Lost 70 pounds, still feel the same?

I was just curious if anybody else has lost a significant amount of weight and not been as thrilled as they expected? I know I lost a bunch of weight and always get positive comments but I still feel like the same girl. I don't feel healthier or any better about my body just yet. I still have 20-30 lbs to get where I want to be, do you think I will feel the difference then? Also anybody have tips for getting rid of that last bit of stubborn weight?


  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I'm about 70lbs fatter than I used to be and I don't feel different. I definitely look different though and probably as I get older being this heavy will be more weight on my joints than how fat I was before.

    I used to think being fat had made it harder to walk long distances, up hills etc, but after I made an effort to do those things I realised actually it was that I had started to become more sedentary on account of moving to a town that was all flat instead of hilly like my old town.

    Also I snore now. I hope after I lose the weight I stop snoring.
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    Only time will tell, keep doing what your doing because it seems to have worked so far. As you lose weight your character shouldn't change just your health. There is probably something else going on in your life that is not satisfying you. Great job and keep it up! Whether you feel healthier or not, what you have done it is a great accomplishment and you are healthier.
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    76lbs down .... and whilst others see the difference, I still feel there's a way to go.

    Comments like "don't lose any more; you'll look thin and gaunt" aren't helpful. Sure ... I KNOW I look different from before but people are only comparing me to the OLD ME that WAS big ..... so yeah - I can see where they may be coming from.

    Truth is, I'm still only just down from obese into overweight according to BMI (which I don't pay much attention to) .... but I would like to lose another 7-10lbs.

    Bizarrely, on Friday I was at Thorpe Park theme park and queued for one of the rollercoasters. I made a b-line towards the "modified seats" in rows 4 and 5 because they fit the bigger people. My wife had to pull me back and say "...but you don't need to go in those seats...". Sure enough - I got into a normal seat and there was PLENTY of room to spare.

    It was only at that moment that I realised what I had achieved to date.

    ....but I know I can do more...
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    I'm about 70lbs fatter than I used to be and I don't feel different. I definitely look different though and probably as I get older being this heavy will be more weight on my joints than how fat I was before.

    I used to think being fat had made it harder to walk long distances, up hills etc, but after I made an effort to do those things I realised actually it was that I had started to become more sedentary on account of moving to a town that was all flat instead of hilly like my old town.

    Also I snore now. I hope after I lose the weight I stop snoring.
    That definitely makes sense, maybe my age has something to do with it as well. Thank you for the input and best of luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    76lbs down .... and whilst others see the difference, I still feel there's a way to go.

    Comments like "don't lose any more; you'll look thin and gaunt" aren't helpful. Sure ... I KNOW I look different from before but people are only comparing me to the OLD ME that WAS big ..... so yeah - I can see where they may be coming from.

    Truth is, I'm still only just down from obese into overweight according to BMI (which I don't pay much attention to) .... but I would like to lose another 7-10lbs.

    Bizarrely, on Friday I was at Thorpe Park theme park and queued for one of the rollercoasters. I made a b-line towards the "modified seats" in rows 4 and 5 because they fit the bigger people. My wife had to pull me back and say "...but you don't need to go in those seats...". Sure enough - I got into a normal seat and there was PLENTY of room to spare.

    It was only at that moment that I realised what I had achieved to date.

    ....but I know I can do more...
    That is awesome! Way to go! I have not visited a theme park since I have lost the weight, it would be interesting to see the difference in the seats lol.
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    Only time will tell, keep doing what your doing because it seems to have worked so far. As you lose weight your character shouldn't change just your health. There is probably something else going on in your life that is not satisfying you. Great job and keep it up! Whether you feel healthier or not, what you have done it is a great accomplishment and you are healthier.
    Thanks for the encouragement! I hope i feel different once I do :)
  • cookiekrunch
    cookiekrunch Posts: 65 Member
    ME, ME, ME!!!!
    In my head I still see that 260 lb person. In the mirror, I see the 70 lb weight loss, but still have the "Old Me" mental image in my head. I made it to my first 2 goal weights and am not happy because I am still considered overweight. Now I am working on another 35 lb weight loss. Hopefully, that will make me happier with my body image.
  • captaindle
    captaindle Posts: 30 Member
    I have lost and gained a lot of weight a couple times and I can tell you that it takes a while for you self image to catch up with your body. When I got thin, I still felt fat for a while. When I got fat, I still felt thin for a while. Just keep doing what you're doing and I promise, your brain will catch up. Amazing work so far! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok first by looking at your picture I can't even see where you still have 20 pounds to lose.

    Second, yeah. I'm not happy, probably never will be, but I have loose skin so I'll never have a flat stomach anyway. I feel WAY healthier though... but that comes with fitness. There's no way I could have run 3 miles even 6 months ago. But I still focus on the fat I still have, even if there is much less now than there used to be, obviously.
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    ME, ME, ME!!!!
    In my head I still see that 260 lb person. In the mirror, I see the 70 lb weight loss, but still have the "Old Me" mental image in my head. I made it to my first 2 goal weights and am not happy because I am still considered overweight. Now I am working on another 35 lb weight loss. Hopefully, that will make me happier with my body image.
    Sounds like we are in the same boat, first off you have done an amazing job! I wish you the best with that last bit of weight :)
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    Ok first by looking at your picture I can't even see where you still have 20 pounds to lose.

    Second, yeah. I'm not happy, probably never will be, but I have loose skin so I'll never have a flat stomach anyway. I feel WAY healthier though... but that comes with fitness. There's no way I could have run 3 miles even 6 months ago. But I still focus on the fat I still have, even if there is much less now than there used to be, obviously.
    Haha well thanks, but mostly in the middle. I also have loose skin :/ I think there is some subcutaneous fat as well thought and want that gone. I am really hoping the skin will tighten a bit, I was told it could take 2 years.
  • crikey_katie
    crikey_katie Posts: 136 Member
    I have lost and gained a lot of weight a couple times and I can tell you that it takes a while for you self image to catch up with your body. When I got thin, I still felt fat for a while. When I got fat, I still felt thin for a while. Just keep doing what you're doing and I promise, your brain will catch up. Amazing work so far! :)
    Thanks for the encouragement :) I sure hope it catches up! It's funny I felt less fat when I was fat, so I get what you are saying!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I feel the same way, I hope my head catches up with my body soon.
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    I have lost and gained a lot of weight a couple times and I can tell you that it takes a while for you self image to catch up with your body. When I got thin, I still felt fat for a while. When I got fat, I still felt thin for a while. Just keep doing what you're doing and I promise, your brain will catch up. Amazing work so far! :)

    THIS! Basically sums up how I felt when I lost 70 pounds a few years ago. I call it "Fat Girl Syndrome." I got lots of compliments but I just couldn't see it. When I started to put the weight back on, I was under so much stress that I didn't even realize it was happening until my pms jeans didn't fit me anymore. And even at that, it was summer so I got away with wearing yoga shorts and capris and didn't SEE that I was gaining weight until I'd gained a lot of weight back. It takes a while to get that image out of your head. I've heard that before and after pics side by side help. Also, it's been suggested to me that therapy might help with dealing with the whole body image issue. Maybe even a make over might help as well.

    You've done great! Keep it up!
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I'm down 61lbs. I feel completely different than when I was 240+

    15-20lbs more and I should be where I want to be.
  • YukiAsuna
    YukiAsuna Posts: 12 Member
    I feel like sometimes we get really concerned on working on what we see on the outside that we forget to also do some healing on the inside. There are a lot of reasons why the weight was gained to begin with (depression, issues with food, death in the family, inability to grieve healthily, etc). Emotional/mental transformation is just as important as the outer transformation. If you are not happy with whatever is bothering you internally you'll never be happy with what you see externally.