Eating Out

Hey guys this is probably every dieters problem but I was just wondering if you had any tricks. I usually go out on the weekends with friends and we usually wind up eating dinner out, so the food isn't too healthy. Do you have any tricks for when you are out with friends and at a restaurant. Also what are some low-cal drinks? I'm 23 and I'm not a heavy drinker but I occasionally go out for drinks with friends. I really just do not want to forgo my social life for my diet. So I'm quite confident you have some tricks of the trade so to speak.


  • aeragusa
    aeragusa Posts: 40 Member
    I try to eat a light snack/salad before I go out. When your meal comes to the table, ask for a box and put half of it away before you even start eating.

    Try vodka, soda and lime. I think 2 oz of vodka is around 65 calories, and the soda has none.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Have a plan and know where your going before you go. Most places have a web site that has nutritional info on it. Choose what fits you and don't even look at the menu. Applebees has skinny margaritas for 100cals a piece.
  • alyssa83202
    I always plan ahead before eating out and find out if they have any low calorie options (and a lot of places do!). I also only get water to drink, so I'm not help there.

    Sometimes, restaurants will even have portions of the menu with meals that are under a certain amount of calories or they will have symbols next to low fat or low calorie meals, so look out for anything like that! And remember that a serving at a restaurant is a lot bigger than an actual serving in most cases!
  • shananigins16
    shananigins16 Posts: 9 Member
    I usually look up the restaurant online before I go out and look at their menu. I find that when I'm in the restaurant I'm tempted more with all the great smells in the restaurant to pick something that isn't the best for me than when I'm at home. You can pick what you want to eat and then when you get to the restaurant, don't even open the menu.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Eat really healthy during the day so you have the max number of calories available. Look at a website prior whenever possible. STOP EATING when full and take the rest home for the next day (saves money too).

    Budweiser Select is 55 calories.
    Stay away from mixed drinks like Pina Colada....the more mix the higher the calories. Straight drinks are lower calorie.
  • MayaPapaya64
    Exercise before you go out, so you can eat more.

    Light beer (Amstel is good), wine, vodka with soda water and lime, or champagne are good choices over like, margaritas.

    If your meal comes with a side of fries, ask for salad instead or steamed veggies.
    If you get a sandwich, don't eat the bun, or only eat half the bun (open faced).
    Go for non-creamy soup.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't worry about my weekends. I don't go crazy, but I don't keep to my calorie goal or exercise either. It hasn't hindered my progress at all. As long as I meet my calorie goal, including eating exercise calories, and exercise during the week, I still lose my desired 1 pound per week, and often it's a little bit more.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Check out the nutritional values of the food before going to dinner if it on the website. If not, eat baked chicken or fish. Tell the waitress no sauces or butter, just seasoning. And steamed veggies.

    When you drink alcohol that gets burned off first before fat remember that. There are spritzers that are less calories and taste great made with fruit juices. Just make sure they use fruit juice and not fruit syrup.
  • mrslotfy
    I'll look up the restaurant beforehand if nutrional value is available. If not try to make healthy choices...don't eat the bread that's always put out on the table. Order what you want, but stay away from the sauces that can really up calorie content. Only eat half of the meal and opt for seasonal vegetables instead of french fries. I love drinking the Miller 64 beer.
  • ksills5
    ksills5 Posts: 20
    If I go out to drink I make sure it's a place where there's a dance floor so I can dance some of the extra calories off :wink:
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    I try to eat a light snack/salad before I go out. When your meal comes to the table, ask for a box and put half of it away before you even start eating.

    Try vodka, soda and lime. I think 2 oz of vodka is around 65 calories, and the soda has none.

    YES, box half BEFORE you start to eat. If you're like me, you'll not want to quit eating until your plate it empty. Therefore, deny yourself to begin before you box 1/2. :smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    I would try to plan ahead.Eat healthier during the day,exercise more.Plan ahead what you may eat.Drink slow and eat slow.Try not to finish the whole meal as resturants tend to give big portions.Have fun!
  • nate1198
  • cfarwick21
    Great tips guys thanks so much!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    My basic rules:
    -- Know the menu (I check out restaurants online and download their menus, and choose my options BEFORE I go.
    -- If someone asks "where should we go" I offer suggestions of a few restaurants where I know the menu and my healthful options.
    -- If they want to bring chips or bread, I wave 'em off before they get to the table (they actually know this ... lots of us do that). If other folks may want the items, I just don't even get started on them.
    -- I drink water or sugar free drinks or if it's a cocktail, I order a drink with just liquor and something sugar free or water (less calories than most beer and wine).
    -- I ask them to leave the buns and veggies "dry." Most restaurants brush their "steamed or grilled" veggies with a oily seasoning mix adds up to 200 calories a serving.
    -- I ask for my dressing on the side, and dip the tip of my fork into it and then into the salad. I get a little with each bite and use only a fraction of what I'd otherwise have used.
    -- If I'm really cutting dressing calories, I'll ask them for no dressing but to bring me balsamic vinegar and I use that. No calories to count! No croutons or cheese ... that helps, too.
    -- Typically a safer choice than even most salads (yep, that's crazy, huh?) is a small sirloin steak. If you get six ounces of sirloin and ask for it to be done without any extra oil, you know what you're getting and can count it.
    -- sweet potatoes "cinnamon, no butter" are actually yummy with a little splenda on them. Yummo!
    -- Sometimes, I'll ask for a to-go container with my meal and immediately portion half of it into the container, close it up and commence with enjoying my meal.
    -- Clear broth soups are good choices. Tortilla soup is great -- I ask 'em to leave off the tortilla chips and cheese and it's still yummy!

    Hope that helps!
  • carmen62
    Ask for an entree size as a main meal.
    Never add bread.
    Match any alcoholic drink with a glass of water.
    Know how many drinks you are going to have before you go out and stick to it. Once a certain amount is in the system, you will easily throw caution to the wind.
    Choose alcohol or desert, not both.
    Whatever you get, eat slowly, savour it, enjoy it.
    Exercise in the morning and eat cleanly throughout the day. Then you can really enjoy yourself and not sweat over every calorie. You don't want to live in a state of guilt. We can all have a night out if we plan for it.