can you lift weights and diet at the same time

what i mean by that is do you not need muscle to lift weight and its hard to build muscle and diet


  • lizziebay
    lizziebay Posts: 7
    From what I understand it is impossible to have muscle gains if you are eating at a calorie deficit. In order to build muscle you need to be eating at maintenance or slightly above so your muscles can use those extra calories to repair and grow!
  • satan__
    satan__ Posts: 11 Member
    The only reason you need to lift while on a cut, is to retain muscle tone.

    Cause otherwise you will have a ton of flab due to your cut.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    what i mean by that is do you not need muscle to lift weight and its hard to build muscle and diet

    When you are in a deficit you lose water, fat, and muscle. But, when lifting in that deficit you retain muscle. This means that while in your deficit you lose mainly fat and water while retaining muscle, thus stripping the fat away from the retained muscle. This gives you the muscle definition that most are after.

    Also, no you do not need more muscle to lift. Increases in strength don't equate increases in mass
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member
    Depends what you are going for.
    Yes, you can lift weight, build muscle and lose weight at the same time.

    Now if you want to build a lot of muscle, well you have to lift ALOT and eat ALOT, I mean, 5 to 7 meals a day,
    and you do not count calories but rather Protein.. You need x amount of protein a day, you can only digets y amount
    of portein a meal, so you have to divide X by Y and that is how many meals you need a day.

    At one point I had to eat so much just to maintain my muscle mass that I hated eating, I was not hungry, But I needed the
    protein and calories, Muscle burns lots of calories just having it on your bones. I had to force myself to chew and eating
    was just a chore, like taking your medicine.

    Now if you want to get stronger and more tone while losing weight, lifting as your exercise while dieting is just fine. it will even help you burn more calories when not working out as muscle burns calories just being there.
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member
  • Dean649
    Dean649 Posts: 39 Member

    Also, no you do not need more muscle to lift. Increases in strength don't equate increases in mass

    Agree 100%,
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Not only can you lift while dieting, it's actually a great idea. It will help you maintain your lean body mass while shedding fat. Which will give you a tighter looking body when the weight is gone.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    The only reason you need to lift while on a cut, is to retain muscle tone.

    Cause otherwise you will have a ton of flab due to your cut.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    I've lost over 100lbs and I lift heavy and have built a lot of muscle mass. I did my 1 rep max on leg press and got to 750lbs! My quads are pretty aesome too!
  • SuziRider
    SuziRider Posts: 1 Member
    It is best to lift weights as you are dieting, maintaining, or gaining, since 'Tone' is a residual percentage of muscle strength. If you don't have muscle tone under that flab, when you lose weight, you look scrawny in oversized flabby skin. ex/ 20 lbs lighter and you feel like you still look the same (fat), but the belt is a notch tighter. Weightlifting fairly heavy keeps the skin tight, along with a good high protein diet, a LOT of dark vegetables, a handful of berries, and Omega3+balanced Optimal-level natural vitamins (such as Ariix or Truestar) everyday. I also recommend Iodoral (iodine) if your metabolism has been slowed by previous dieting or if you do not eat a lot of kelp and ocean fish regularly(iodine deficiency is HUGE in the US right now!)

    Power = how fast you can move a large weight, such as Olympic weightlifters and Crossfitters do. Some of the strongest guys are pretty wiry.

    With weight loss, the bench press falls off the fastest. Working legs (the largest muscles)makes the bench go up, since it stimulates the body chemicals needed to repair and build muscle.

    I have competed at the National level in powerlifting and bodybuilding, and so have had my bodyweight up and down and all over the place between the two (and Life in general).
    A healthy low-carb diet, strength exercise, and adequate recovery (including sleep) is everything for success in getting healthy, fit, and looking good naked.

    A good 'Fast track' book for the ladies is Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove, and her husband Alwyn Cosgrove has a few books for the guys that will answer the question in detail. Dr. David Brownstein has a good book on Iodine, which will also detoxify the body(thus increasing fat loss).
