What's with exercise calories on MyFitnessPal


for two days I was putting down my excercies, mainly cycling. It seemed ok: light effort, 6 minutes (to work), around 30 calories.

I wanted to check in today, I've choosen the same exercise, but instead of 30 calories, I get 299 calories? What's going on? I believe that for 6 minutes bike ride through city to work 299 calories is far too much...


  • TVlj
    TVlj Posts: 2
    Oh, I got it. :)) I've put down my weight wrongly! Instead with 54,3 kg I've checked in with 543 kilos! Ha ha ha.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Either you entered the time as 60 minutes or you got your settings seriously mixed up. As your ticker said something like "500kg to go" before you changed it I'm guessing your settings were wrong.

    Delete the entry and re-add the exercise.

    Bingo - posted simultaneously!
    30 cals for 6 mins for gentle cycling sounds reasonable.
  • jadefrearson977
    jadefrearson977 Posts: 2 Member
    i have a similar concern so interested to see what peoples opinions are on this ....:ohwell: