrimaricle
    terrimaricle Posts: 62 Member
    Has anyone seen results yet? I just started the program today.
  • I'm currently reading the book and I'm about to start the program. Haw are your results so far!
  • Drjodiod
    Drjodiod Posts: 1
    I know the recovery/rest phase is important, hence not too frequent training sessions. Here's my dilemma: my husband and I are into cycling. If Dr. Darden is discouraging making your after dinner walk longer than 30 minutes, how can I continue to incorporate cardio that's done for fun and leisure?
  • scott639
    scott639 Posts: 1
    Starting tomorrow with the water consumption and diet plan then heading to the gym Monday to try out some negative accentuated training. My goal is to do 5 exercises of 15-15-15 seconds each for my very first time, just to get the hang of it and to set a baseline.
  • terrimaricle
    terrimaricle Posts: 62 Member
    I think the exercises are effective, I just can't stay slow. I switched to Jamie Eason's 12 week plan on

    This is my first week doing that.
  • So I started the diet and drinking the water, however, I'm completely lost on the workout part. Can someone explain to me how many exercises do I need to do, how many sets, reps and for how long each. I am sooo lost, as you can see, I'm not a very active person. My understanding is the following:

    You need to pick 10 exercises from the list, do one set of each exercise & 10 reps on each set and your total workout should equal to 20 minutes?

    I'm confused on what is a set and what is a rep :(:(
  • lqrch
    lqrch Posts: 18 Member
    HI Califabi2012

    I understand your confusion but it is really not as tricky as it seems.

    Do one set of 5-10 exercises twice a week.

    Each exercise is 1½ repetition i.e. 1 Negative - 1 positive - 1 Negative.

    If you for example do pushup(s) then you start up in plank, then go down (30 seconds) - go up (30 seconds) and then down again (30 seconds).

    This is 1 exercise, then rest for 1 minute and continue to next exercise.

    Let me know if you need some inspiration.
  • hkc2101
    hkc2101 Posts: 1
    So this is just one rep ? total time 90 seconds ? negative 30 positive 30 last negative 30 seconds ? you do one rep of each exercise and move on the next after resting for 1 minute ? so basically you do one rep for 90 seconds and total 5-10 exercises in one set and don't repeat it ?Thanks for explaining !
  • shrinkinmegs
    shrinkinmegs Posts: 9 Member
    How's the program going? Any successes?
  • esv8984
    esv8984 Posts: 1
    @hkc2101 - yep that is it and it is a killer. Was a regular lifter and I can tell you that doing 80% of my ten rep max is intense.
  • tucsonconnie
    tucsonconnie Posts: 1 Member
    I am going to start this tomorrow. I would be interested in how this is going for others. I also wonder if I can access this conversation feed through the myfitnesspal phone app.
  • I finished the book and I did my measurements and photos yesterday. I will be starting the first workout this evening. I know it's going to be harder than it sounds, but I am looking forward to it!
  • The cardio in between is what I am confused about. I can't sit around and do nothing except a 30 minute walk after dinner. I kept looking for something that said you could do cardio on your "off" days but I haven't found anything. Maybe someone else will know!
  • This is great! I am starting today so will keep all informed of progress.
  • tinkin3
    tinkin3 Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting the program today. I am interested to see how people are doing. Any updates? Also, I can't walk after dinner, so do you think it would be acceptable to walk 30 minutes after lunch?
  • dalebrod
    dalebrod Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there
    Thinking about trying this program. I'll need all the support I can get. LOL What is the first week like, and is it hard to adjust?
  • briangf
    briangf Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on week 11 and have lost 42 pounds... I haven't felt this great in ages. If I can do it, anyone can do it! The program is a little hard initially, but once I got to the point where I was working out once a week instead of twice I found myself less sore and stiff. The diet portion sort of becomes second nature.