Breastfeeding and weight loss?! help!

Ok I am 22 years old and I just had my first baby 6 weeks ago. Which is the best thing ever! But last year I usedMFP to lose 47 lbs and started NROLFW. During my pregnancy I gained about 53 lb (had to stop nrolfw due to dizziness while prego) but 23 of them fell off within the first week after having her. I was instructed by my doctor not to exercise until my 6 weeks was up because of injury during the birth.
Anyway, I am exclusively breastfeeding and everyone assured me the weight would "fall off" . I was eating around 2200 cals a day and actually started putting weight on!! Eeek! So I dropped the cals down the 1650 but that only stopped the gain and didn't cause me to lose any. According to my TDEE I should eat 1535 cals for a 20% cal reduction. But they recommend an extra 500 cals for breastfeeding. Thats obviously not working so should I try the 1535?! I don't want my milk to deplete from calorie reduction!


  • adistarmom
    Sorry...I'm new here, but I saw your question and wanted to give you my two cents. Some people can have the weight fall off very soon after giving birth, but a lot of people don't loose it all until AFTER they are done breastfeeding. I would be very careful because once you lose your supply, it can be very difficult to get it back. Trust me, this is my third time around breastfeeding and my baby was so laid back that he didn't wake to eat as often as he should have and my supply dropped. I worked forever to get it back and I did get most of it back, but it was a nightmare! I would cut down your calories slowly and stick to it for awhile before dropping your calories more. I wouldn't drop them much though. You're body is going to need it. Enjoy this time....even though it's hard to accept the extra weight right now, it will come off in time and your baby will thank you for it.
  • breesie11
    breesie11 Posts: 3,478 Member
    My advice is to not focus on the amount of calories you are eating right now, just eat healthy foods that are good for you when you are hungry and drink plenty of water. Not everyone loses weight while breastfeeding, but its only been 6 weeks and you should just focus on getting plenty of rest, recovering, and building a good supply. I never got a supply with my kids and trying so hard to get one is one of the worst experiences ever and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Just focus on eating healthy and worry about losing the weight in a few more months. Congratulations btw :flowerforyou:
  • Tldavis3s
    Tldavis3s Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you ladies. I'll try to give it some time but I plan on breastfeeding a year at least and would rather not remain so much over my previous weight. I started some cardio back and will hopefully start by weight training as well. Maybe that'll kick off what I need. Even at the 1650 cals/day my supply is still doing great so hopefully I can lose these pounds.
  • honee_bear
    honee_bear Posts: 28
    My advice is to not focus on the amount of calories you are eating right now, just eat healthy foods that are good for you when you are hungry and drink plenty of water. Not everyone loses weight while breastfeeding, but its only been 6 weeks and you should just focus on getting plenty of rest, recovering, and building a good supply. I never got a supply with my kids and trying so hard to get one is one of the worst experiences ever and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Just focus on eating healthy and worry about losing the weight in a few more months. Congratulations btw :flowerforyou:

    I agree. Six weeks may be too soon, and you should eat healthy for you and your baby. I breastfed and can't remember the time frame, but lost below my pre-pregnancy weight. It couldn't have been too soon after because I remember having to visit my doctor, and I was soooo big that the nurse thought I hadn't delivered yet :sad:

    I also had a problem with milk production; however, I did some research, and began taking the herb fenugreek. The results were phenomenal!! I breastfed for a little over a year, and never had any issues with production. This is not a commercial for fenugreek...just telling you what worked for me. Hope this helps!
  • 3proud
    3proud Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I tried losing after the initial loss after birth (I lost like 15-20 the first week out). I tried to cut back the first 4 months and the weight wouldn't come off at all. Then at 4 months I started counting calories to 1800 total and the weight fell off (I lost the last 10 plus 10).

    Then when she started solids it has started to creep back a couple pounds (and I stopped counting for a while). I am still nursing at 15 months.

    My advice would be to count calories to 2000 total until you are out of the "4th trimester" (around 3 months) to give your body a break and make sure your supply is established. Make sure you are getting sufficient protein and water!

    Then around 4 months reassess and possibly drop the calories to 1800 and add some exercise. Don't go below 1500 for more than a day because it could affect your supply.

    Some women will hold on to weight no matter how many calories they cut while they are nursing but that was not the case for me. The weight wouldn't come off before 4 months no matter what I tried though.

    Best of luck! Enjoy nursing, it is a wonderful gift.